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  • Awesome Ways To Help You De-Stress
    It's time to take back control when life feels uncertain…

    Dealing with the world can feel pretty darn hard sometimes, don’t you think? And if regular life isn’t enough to contend with, the last few years of ‘you-know-what’ has helped not one bit. Hands up if you’re still working in a makeshift office in your already cramped apartment? Or if you continue to shiver at the thought of all those months of figuring out home schooling? It’s true, the world really threw us a curve ball in 2020. And we don’t mind admitting, it’s been a lot to deal with ever since. 

    According to the American Psychological Association (APA), mental health statistics have continued to worsen since 2020 with things like health issues, money problems and global uncertainty being major sources of people’s daily worries. And when life feels too much, your mental wellbeing is often the first thing to take the strain.

    Stress can manifest itself in many ways. From skin breakouts and digestive issues to chronic headaches and restless nights of (no) sleep, it’s clear your mental health plays a major part in your physical health. But minimizing the stresses of daily life isn’t something that can be solved with the click of your fingers. It takes time, thought, and, if it becomes serious and/or long-term, often requires professional help.

    There are also some important ways to help deal with minor stress that you can do at home. Of course, if you feel like things have gotten out of control and you’re finding it hard to cope, you should always seek help from a qualified mental health expert. But if your stress is manageable and you think a few tweaks to your lifestyle could really help, we’ve got your back with these simple, yet effective de-stressing tips...

    4 Of Our Favorite Ways To De-Stress

    1. Write Stuff Down

    One of the most common, and simplest ways to help you clear your mind of negative thoughts and give yourself some kind of clarity, is to write things down in a journal. Channeling your thoughts onto paper not only helps you release stress, but the process allows you a few moments to yourself to breathe, relax and focus on something other than life.

    Dedicate 10 minutes or so every day to write down what’s bothering you. And don’t worry about grammar or spellings, you’re not trying to impress anyone, it’s just a way to vent your feelings and release tension. One of the best times to do this is before bed because it helps you get things off your chest, allowing your mind to switch off and thus help you get a better night’s sleep.

    Another great trick, further down the line, is to look back on your journal and read about the things that get under your collar. This helps you understand your stress triggers which, in turn, can go a long way to avoiding or at least controlling them.

    2. Prioritize Some Me-Time

    Juggling work, family, friends and home life makes it way too easy to put yourself last. Bad idea. Your health is extremely important and if you’re not functioning well, everything else will suffer in the long run. It’s a bit of a vicious circle when you think about it.

    Research shows that people who take care of themselves have much lower levels of stress and burnout. This is why me-time is so important. Time to spend with yourself, with nobody bothering you for anything. And a great way to achieve this without fleeing the country for a week? With an at-home pampering session in the comfort of your very own bathroom.

    Choose an evening each week to lock yourself away with a relaxing playlist and a couple of scented candles. Run a bath, take a soak and read a book. Maybe do some deep breathing while your skin enjoys the powers of a deep cleansing face mask. Whatever makes you feel special and calm works for us.

    When you’re done, treat your skin with your favorite serum – we’re all over our new Peptide Facial Serum right now – apply Peptide Eye Gel, then finish with Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to set up your skin perfectly for a great night’s sleep. Stress can really takes its toll on your skin so it’s vital to look after it!

    3. Try A New Hobby

    There’s countless proof that hobbies are an awesome way to reduce symptoms of depression and stress. From learning a new musical instrument to knitting or stand-up paddle boarding, focusing your attention away from the difficulties in life, puts yourself in a whole other headspace without really thinking about it. What’s more, learning a new skill or partaking in a new activity can be extremely fulfilling and joyful. It might even lead to something bigger like a new profession or entire new group of friends. And we say a huge ‘yes’ to that.

    4. Look After Number One

    Hobbies and me-time are all well and good, but looking after yourself 24/7 should be your first priority. Your diet, for a start, should be balanced, well-rounded and packed with energizing, nutritious foods like antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies, nuts, seeds, lean protein and oily fish. Studies also show that processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol are the devils when it comes to stress as they promote the release of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol. It’s therefore prudent to limit these as much as possible. Don't completely starve yourself of the odd treat every now and again. Just don't make them a daily habit.

    Looking after yourself, however, isn’t just about eating well. Exercise is also super important. The big caveat, of course, is that you have to find something you actually enjoy doing, rather than forcing yourself into something you hate. Yoga and pilates are awesome for de-stressing your mind while improving your strength and releasing happy hormones into your body. But you might not enjoy those kind of physical activities which means you a) won’t stick to them and b) won’t get the best from them. And that’s totally fine. Think about what you do like and work your activities around that. Basically, anything that gets your blood flowing will reduce your stress levels and improve your mood both in the short- and long-term. Exercise will also improve your sleep and boost your energy. Major kudos for that.




    Skincare Tips
    Awesome Ways To Help You De-Stress
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  • Is Your Skin As Healthy As It Can Be?
    If not, we can help with that...

    Healthy skin might sound like the stuff of pipe dreams, but if you forget about striving for perfection, it’s not so out of reach. It’s really more about looking after your skin as best you can – making good lifestyle choices, nailing an awesome skincare routine and cutting down on the things that might upset your skin both in the short- and long-term.

    Your skin is the largest organ of the body and it’s super important for, well, life. It might not help you breathe or pump blood around your body, but it provides essential protection for your entire body and, just like your lungs and heart, it’s darn important. Not only does the skin regulate body temperature and protect your internal organs, but it also prevents potentially toxic germs, viruses and infection from entering the body as well as vital fluids from escaping.

    As we said, important stuff.

    So, what can you do to look after this essential organ and ensure it’s a) doing its job properly and b) looking its absolute best?

    Here, we share our five top tips for healthy skin…

    5 Ways To Improve The Health Of Your Skin

    1. Keep Your Skin Clean

    Dirty skin can’t function properly, so it’s vital to maintain a consistent cleansing routine that removes oil, dirt, sweat and environmental pollutants from the surface.

    Whether you prefer a water-based cleanser, oil, cream, lotion or micellar water it’s important to choose a gentle formulation that’s free of parabens and sulfates so that it does a great job without stripping your skin of essential oils. All of our cleansers are dermatologist tested and formulated without the most common nasties. What's more, there’s something for everyone in our range. We’re currently in love with NEW Tea Tree Super Cleanser which is crisp, fresh and perfect for removing impurities without leaving the skin tight or dry.

    Cleanse your skin morning and night to remove surface debris, and avoid using scorching hot water (this is just as drying as chemical-laded cleansing products). Use a gentle touch to massage your skin all over – neck included – then gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. That hand towel everyone uses in the bathroom? Unacceptable.

    Finally, while we’re on the subject of cleanliness, it’s just as important to keep anything that touches your face clean. This means laundering your bed linens weekly (more often for pillowcases), cleaning your makeup brushes and smartphone frequently and washing your hands more regularly than you’re already doing. All of these things will keep bacteria away from your skin, helping to reduce breakouts and other skin woes.

    2. Eat More Nutritional Food

    It’s all well and good looking after your skin from the outside, but aging develops underneath the surface, so truly healthy skin must start from within. And this means you need to think about what you eat.

    A well-rounded, balanced diet is the key so make sure you include tons of fresh fruit and veggies to get your daily intake of skin-loving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Other skin-loving goodies? Omega-3 fatty acids which are fabulous for regulating sebum production while improving the fatty acid composition in your skin. All this is awesome for helping to reduce irritation, dryness and dehydration.

    But that’s not all. Things like selenium, zinc and lutein are also great additions to your diet, helping to protect your skin, reduce inflammation and aid healing.

    The over-riding rule is thus: avoid things like processed meats, sugar, fried food, carbs and too much salt. And swap them out for fruit, veggies, oily fish, olive oil, nuts, poultry and pulses.

    Research has also shown that reducing your calories may be another way to help slow down the rate at which your skin ages. So there's that...

    3. Drink Less Wine

    While there’s nothing wrong with the odd glass of wine/hard seltzer, too much booze can totally kill your skin’s mojo.

    Alcohol expands your blood vessels and inflames the tissue which can make your skin look way redder than normal. Sure, this is temporary to begin with, but keep drinking the hard stuff and after a few years this will turn into facial redness that just won’t go away.

    Booze also sucks moisture from your skin causing dehydration and the inevitable fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, it causes your sebaceous glands to go into overdrive, which makes your skin look super greasy. Not to mention the added woe of more frequent breakouts.

    Our advice? Drink less units of alcohol… and less often. And remember, clearer alcohol is better, so if you’re going to sip on anything go for spirits like vodka, gin or tequila, mixed with soda water (zero sugar, yay!) and a squeeze of lime.

    4. Be Kind To Your Skin’s Barrier Function

    Your skin is split into three main layers: the subcutaneous layer (the fatty section deep down at the very bottom); the dermis in the middle (where the blood vessels, nerves, sweat and oil glands live) and the epidermis which is the top layer you can see.

    Right at the top of the epidermis is what’s called the stratum corneum. Built from around 20 layers of cells this uppermost layer is kind of like a brick wall, made from keratin and held in place by ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. Together with your skin’s NMF (natural moisturizing factor) it’s your body’s first line of defense against the environment. And this is what’s known as your barrier function.

    The reason your barrier function is so important for healthy skin is because it works super hard to keep all the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. If it’s in great shape, it helps your skin stay soft, supple, moisturized and free from irritation, dryness and sensitivities.

    Everyone’s barrier function is different and it’s one of the main causes of sensitive skin so if this is you, take it as a sign that yours is compromised. But don’t freak out, because there are plenty of ways to look after and strengthen your barrier function to help improve the health of your skin.

    Harsh cleansers are a no-no (see above), as is over-exfoliating your skin and showering or bathing in scorching hot water.

    Then there’s moisturizer. Moisturizers are extremely important for the skin as they seal in hydration, balance sebum production and keep your barrier function in tip-top shape. Use one after every cleanse (and this includes your body as well as your face) and try applying yours to slightly damp skin to further increase hydration in your skin. We love Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer every morning and Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream before bed.

    5. Say A Big NO To The Three ‘S’s – Stress, Smoking & The Sun

    Three of the worst things for the health of your skin? Stress, smoking and the sun.

    Stress triggers all manner of skin issues as it unbalances your hormones, increases inflammation and impairs your barrier function, reducing its ability to retain moisture and fight off potentially damaging irritants. Of course, stress can be hard to manage but breathing exercises, me-time, good sleep and a well-rounded, balanced diet are all great for your mental wellness.

    Smoking, on the other hand, contains a whole barrage of chemicals (more than 4,000!) that destroy collagen and elastin and cause the blood vessels in your skin to narrow, therefore restricting its access to nutrient-rich oxygen. Cue sagging skin, uneven tone, poor texture, dullness and dehydration. The answer? Quit. Need help with that? Check out these tips from former smokers.

    And finally, the sun. Ask any skin expert to recommend the single most important thing you could do for the health of your skin and they will all say wear sunscreen. Sunlight causes skin aging and, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, regular use of sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by up to 50 percent. This means it’s not only vital for the health of your skin, but the health of your entire being.

    Wear SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen every morning without fail. We’ll end it there.



    Is Your Skin As Healthy As It Can Be?
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  • How To Make Your Skincare Go That Extra Mile
    Feel like your skincare routine isn’t quite cutting it? Here’s how to make it work harder… and better.

    An awesome skincare routine is all well and good, but if you’re not using your products properly, or applying them in the correct order, you’re never going to get the optimal results you deserve.

    Skincare is a fine art and, while it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to moisturize your face, knowing the finer details that help maximize a product’s potential can result in some major differences to the look, feel and health of your skin.

    Here’s how to kick-start your routine into doing the best job it can for your skin.

    Rule #1: Always Read Your Labels

    Are you guilty of buying a new product and using it right away without so much as glancing at the label? Big mistake. Sure, you might have spent the last 30 years cleansing your face with zero issues because, come on, how difficult can it be? But it’s worth bearing in mind that not all products are created equal. Some cleansers are formulated to be used without water, others are meant to be applied to damp skin and massaged into your skin for few minutes. And how do you know which is which if you've not read the fine print?

    Reading the instructions is super important and will help you get the most from each and every product in your routine. It’ll help guide you in terms of how often to apply as well as how much to apply. So do it. No arguments.

    Rule #2: Use Your Products In The Correct Order

    This is another one that might sound obvious, but gone are the days when skincare routines were basically cleanse, tone, moisturize… and you’re done. Now there are tinctures, oils, essences, serums, gels, lotions, and all sorts to get your head around. And if you apply them in the wrong order, then they might not work correctly. Money. Down. The. Drain.

    The general rule of thumb when it comes to layering skincare formulations is to cleanse and tone first (obvs) then work from your thinnest to your thickest product. The simple fact is that thinner products aren’t able to penetrate through the thicker stuff so you need to build up to the big guys. This means that after toning, you should apply your serum first, then your eye treatment, moisturizer, face oil and finally – in the mornings anyway – sunscreen. Of course, your specific regimen doesn’t need to include each and every one of these steps, but if it does, then this should be your order if you want to get the best results.

    Rule #3: Apply Your Treatments To Damp Skin

    To turn up the efficacy of your products, full throttle, always apply your first treatment product to moistened skin. This could be an exfoliating toner such as Ocean Minerals Super Toner or an antioxidant serum like our new Peptide Facial Serum. But whatever it is, try to apply it within the first minute of cleansing. The reason for this is that damp skin is more permeable than dry skin which makes it far more receptive to active ingredients like vitamin C, glycolic acid, MSM and peptides.

    Gently pat your skin with a clean towel after cleansing so just a small amount of water is left on the surface, then, using fingertips, apply your treatment product all over your face and neck. Simple, but super effective.

    This being said, there is one exception to the rule, and that’s to avoid doing this if you have skin that’s particularly sensitive to certain ingredients like retinol. Retinol is a potent (but awesome) little beast that can easily irritate sensitive skin. So if you apply it to damp skin you could exacerbate these irritations. Instead, apply it to dry skin, after patch testing first, and you'll likely get along with it way better.

    TruSkin Peptide Facial Serum

    Rule #4: Know That A Serum Is The Absolute Key For Targeting Skin Concerns

    Facial serums might not be absolutely essential for clean, moisturized skin but if you really care about your complexion and the rate at which it ages, facial serums are everything. The bare minimum skincare routine is, of course, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. But if you have concerns like acne, blocked pores, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin and the like, and you want to really target them with your skincare, you simply HAVE to include a serum (or two) in your daily routine.

    Serums are formulated differently to moisturizers and have a smaller molecular structure. This means they’re able to penetrate the surface of your skin quicker and deeper to hone in on your particular skin gripes. Getting really peeved by dull, patchy skin? Then a moisturizer is essential, for sure, but it will never give you the same results as an antioxidant treatment serum like our best-selling Vitamin C Facial Serum.

    Not sure where to start with choosing the right serum for your needs? Not a problem. Check out our helpful guide right here. And remember that important order: serum comes after cleansing and toning, and before moisturizing. Always.

    Rule #5: Understand The Importance Of An Awesome Nighttime Routine

    Your morning routine is great for waking up your skin, replacing lost moisture and preparing yourself for the day ahead, but overnight is when the real business happens so it’s vital to prepare your skin for eight hours’ worth of healing, regenerating and repairing time before you hit the sack.

    At night, blood flow to your skin increases, collagen production speeds up, cell turnover accelerates, free radicals get nixed by your body’s natural defense system and your skin’s barrier function works hard to restore itself. All good stuff, we think you’ll agree. But how can all this happen if your skin is covered in crud that’s built up on the surface during the day? Well, it can’t. Not properly, anyway. So you simply have to cleanse properly with a gentle but effective face wash before bed. We have three awesome cleansers to choose from depending on your skin type and needs – check them out here. Then, after cleansing, apply a collagen-boosting treatment serum like Retinol Facial Serum followed by Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to help seal in moisture.


    How To Make Your Skincare Go That Extra Mile
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  • Need Help Relaxing? We’re Here For You
    Because you're important and you deserve a break.

    Knowing how to switch off after a hectic day of office work, Zoom calls, housework, children juggling, personal admin and general ‘life’ is not something that comes easy for all. Sure, there are those lucky few who find unwinding as easy as riding a bike (who even are those people?!), but for most of us, chilling the heck out is tricky business.

    In this crazy digital world we live in, it’s easy to spend your evenings watching countless episodes of the latest must-see show on Netflix while constantly diverting your attention to your smartphone. In fact, studies show that the average American checks their phone 58 times per day. Once more, 50 percent of these check-ins start within just three minutes of the previous one. So, why is this so terrible? Well, it’s not the end of the world, but if you have trouble with stress it’s not the best use of your me-time. After all, can you honestly switch off when you’re constantly idling through TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram? Probably not.

    We wouldn’t dream of telling you to throw away your digital devices for good just so you can relax a bit more. Because, quite honestly, social media isn’t to blame for everything. However, try putting your phone aside for an hour every evening to concentrate on the now. Trust us, it’s weirdly lethargic!

    Once you’ve got this important habit nailed, try these other proven tricks for helping you to be more relaxed.


    Of course, stretching is important for your physical health, but did you know it’s also an awesome way to improve your mental well being? Stretching relaxes your muscles, reduces tension and increases serotonin which is the hormone responsible for boosting your mood and regulating your sleep. Basically, it feels damn good – both physically and emotionally – and is the ideal way to shake off negative thoughts and help you relax.

    Yoga and pilates are great workouts for stretching your full body but if that’s not your jam, there are plenty of simple stretches you can do at home to relieve tension. A simple one you can do every morning is to lie on your back with your arms above your head. Then stretch your toes and fingers in the opposite direction, hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat a few times. Other easy stretches you can do every morning include the classic child’s pose and downward dog.

    Connect To The Outside World

    Nature is a powerful thing so, if you can, step outside and take a few minutes to breathe in some fresh air and cherish the great outdoors. Even better, go for a short walk (minus your smartphone!) and take in your surroundings – it’s an extremely therapeutic way to clear your head. Short bursts of vitamin D (because, contrary to what we usually tell you, the sun isn’t ALL bad!) may also help boost your immune system, improve your energy levels and lift your spirits. Just remember to protect exposed skin with a broad-spectrum SPF like our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C before heading outdoors.

    But what about if you can’t get outside? No problem, you can still benefit from nature by looking at photos of green spaces like fields, forests and woodlands on your computer. Studies show this can have just as much of a calming effect as the real thing. Who knew?

    Listen To Your Favorite Tunes

    Music also plays an important role in your mental health, helping you reduce stress and inducing a more relaxed state of mind. The key, however, is to choose the right tunes, of course! And that all depends on your taste. Have a think about the type of music that makes you feel calm and positive. This could be anything from Mozart or Native American music to flutes or instrumental beachy vibes – whatever takes you to your happy place. Not sure where to start? Then look out for meditation playlists on your favorite streaming service that have pieces of music which play at around 60 beats per minute. Experts consider this the ideal tempo for relaxing your mind.

    Plan Some Pampering ‘You’ Time

    Very little beats the feeling of spending some quality time looking after yourself. This helps shift your focus from stressful thoughts and brings your attention to you and you alone. So, let’s all make a plan to give ourselves a spa-like facial one evening this weekend, shall we? Not only will it help you relax and sleep better, but it’ll do wonders for your skin at the same time. What could be better than that?

    Here’s how to crush a skin and mind-loving facial at home.

    1. Create A Calming Environment
    Put your phone away, lock the bathroom door and ensure whoever you live with knows to leave you alone for an hour. Light a scented candle (or two!), turn on some relaxing music and wash your hands.

    2. Cleanse Your Skin
    Spend five minutes cleansing your skin with Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser. Use your entire hands to work it over your face and neck and use the pads of your fingers to massage it in circular motions all over. This will help boost circulation and remove build-up.

    3. Steam Clean
    After cleansing, fill your sink with hot (but not boiling) water, then cover your head with a towel and hover your face about 12 inches above the water for 10 minutes. The steam will soften your skin, open your pores and further draw out trapped oil and debris. You could even add a few drops of calming lavender oil if that floats your boat.

    4. Apply A Face Mask
    After patting your skin dry, apply your favorite face mask and relax for another 10 minutes while reading a book. Heaven!

    5. Treat & Moisturize
    Rinse off your mask, gently towel-dry your skin then apply Vitamin C Facial Serum to flood your skin with antioxidants, MSM and hydrating hyaluronic acid. Finish with Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream and you are done.

    Finally, Breathe…

    Last, but not least, breathe. Deep breathing slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and experts agree it’s one of the most effective techniques for reducing anxiety and helping you learn to relax.

    There are many different breathing exercises you can practice for a calmer state of mind, but the simplest is 7-11 breathing which requires you to breathe in deeply from your diaphragm for a count of seven, then out for a count of 11, for a total of around ten minutes. Why breathe out for longer? Well, this has shown to be more effective at stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system and relaxing your body and mind.

    Whatever technique you choose (and there are plenty to read up about on the internet), the most important thing to remember is to focus on your breath while inhaling and exhaling slowly and deliberately.


    Skincare Tips
    Need Help Relaxing? We’re Here For You
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  • Why You MUST Apply Sunscreen All Year Round
    Oh sunscreen: you’ve got to love it for its valiant effort in the war against wrinkles. But, actually wearing it on a daily basis? Kind of annoying, right? Well, not any more. Say hello to one of the latest additions to the TruSkin family, SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C.

    Facial serums are awesome for fighting off environmental nasties and targeting all manner of skin concerns. Toners are also fabulous for treating your skin and preparing it for moisturizer. But in terms of non-negotiable essentials, the big three are, without a doubt, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. After all, without a daily ritual of keeping your skin clean, moisturized and protected, you may as well not bother with the rest.

    Now, all this chat isn’t meant to make you throw away your much-loved skin allies. Far from it. Serums, eye creams, toners and oils are extremely powerful tools for flooding your skin with hydration, antioxidants, peptides and nutrients. What we’re trying to stress, however, is the importance of the skincare fundamentals.

    And sunscreen is one of, if not THE most important of those fundamentals.

    The Importance Of Daily Sunscreen

    Speak to any beauty editor, dermatologist or skin expert and they will undoubtedly agree on one thing: daily, broad-spectrum sunscreen is crucial if you care about maintaining healthy skin. It’s the most important way to ward off the signs of premature aging (beware dark spots, lines and wrinkles), but not only that; according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, regular use of SPF 15 can reduce your risk of developing certain skin cancers by as much as 50 percent.

    And it’s not just when you’re lounging on the beach or picnicking in the park that sunscreen is important. In fact, you should really be wearing it on exposed skin every day of the year. Dramatic? Not even. The sun is present even when it’s cold outside because sunshine is about light, not just heat. So, while you might not feel the sun beating down on your skin on cold, cloudy days, it’s still there doing its thing. If it wasn’t? Well, frankly, it would be nighttime. UVB rays (the ones that burn your skin) are strongest in the summer, for sure, but they can still burn your skin if you’re not careful. What’s more, those equally-as-treacherous UVA rays (that ones that are responsible for deeper skin aging) are constant all year – rain or shine, blue skies or clouds. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, up to 80 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate right through clouds.

    Mic. Drop.

    Your New BFF In The Fight Against Sun Damage

    No matter how many times we talk about the damaging effects of the sun, it’s clear that applying sunscreen every day can seem like a real chore for many. We’ve heard all the excuses in the book, from ‘sunscreen makes my skin breakout,’ to ‘I don’t have time for yet another step in my morning routine.’ Well, we hear you. And this is why we decided to launch our very own SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen to help deal with the damaging effects of the sun while being a product you might actually want to use.

    Stacked with skin-protecting ingredients like our favorite free-radical-busting antioxidant, vitamin C, along with vegan marine collagen to enhance elasticity and moisturization, and aloe vera juice to soothe and shield the skin, SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen can be used on top of moisturizer or instead of – your choice. If your skin is super-dry, you’ll love it as an addition to your Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer, but many customers say they use it instead of moisturizer, applying it after their favorite hydrating serum to lock in moisture and protect their skin. So, that extra step you didn't want to deal with? Done.

    The Secret Sauce

    Recently awarded one of the Absolute Best New Sunscreens for 2022 by Stylecaster, the secret to SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen’s success is its smart non-nano zinc oxide formulation. Bear with us for a minute while we explain the science.

    As you probably know, there are two main kinds of sunscreens available: chemical and mineral. Chemical sunscreens use chemical ingredients (dur!) like octisalate and oxybenzone to absorb UV radiation and help protect your skin from the sun. The problem with these are that they can be irritating for acne-prone or sensitive skin. Plus, the FDA is still unsure as to their safety and effectiveness. That’s what we call a major red flag, right there.

    Mineral sunscreens, on the other hand, contain, yes you guessed it, minerals like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide which instantly block the sun’s rays. These naturally protect your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation and are very well tolerated by all skin types. The only downside to mineral sunscreens? They’ve traditionally felt thick and sticky to apply and often leave a white residue on the skin. Many mineral sunscreens use nano-sized zinc oxide because its tiny size means it’s less whitening on the skin. The only problem there is, is that certain studies indicate that nano particles have the potential to negatively affect the environment, causing harm to marine life.

    As you know, we’re not down with that. At all. Which is why we worked out a way to formulate non-nano zinc oxide into our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen. A non-whitening, lightweight cream that won’t leave your skin feeling heavy or weighed down. It's also cruelty-free, vegan friendly and reef-safe, which makes it the perfect addition to anyone’s morning routine.

    Fast becoming a TruSkin fan favorite, now you have NO excuses not to protect your skin from sun damage every day of the year.

    Literally none.


    Why You MUST Apply Sunscreen All Year Round
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  • Everything You Need To Know About UV Protection
    If you're an SPF-all-year kind of person, hats off to you. But if you're not quite there yet, hopefully we can change that by filling you in on the dangers of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

    If only the sun made your skin as happy as your heart. But as delightful as it is to feel the warm rays of sunshine on your skin, the perils of what’s going on just below the surface are simply not worth it.
    The truth is, as far as your skin is concerned, the sun is the enemy. If you suffer with dermatitis or rosacea, you’ll be well aware of how heat from infrared radiation can irritate and inflame your skin. And don’t even get us started on prickly heat which occurs when blocked pores trap sweat under your skin, causing blisters and bumps that itch and burn like crazy.

    No fun at all.

    But the sun isn’t solely about heat. For where there is sun there is also sunlight. And along with sunlight, comes ultraviolet (UV) radiation – the biggest cause of premature skin aging and skin cancer. Let us explain…

    What Is UV Radiation? The Science Bit

    The sun is split into many forms of energy called the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of the electromagnetic spectrum is invisible to the naked eye and thankfully the earth’s atmosphere protects us from exposure to a lot of the harmful stuff.

    But even the light that does reach the earth, which falls mainly in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum, has its pros and cons. Infrared radiation creates heat, visible light encompasses everything you see and ultraviolet radiation? Well, other than providing your body with vitamin D which, granted, plays an important role in bone and muscle health, its effects are mainly bad. And they all concern your skin.

    But first, it’s important to understand the difference between the three types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC. Bear with us for few more science facts and then we’ll move on: promise.

    The Difference Between UVA, B and C

    UV radiation is split into three types of rays with various wavelengths. UVA rays have the longest wavelength and are able to penetrate right through the atmosphere. UVB rays have slightly shorter wavelengths which means that some get absorbed by the ozone layer, but most work their way through. And then you have UVC rays which are the shortest of the lot and are completely absorbed by the atmosphere. Phew.

    This makes your main concerns UVA and UVB rays.

    Due to their longer wavelength, UVA rays penetrate right through clouds and windows which means two things. 1. They’re present all year round, and 2. They can still get you, even when you’re inside. Their wavelength also allows them to penetrate deeper below your skin’s surface into the dermis where they can have disastrous effects, producing skin-damaging free radicals, upsetting collagen and elastin production, indirectly harming DNA and accelerating the visible signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging and discoloration.

    UVB rays, with their shorter wavelength, are often filtered by clouds and only penetrate the outer layers of your skin. But this doesn’t mean they’re any less damaging. Far from it. In fact UVB rays are responsible for causing redness, sunburns and directly damaging DNA. They’re also thought to be the root cause of most skin cancers.

    Protecting your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation, therefore, is super important. In fact, it could not be more important.

    How To Protect Your Skin From UV Damage: Your Sun-Safe Checklist

    1. Make Sunscreen Your Top Priority

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sunscreen is one of the most important ways to shield your skin from damaging UVA and UVB radiation. But it’s not enough to grab any old formulation, slap it on your skin and hope for the best. You must also ensure these important details are always top of mind…

    • Understand Your SPF: Sunscreens must have an SPF (sun protection factor) which denotes how well they block out UVB radiation. SPF 15 blocks around 93 percent with anything above that adding just a small amount of extra coverage. It's generally agreed, however, that SPF 30 is the sweet spot because most of us don’t apply enough product! But remember, SPF only speaks to UVB protection, not UVA. This means you must always look for formulations that are labelled ‘broad-spectrum’ to ensure you have sufficient protection from both. Good news: Our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen checks both boxes.  

    • Don’t Scrimp: Speaking of your application, to help you get the protection that’s promised on the bottle, you should apply a good two tablespoons to your body and a nickel-sized amount for your face. And if you’re in the sun for longer periods of time? Then make sure you reapply every two hours at the very least.
    • Know That Waterproof Sunscreen DOES NOT EXIST: According to the FDA there is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen because they're always going to eventually wash off. Sunscreen can be water-resistant for 80 minutes at best, so check your product before hanging around in a pool for hours.
    • Go Mineral, All The Way: The FDA currently deems just two sunscreen ingredients as safe and effective – zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are mineral sunscreens that sit on your skin and reflect UV radiation before it has a chance to do damage. This is why our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen has been formulated with non-nano zinc oxide. Because it’s the best!

    2. Cover-Up & Embrace Shade

    Broad-brimmed hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, pants and maxi skirts are great for providing protection from UV radiation so try to cover-up whenever you can and especially during the midday sun. UV radiation is at its strongest between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun’s rays have less distance to cover.

    Also, make the shade your BFF. Good shade from dense trees, walls, large rocks or an umbrella can protect your skin from around 15 percent of UV light. And that’s not to be sniffed at.

    3. Avoid Tanning Beds Like The Plague

    The sun isn’t the only source of UV radiation. Tanning beds use fluorescent lightbulbs that emit a huge amount of UVA radiation, with a little UVB thrown in for good measure. What’s more, studies show that this type of artificial UV radiation can be up to three times more intense than natural sunlight.

    Add to this the fact that most people don’t apply sunscreen before jumping on a tanning bed and this whole sorry affair is asking for trouble.

    Say NO to tanning beds. End of.

    4. Love Your Vitamins

    Exposure to the sun causes free radicals which, as you know, love to ruin your skin, destroying important proteins, breaking down collagen and elastin and making your skin age up lightning fast.

    Thankfully, antioxidants are to free radicals what Batman is to the Joker. A total killjoy. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E neutralize free radicals to limit their damage and help keep your skin strong, supple and resilient. We combine these two free radical-fighting powerhouses in our Vitamin C Facial Serum which makes this a great morning treatment to apply underneath your moisturizer and sunscreen to amp up your protection game.

    5. Check Your Skin

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will develop melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, in their lives. What’s more, the majority of these cases can be attributed to UV exposure. We repeat: protect, protect, protect...

    It’s also vital to regularly examine your skin and specifically your moles. When caught early, skin cancer has a 98 percent cure rate, so if you notice anything that looks suspicious you should immediately get it checked out by a skin specialist or doctor. Not sure what a suspicious mole looks like? The Skin Cancer Foundation has a great guide here to help you detect the warning signs.



    Everything You Need To Know About UV Protection
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