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  • Not Down With Retinol? Try These Just-As-Good Ingredients For Aging Skin
    Retinol is arguably one of the most lauded skincare ingredients out there. We don’t dispute that. But if you don’t get on with retinol, what are the alternatives? Read on for eight other skincare greats that can be just as effective for aging skin.

    Retinol? We approve. In fact we have a whole bunch of skincare formulations, including an awesome serum and moisturizer, based around this skincare powerhouse. However, while its benefits to your skin are undeniable, it’s not the only ingredient that helps aging skin. Sure, it’s been proven time and again to nudge collagen synthesis and encourage faster cellular turnover. And yes, this simultaneously works to improve the visible appearance of pimples, dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles. But retinol is not without its faults. Ask anyone with sensitive skin and they will attest to its sometimes irritating, redness-inducing qualities.

    The good news is that when retinol isn’t playing ball, there are tons of other incredible ingredients that can help deal with your skin woes just as well. Some might even be a more effective option for you – depending on your skin goals, of course. So let’s check them out, shall we?

    1. Bakuchiol

    New (ish) to the skincare game, but already giving retinol run for its money, bakuchiol is your guy if you’re looking to replicate the effects of retinol, but are so not in the market for dryness, redness, peeling or irritation.

    Bakuchiol (pronounced bah-koo-chee-awl) is nature’s best alternative to retinol. Extracted from the seeds and leaves of the babchi plant, it’s been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and, if recent clinical studies are anything to go by, it’s shown real promise for dramatically improving the surface of the skin. How does it do this? By stimulating collagen synthesis and accelerating cellular turnover at a deep, below-the-surface level. And if this sounds familiar, that’s because this is exactly what retinol does. The difference is that bakuchiol is more gentle on the skin so has way fewer side effects. If any at all.

    We’re big fans of bakuchiol (if you couldn’t tell!) and based an entire range of healthy aging formulations on this awesome ingredient. Try the lot with our Longevity Regimen Bundle which includes Renewing Moisturizing Cream, Depuffing Eye Cream and Rejuvenating Serum to tackle the signs of aging from all angles.

    2. Ceramides

    We know you’ve heard of ceramides, but do you know what they actually are? Well, ceramides are important lipids found naturally in your skin’s structure where they play a major role in the efficiency of your barrier function, binding your cells together while helping your skin to maintain strength, stability and protection from the outside world.

    Unfortunately, skin loses ceramides as it ages and this compromises your barrier function, resulting in anything from the odd bit of dryness through to rough texture and some serious premature aging. Not cool.

    Topical ceramides, however, can be a great addition to your skincare routine, boosting moisture, strengthening your BFF (barrier function friend, that is!) and, in turn, helping to fight back against wrinkles and sagging skin. Try our fabulous Firming Collagen Day Lotion and Smoothing Collagen Serum dynamic duo to get your fill.

    3. Glycolic Acid

    As a fully paid up member of the AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) club, glycolic acid is a chemical exfoliant that helps accelerate cell turnover by breaking the bonds between dead skin cells and encouraging them to split. Retinol does the same, albeit it in a very different way.

    Full disclosure, glycolic acid’s potency is on a par with retinol so it does have a tendency to overpower certain sensitive skin types. But as long as you use it carefully, introducing it slowly and not overdoing it, it can be a great way to brighten and smooth the skin while helping to fade dark spots.

    Glycolic acid is also a smart choice if you’re looking to reduce acne breakouts. (Ha, no thanks we’ll keep them as they are, thanks – said nobody, ever!). It works by helping to keep your pores clean and free of dead skin cells, which makes them appear tighter and stops them from becoming blocked and inflamed. Want in on some of that? Then treat your skin with 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant two or three times a week. You won’t regret it.

    4. Hyaluronic Acid

    Without a decent amount of hydration, skin is nothing. Moisture helps keep your skin plump, soft, smooth and youthful-looking, reducing the appearance of redness, fine lines and wrinkles while smoothing rough texture and firming sagging skin. It figures, therefore, that if you don’t keep your well hydrated it will age up in no time. And no amount of retinol will be able to stop it!

    Enter hyaluronic acid (HA) to the skincare scene. A master of hydration, HA can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, drawing moisture to the surface of your skin when applied topically. It’s also very well tolerated by all skin types (your skin naturally contains HA so, of course it loves it!).

    Granted, hyaluronic acid doesn’t have the ability to boost skin turnover, but don’t hold that against it because it does have antioxidant powers to protect your skin against environmental free radicals and safeguard your all-important collagen and elastin supplies. We’ll take that. Try our Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum and see for yourself what a fantastic ingredient it really is.

    5. MSM

    Otherwise known as methylsulfonylmethane, MSM is a naturally-occurring form of sulfur that’s regularly used in skincare. It often gets overlooked, however, because big guns like retinol, vitamin C and glycolic acid like to take all the glory. Pretty unfair if you ask us – especially because it’s so freakin’ good!

    Sulfur is one of the most important elements in the human body and it’s often touted as the ‘beauty’ or ‘healing’ mineral because it accelerates healthy blood flow, reduces inflammation, and plays a key role in the production of collagen and keratin. MSM does all this AND works hard to fight environmental damage by helping to increase your production of glutathione, one of the body’s most important, naturally occurring antioxidants.

    MSM also gets extra bonus points for increasing your skin’s permeability. This allows toxins to escape more easily and enhances your skin’s ability to absorb all those delicious, active ingredients in your skincare products, allowing them to penetrate the skin quicker and deeper. AKA better. Try our turbo powered Vitamin C Super Serum+ for your fix of MSM… as well as other skin-restoring greats.

    6. Niacinamide

    Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 and a total powerhouse for mature skin, helping to address all manner of concerns including dehydration, discoloration, dryness, poor texture, fine lines, wrinkles and even redness and irritation.

    An absolute go-to for sensitive souls, niacinamide is an awesome alternative to retinol because it’s well tolerated by all skin types and even helps to calm and soothe irritation caused by chronic skin conditions like rosacea and eczema. It works by increasing the production of ceramides in the top layers, helping to look after that all-important barrier function and improving the strength, resiliency and moisture levels of your delicate skin. As you know, dry skin is terrible for the appearance of line and wrinkles so anything you can do to help maintain a legitimate amount of hydration will simultaneously help your skin look more youthful and glowy.

    Niacinamide also fights free radicals and regulates oil production so it’s a pretty fabulous choice for oily, aging skin. But that being said, it’s a pretty fabulous choice for ALL skin types. Which is why our Niacinamide Facial Serum is such a baller.

    7. Peptides

    When it comes to boosting your supplies of skin-loving collagen and elastin, peptides have your back. How so? Well, just like proteins, peptides are chemical compounds made up of amino acids. And because they’re so closely related – peptides are short chains of no more than 50 amino acids, whereas proteins are much longer molecules of multiple peptides – peptides signal your skin to be more efficient in its synthesis of vital proteins like collagen and elastin. Some peptides also encourage your skin to produce more hyaluronic acid which is great for hydration and free radical protection.

    Of course, some peptides are better than others. Many are unstable, some are too large to be able to penetrate your skin and others just don’t perform that well. So make sure you’re looking for the good ones when choosing your anti-aging weapon.

    Matrixyl 3000, for example, is a combination of two peptides that has been independently proven to boost collagen in your skin, offering true results for a whole host of skin concerns including fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and hormonal breakouts. We also love palmitoyl tripeptides-1 and -5, and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7 which combine to offer a true force for pumping up your much-needed supplies of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Find them in our incredible Peptide Facial Serum.

    8. Vitamin C

    Last, but never least, is vitamin C which, as you know, means the world to us at TruSkin. With no less than eight skincare formulations based on the prowess of this antioxidant dreamboat, we basically live and breathe vitamin C. No word of a lie!

    The reason we love it so? Simple. Vitamin C is one of the most trusted and clinically-proven ingredients known to skin. It provides the very best in environmental protection (read stronger, healthier skin), controls melanin production (hello brighter skin and a more even skin tone) and gives your sunscreen an extra helping hand to shield your skin from the daily onslaught of damaging UV radiation. All of this adds up to stronger, youthful-looking skin that maintains its firmness, radiance, smoothness and evenness. Yes, even if you are closer to 80 than 20 ;)

    Our classic Vitamin C Facial Serum is always a winner, no matter your skin type, but you must also try the divine Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream before bed each night to restore your skin as you sleep and power it up for another day.

    Skincare ingredients
    Not Down With Retinol? Try These Just-As-Good Ingredients For Aging Skin
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  • The Ingredients That Make Our Longevity Range So Darn Good
    Packed with some of the most forward-thinking (and super effective) ingredients in skincare, our Longevity range is everything for healthy, aging skin. So, let’s get acquainted, shall we?

    It’s not often we pat ourselves on the backs, but at the end of 2023 we launched a complete new range of awesome, healthy aging products called Longevity. Brimming with incredible ingredients and with three expertly formulated products, we’re super proud of this range. It’s also been getting some excellent feedback on Amazon with reviews like: “This eye cream has truly been a game-changer for me,” and “I’m sensitive to retinol products, but this makes my skin feel so soft and hydrated.”

    True praise indeed.

    We figured, therefore, that it was time to tell you a little more about the range. Consisting of three products, Renewing Longevity Moisturizing CreamDepuffing Longevity Eye Cream and Rejuvenating Longevity Serum this collection is all about its innovative ingredients which are specifically formulated to help skin age healthily and beautifully. We know how much you love to learn about skincare ingredients so we figured you’d love to hear more about the five powerhouses that make Longevity so unique and effective.

    So, here we go…

    1. Bakuchiol: The Retinol Alternative

    Bakuchiol has made headlines over the last five years, but if you’re still none the wiser, here’s the lowdown.

    A botanical extract derived from the leaves and seeds of the Psoralea Corylifolia plant (commonly known as babchi), bakuchiol has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for years to treat skin ailments and diseases. Thanks to its popularity in Ayurvedic practices, it started making its way into western skincare around 2007. And it quickly showed a lot of promise because of its similarities to the gold standard of skincare, retinol.

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock for your entire life, you’ll be well aware that retinol is one of the most highly regarded ingredients for improving the tone and texture of the skin. It works at a cellular level to rev up turnover and encourage healthy collagen production, making it a shoo-in for both aging and acne-prone skin. But the thing with retinol is that it’s potent. Like, really potent. So much so that it doesn’t suit all skin types, often causing facial redness, excess dryness, irritation and itching. Which is no one’s idea of a good time.

    Of course, there are plenty of alternatives out there that work on similar issues (ceramides, peptides, antioxidants and exfoliating acids to name just a few) but nothing before has ever been compared so closely to retinol as bakuchiol.

    This is why we simply had to base our corrective, aging products around this absolute gem of a skincare ingredient. All the powers of wrinkle-reducing, skin-smoothing retinol with way fewer side effects? We’d have been fools not to.

    2. Coffeeberry: The Free Radical Terminator

    One of skin’s biggest enemies is the free radical. Free radicals are nasty components that form in your skin when it’s exposed to external aggressors like UV radiation, pollution, stress and cigarette smoke. They’re bad news because they screw up your collagen and elastin supplies, having the knock-on effect of encouraging premature lines, wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin. As we said, bad news.

    A proven way to combat free radical damage is to throw topical antioxidants at your skin. And, while we’re huge fans of vitamin C (*understatement of the year, right there!), we’re nothing if not open to other antioxidant ingredients. And coffeeberry extract fits firmly into this camp.

    Derived from the fruit that surrounds the coffee bean, coffeeberry extract is chock full of antioxidants and some studies suggest that it has up to 10x the antioxidant powers of other topical ingredients. We call that a pretty strong argument for using it in skincare products for mature skin. So that’s exactly what we did! And you’re welcome.

    3. Glycerin: The Hydrating Classic

    While we love being at the forefront of skincare technology and exploring nature’s finest new ingredients, we loathe to ignore the classics. And glycerin might be an oldie… but it’s a real goodie.

    TruSkin Renewing Longevity Moisturizing Cream

    Sometimes known as glycerol, glycerin is one of the most effective humectants in skincare. In fact, research suggests it’s the most effective humectant you can use on your skin. Even better than hyaluronic acid (HA). This is because it has a lower molecular weight than HA which allows it to penetrate the skin deeper and quicker.

    But wait, what do humectants do? Well, they’re the wonderkids of hydration, drawing water to the top layers of the skin like tiny little magnets. This helps to replenish your skin’s natural moisturizing factor, increasing hydration and minimizing water loss while also encouraging healing and better protection from that bad old world we live in. For such an unassuming ingredient, it's pretty powerful stuff… and something you’ll find not only in our Longevity range but across a whole bunch of TruSkin favorites. We salute you, glycerin.

    4. Lingonberry Stem Cells: The Anti Blue Light Hero

    Berries are big in the superfood world, but few pack the punch of lingonberries which are literally loaded with active plant compounds such as vitamins and polyphenols (basically super-charged antioxidants).

    With small, bright red berries and glossy green leaves, the lingonberry plant is a hardy evergreen that’s commonly found in northern American forests as well as northern Europe and Canada. Again, it’s not as common in skincare as other fruits, but it’s great for adding hydration and blocking those pesky free radicals that love to cause havoc deep within your skin. In particular, these smart stem cells have been shown to protect the skin against blue light damage (aka high energy visible, or HEV light) which surrounds us everyday thanks to the sun as well as your smartphones, computers, TVs and other digital devices.

    TruSkin Depuffing Longevity Eye Cream

    Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum which means that, unlike UV radiation, you can see it. It’s pretty good stuff because it’s high in energy and proven to boost your mood, improve memory and increase mental alertness. However, it’s been linked to eye damage and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you expose your body to blue light late at night, it throws your sleep way out of whack. It’s also seen as a real enemy to your skin because, just like UV rays, it produces free radicals which damage DNA and destroy collagen and elastin.

    Protection is key, people, and lingonberry stem cells are your gals.

    5. Snow Algae: The Pink Powerhouse

    You might not have seen snow algae on the skincare shelves before (or in your local park for that matter!), but don’t let that fool you, because it's a true force to be reckoned with.

    Snow algae is found in the ice caps and mountain tops of some of the coldest, most extreme climates in the world. Although it’s green at warmer temperatures, snow algae turns pink when the mercury drops and levels of UV radiation increase. This is why it’s often referred to as pink, red or watermelon snow. Why the color change? Well, this produces a clever defense system which protects snow algae from harmful UV radiation and allows it to thrive in such extreme, frigid conditions where most plants would stand no chance.

    TruSkin Rejuvenating Longevity Serum

    Pretty cool, right? Well, it’s just as cool for your skin. In fact, research shows that when applied topically and regularly, snow algae not only offers amazing antioxidant properties (take that, free radicals) but also activates certain enzymes and genes to restrict energy to your skin. This encourages them to work more efficiently which, in turn, accelerates DNA repair, boosts collagen production and slows down the aging process to help fortify your skin’s barrier function and strengthen your skin.

    Fancy getting in on all these skin-regenerating, age-loving ingredients? Then you must try our fantastic Longevity range, right here.


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    The Ingredients That Make Our Longevity Range So Darn Good
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  • The Products We Swear By For Bright, Dewy Skin
    The truth is, glowing skin will always be in.

    Oh, the heady heights of glowing, healthy skin. Whether you prefer to use the term ‘bright,’ ‘glowy,’ ‘dewy’ or ‘radiant’: we can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t want their skin to be described by one (or all!) of these words. Why is it such an elusive and lusted-after skin condition? Because no matter your skin type or how many wrinkles you do or don’t have, nail that radiant glow and everything else pales into insignificance.

    But, how to get glowing skin? Now there’s a question that has as many answers as we’ve had hot dinners.

    You can start with what goes in your body, of course, taking a look at your diet and ensuring you chow down on plenty of antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies and cut back on things like booze, sugar, salt and processed carbs. This helps nix skin-damaging free radicals to ensure your skin turns over efficiently and remains healthy from the inside out, making it a great place to start.

    There are also things like exercising outdoors to get your blood flowing, massaging your skin as you cleanse, getting plenty of shut-eye and faking it with highlighting makeup and shimmering face powders.

    But skincare is our thing, so today we’re going to focus on that.

    There are many awesome ingredients and products out there that claim to rejuvenate your skin and freshen up your complexion, but what are the true tried and tested contenders? Keep scrolling for, what we believe, are five of the best products for glowing skin.

    1. The Definitive Glow-Giving Facial Serum 

    Let’s get one thing straight, there’s no better skincare ingredient for boosting a radiant glow than vitamin C. Vitamin C (otherwise known as l-ascorbic acid) has been researched to death over the years and it’s been proven to offer all manner of skin-boosting benefits – glowier skin being just one of them.

    So how does this powerhouse work? Well, further to its antioxidant powers, which in themselves are great for strengthening your collagen supplies and improving cell turnover, it also helps slow down melanin production. Melanin, as you know, is what gives your skin its individual color and, when you expose your skin to UV radiation, it’s also what makes you tan. However, melanin production isn’t always smooth sailing. In fact, many triggers such as unbalanced hormones and too much sun can make your melanin go all over the place, resulting in patchy skin, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. No fun. No fun at all.

    We believe vitamin C should be a staple in anyone’s skincare regime, but we also understand that it’s a potent ingredient that can cause sensitivities in certain skin types. This is why we infuse all of our vitamin C products with a milder version called sodium ascorbyl phosphate.

    When it comes to looking for your perfect match for brightening your skin, you could literally take your pick of our entire vitamin C range, but for a classic favorite, you can’t go wrong with Vitamin C Facial Serum. We believe it’s a winner. Over 140,000 people on Amazon agree with us. We rest our case.

    2. The Moisturizer With The Most

    TruSkin Renewing Longevity Cream

    If you’re yet to try our new Renewing Longevity Moisturizing Cream you are missing out. It doesn’t contain vitamin C – because choices – but it is powered up by another ingredient that’s already making headlines for all the right reasons: bakuchiol.

    Bakuchiol is nature’s alternative to the mighty retinol. Extracted from the seeds and leaves of the babchi plant, it’s fast becoming hot property in the skincare world due to its extraordinary skin benefits (just like retinol) and lack of irritating side-effects (unlike retinol!). We mean no offense to retinol, of course, because it’s still one of, if not THE gold standard of skincare. However, it’s not for everyone and bakuchiol has undergone plenty of studies that show it’s right up there, stimulating collagen synthesis and accelerating cellular turnover in a very similar way to rid your skin of unwanted dead skin cells and help improve your radiance factor.

    We have a whole collection of products that harness the powers of bakuchiol but for a great introduction to the range, try this deliciously smooth moisturizer that’s ideal for all skin persuasions, including sensitive skin.

    3. The One That’s In It For The Long Game

    Admittedly this one might not make your skin look immediately radiant but c’mon now, patience is everything. And in all honesty, this is unarguably the single most important product you could use for glowing skin, healthy skin, smooth skin, strong skin, the works.

    So what is this too-good-to-be-true product we speak so highly off? Simple. Sunscreen. Now don’t roll your eyes at us in a ‘not that old chestnut’ fashion because we don’t bang on about sunscreen just to pee you off. We do it because we care about your skin.

    The simple truth is that if you don’t protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays, your collagen supplies will dwindle, elastin will get destroyed, dark spots will appear and cell turnover will decrease. This all leads to dull, lackluster, sad-looking skin. And that’s just touching the surface. 

    Ensure you apply a quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen every morning without fail to make sure your skin doesn’t get caught up in all that damaging nonsense.

    Try our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen which also comes packed with sodium ascorbyl phosphate (that supercool vitamin C derivative we spoke of earlier) on top of hydrating ingredients like squalane and cucumber, plus vegan marine collagen to help target fine lines and sagging skin.

    4. The All-Important Skin Exfoliator

    If your pores are filled to the brim with sebum, sunscreen, makeup and dead skin cells, your skin stands no chance of being smooth and radiant. Dead skin cells, in particular, create the perfect storm for dull skin.

    One of the simplest ways to keep your skin clear from complexion-killing pore plugs is to use a chemical exfoliator like 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant two or three times a week. Chemical exfoliation works by using certain ingredients –commonly fruit acids – to break down the glue that holds dead skin cells together. By doing so, they’re an incredible way of forcing these unwanted cells to sling their hook so that the fresher, brighter ones can make their way to the surface. And unlike physical exfoliation which uses pressure and movement (like scrubs and cleansing brushes), chemical exfoliation, when done correctly, is far less damaging and irritating.

    Our fabulous 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant combines a carefully crafted blend of three exfoliating acids along with organic reishi mushroom and hyaluronic acid to combat dehydration and help soothe and nourish the skin. Because, btw, dehydration will also kill your glowy skin vibes.

    5. The Dewy Skin Spritz

    Convenient and effective, our Ocean Minerals Super Toner is often glossed over in our line-up of skincare greats, but it’s a real goodie in the quest for a revamped complexion. Not only is it formulated with two key skin-brightening players – vitamin C and glycolic acid – but it also contains power-packed peptides, collagen-boosting MSM and over 90 revitalizing marine minerals. All this adds up to some serious love which helps to remove dull, dead skin cells, detox your pores and smooth the surface for a more balanced, even skin tone.

    It's an awesome addition to your skincare routine and takes just seconds of your time to apply. So, why not?

    Why not indeed.

    The Products We Swear By For Bright, Dewy Skin
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  • How Collagen Supplements Can Take Your Skincare To The Next Level
    Here, we take a look at everything ‘collagen’ to see how supplements, along with smart skincare and better lifestyle choices can help preserve your skin’s most important protein.

    With layer upon layer of intricate cells, alongside nerves, veins, fat and glands, the structure of your skin is not easy to get your head around. And that’s OK, because you don’t need to know the ins and outs of every inch of your skin. One thing you will be fairly familiar with, however, is collagen.

    Not only is collagen a huge player in your skin (more on that in a minute) but it’s an extremely big deal in the skincare world. From creams and serums to pills and powders, collagen supplements and topical formulations are often touted as the ‘fountain of youth.’ Now, that might be exaggerating just a tad – after all, nothing can stop the sands of time! – but there’s definitely something to be said for using collagen-enhancing products to keep your skin looking and feeling its absolute best. In fact, we believe in it so much we have an entire range of collagen products designed to strengthen, protect and encourage healthy aging – inside AND out.

    Here's everything you need to know about your skin’s vital protein, plus exactly how supplements, skincare and lifestyle habits can be collagen-transformingly good!

    What Is Collagen?

    Collagen is, without question, the most abundant protein in the human body. Ever present in your bones, cartilage, tendons, blood, muscles, hair and, of course, your skin, it’s made up of a combination of amino acids and has a dense, fiber-like structure which acts like a kind of glue to give tissue the strength it needs to function.

    As skin goes, collagen is produced just beneath the surface of the dermis and it works with all the other good stuff like elastin, ceramides and hyaluronic acid to support and reinforce your skin’s structure while maintaining elasticity, suppleness, volume and hydration.

    What Happens To Collagen As You Age

    Collagen is great, making your skin look plump, soft and youthful. Then, one day, it starts leaving town. Studies show that from around your mid-to-late 20s collagen production starts to slow down at a rate of 1 percent (give or take) every year. This might not sound like a massive deal, but it starts to seriously add up as you hit your 40s and 50s, resulting in significantly thinner, more fragile skin that can become lined, wrinkled and saggy as you continue to age.

    This is why it’s prudent to do everything you can to boost your collagen supplies – both internally and externally…

    So, Firstly, How Do Collagen Supplements Help?

    Collagen supplements usually take the form of powders, pills or drinks that are regularly ingested to help promote natural collagen production in the skin. The good news is they’re considered safe and are thought to not only promote healthier skin, but hair and nails as well. Many experts also believe they show promise for treating ailments such as arthritis and other joint mobility issues. However, the bad news is that most of the collagen used in these supplements is extracted from animal skin, bones or fish scales.


    Our new Collagen Boosting Skin Supplement, however, shuns animal-derived collagen and is formulated with vegetarian collagen only, thanks to two clinically-proven, patented ingredients called Dermaval® and Ovoderm®.

    Dermaval® is derived from marine collagen, while Ovoderm® contains eggshell membrane which is literally chock-full of collagen as well as hyaluronic acid and powerful nutrients. These patented ingredients combine with other skin-loving classics like vitamins C and E, plus biotin, a form of vitamin B known to promote cell growth and repair. All this (plus the considered omission of unnecessary fillers, binders or artificial ingredients) makes for a powerful blend that works in perfect harmony with your skincare routine, significantly and safely helping to improve your skin’s natural production of quality collagen. We’re talking a marked reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, better elasticity, superior hydration and, all-in-all, brighter, healthier-looking skin. Check, check, check.

    3 Other Ways To Improve Your Collagen

    Of course, collagen supplements aren’t going to miraculously make you look instantly younger on their own. They’re not magic pills. But if you regularly include Collagen Boosting Skincare Supplement alongside other mindful lifestyle practices and skincare choices, you'll see some pretty impressive results.

    Below, three of the best ways to get your collagen ship-shape. And our final piece of advice? Combine the lot!

    1. Use Your Skincare Routine To Your Advantage

    First up, what about what your put ‘on’ your skin? Well, in our opinion, the best skincare ingredients for collagen are peptidesretinolMSM and vitamin C which have all been studied and proven to stimulate your skin’s natural collagen production and inhibit its breakdown. Retinol, in particular, has been loved by dermatologists all over the world for decades and has an awesome track record when it comes to the quality and quantity of collagen in the skin.
    Some goodies to try include the combination of our new Smoothing Collagen Serum, followed by Firming Collagen Day Lotion or you could try some classic favorites like Retinol Facial Serum, Peptide Facial Serum or Vitamin C Super Serum +.

    Just ensure NEVER to forget to apply SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C every morning to reduce the formation of free radicals in your skin and keep collateral collagen damage to an absolute minimum. 

    2. Think About What You Eat

    Protein-rich foods are key to helping your body naturally produce collagen so make these a priority in your daily diet. Up your intake of wild-caught fish, red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and legumes.

    3. Your Lifestyle Habits

    The rate at which your collagen synthesis slows down is greatly affected by your lifestyle. Emotional stress, excessive alcohol consumption, UV exposure and poor sleep all play their role in screwing up your collagen, causing damaging free radicals to wreak havoc. 

    So, if you want to really look after your collagen you need to take care of yourself by looking after number one. Try to get into a better routine with your sleep, exercise more regularly and test out different ways to keep your emotional stress in check. Yoga is a big winner, in our opinion.

    Oh, and If you’re a smoker, quit.

    Like now.

    Skincare ingredients
    How Collagen Supplements Can Take Your Skincare To The Next Level
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  • Is Glycolic Acid The Secret To Next-Level Skincare?
    When is an exfoliant more than just an exfoliant? When it’s glycolic acid.

    When it comes to proven, butt-kicking skincare ingredients, glycolic acid is one of our big three. Retinol and vitamin C are the other two, since you asked. But we digress. With years of science-backed research under its belt, glycolic acid not only helps fight the visible signs of aging (dark spots and wrinkles be very afraid!), but it also works to minimize pores and reduce acne breakouts. Valid bragging rights, right there.

    Here's everything you need to know about this powerful exfoliating acid.

    What Is Glycolic Acid?

    Like lactic and citric acids, glycolic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid. Or an AHA, if you will. AHAs are chemical exfoliants that help accelerate cellular turnover. Your skin is constantly going through its own repetitive cycle – a process called desquamation – in which cells form, move up to the surface, then die and slough away. As a young adult, this process is like a well-oiled machine, which is why youthful skin is brighter, softer and more hydrated. However, as you get older desquamation starts to become lazy and slow. And this is when problems can start to arise. Anything from dull skin and dryness through to itchiness, irritation and acne breakouts can all be linked with poor turnover.

    Thankfully this is where exfoliants come to the rescue – nudging skin turnover to move along quicker and more efficiently. There are two types of exfoliants: physical and chemical. Physical exfoliants are the ones that most often come to mind. They’re the scrubs, cleansing brushes and facial mitts of the world that require pressure and physical movement to exfoliate your skin. Chemical exfoliants, however, are a whole different ball game because they simply sit on your skin and harness the power of active ingredients to break down the bonds that hold dead skin cells together. This encourages them to shed naturally, without the need for massaging or scrubbing.

    Which is best? That depends on you. However, we’re big fans of chemical exfoliation because it’s gentler on the skin. Chemical exfoliants include AHAs, BHAs and PHAs which all work slightly differently, with AHAs being the most commonly used and loved. Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid is one of the most potent and effective AHAs out there thanks to its small molecular structure which allows it to penetrate your skin quickly and efficiently.

    What Does Glycolic Acid Do For Your Skin?

    By loosening the bonds that hold together those tough, outer layer of dead skin cells, glycolic acid offers benefits longer than your arm. It goes without saying that by ditching the old stuff and revealing fresher, newer skin cells, your complexion will automatically look better as a result. Think brighter, softer, smoother skin that’s also more even in both tone and texture, for starters. Glycolic acid also helps to keep your pores clean and free of dead skin cells, which makes them appear tighter and stops them from becoming blocked and inflamed. That’s code for fewer acne breakouts.

    Then you’ve got all the other stuff that’s going on below the surface of your skin. Because glycolic acid has such a low molecular weight, it can get deeper into your skin than other AHAs, stimulating collagen production and working extra hard to keep your skin firm and plump while staving off premature lines and wrinkles.

    Does this make glycolic acid the best anti-aging tool you could ever use on your skin? Yes and no. Yes, because it’s potent and clinically proven to work. No, because its potency means it has its downfalls and needs to be dealt with carefully.

    The Dos & Don’ts Of Glycolic Acid

    1. DO… Patch Test First

    Patch testing any product that contains active ingredients is probably one of the most important skincare rules to live by. Yet, it’s commonly dismissed. We get that the excitement of a new product makes it almost impossible to wait 48 hours while you patch test it on a discreet area of your skin to check it’s safe. And sometimes your skin might be OK with that.

    Until it’s not.

    Glycolic acid, retinol and vitamin C are just a smattering of ingredients that can potentially cause your skin to freak out. Nine times out of ten, your skin will be fine. But what about that one time? Wouldn’t you rather be sure you’re not going to be dealing with irritated, itchy skin BEFORE it happens? We know we would.

    2. DO… Start Slow

    After testing your glycolic acid is safe, make sure you introduce it slowly to your regular routine to allow your skin time to acclimate. This means applying it just one or twice a week to start with, building up to daily use after a few weeks if your skin is OK with that. Skin feeling a little irritated and looking kind of red? Then go back to weekly rather than daily use. You’ll still feel all the awesome benefits, but without the downsides. Slow and steady wins the race, remember?

    3. DON’T… Apply Retinol At The Same Time

    We love retinol with all our hearts, but retinol and glycolic acid are not a match made in heaven. In fact, they shouldn’t be applied at the same time. Ever. The reason? Although they work differently, retinol and glycolic acid are extremely powerful ingredients that work hard to boost cell turnover. And instead of furnishing you with double the benefits, applying them together risks thinning your skin, leaving it feeling irritated, inflamed, dry, itchy, flaky and super sensitive. Not. Worth. It.  

    Don’t want to give up your retinol for glycolic acid? We don’t blame you. Just make sure you don’t apply them on the same days. In fact, skin depending, it’s often wise to wait a few days between applications.

    4. DO… Pair Glycolic Acid With Plenty Of Hydration

    Like most active ingredients, glycolic acid has the potential to cause dryness and dehydration – no matter your skin type or how slow you go. This means it’s wise to ensure your routine includes plenty of hydrating and moisturizing ingredients.

    Our Ocean Minerals Super Toner (which contains glycolic acid) is chock full of nurturing goodies like aloe extract, jojoba oil and plant extracts while the brand new AHA/BHA/PHA Liquid Exfoliant is thoughtfully balanced with one of our favorite hydrating superheroes, glycerin.

    All this will help counteract the drying effects of the mighty glycolic acid, but still, don’t forget to follow with plenty of moisturizer – day and night.

    5. DON’T… Skip Sunscreen

    Anything that boosts cell turnover will make your skin more sensitive to the sun’s powerful rays. Which makes slathering on plenty of broad-spectrum sunscreen every morning even more important than ever. But you do that anyway, right? RIGHT? Then it might be time to stock up on your SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C. Just saying!

    Skincare ingredients
    Is Glycolic Acid The Secret To Next-Level Skincare?
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  • The Most Effective Ways To Improve Uneven Skin Texture
    Want to better the texture of your skin and help transform the rough into the smooth? Done.

    Skin concerns can vary greatly. Whether it’s hormonal breakouts that just won’t let up, puffy morning eyes after too much of a good time, or pesky dark spots that crop up on your cheeks every year – no matter how prudent you are with the sunscreen – there’s always something.

    Take rough, uneven skin, for example. Poor texture might not be life threatening or even that noticeable to the untrained eye. But we get it, touching your skin and feeling bumps, flakes and rough patches instead of baby-smooth skin is as frustrating as hell. 

    So, why is uneven skin texture such a royal pain in the butt? Well, bumpy skin can be super persistent for starters. It's also impossible to cover up with makeup. In fact, makeup often makes it look ten times worse. And then there are the gazillion reasons why it’s there in the first place. OK, maybe there aren’t that many, but you get the picture.

    If you’re fed up with bumpy skin simply not letting up, read on for some important intel that might just help you say ciao to the rough stuff…

    First Up, What’s Causing Your Uneven Skin Texture?

    Oh, if only we had a straight answer to this question. But alas, when it comes to the health of your skin, things are never quite that black and white.

    Poor skin texture can be caused by any number of things which is pretty unhelpful, we know. Thankfully they can, at the very least, be put into four main camps: chronic skin disorders; sluggish cell turnover; an overly complicated skincare routine and surprise, surprise, the sun.

    First up we have skin disorders like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and acne. All of these can make your skin feel bumpy and rough to the touch – especially during flare-ups. And if you’re not careful, scarring from severe acne can also leave you with textural issues in the long-term. So, if you think you might be dealing with some kind of chronic skin complaint like the aforementioned, the only real way to get a handle on what’s going on is to get a professional diagnosis from a dermatologist. Trying to solve these on your own (particularly when you don’t know what you’re dealing with) can be a long, hard struggle and even then you might never achieve the best results.

    Other textural issues are most commonly caused by sluggish cell turnover which allows dead skin cells to persistently stick around at the surface of your skin. This results in dullness, dehydration and rough, clogged pores. And then there’s an overly complicated skincare routine that’s packed to the brim with active ingredients. Active ingredients are great in moderation, but too much of a good thing can totally over-stimulate your skin, leaving it feeling bumpy and irritated.

    Finally, the sun. This is the one thing you can blame for almost all of your skin woes. And it’s valid. UV radiation disrupts your collagen supplies and causes your cells to prematurely break down and die, leaving you with seriously uneven skin texture (and tone, for that matter!).

    How To Boss Smoother Skin

    As mentioned, for slightly complicated issues like rosacea and eczema, get thee to a derm. However, if you think your textural issues are more a case of poor cellular turnover, cruddy skincare and/or too much time in the sun, here are five fantastic ways to help smooth things over…

    1. Exfoliate On The Reg

    The best way to accelerate cell turnover and reduce build-up on the surface of your skin is to exfoliate more often. Don’t get us wrong, most people don’t need to exfoliate daily – that can exacerbate the problem – but two or three times a week with a physical scrub, or three to four times a week with a chemical exfoliant can do wonders for bumpy skin.

    Our awesome NEW 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant is a great choice for textural issues because it’s formulated with a sweet blend of glycolic acid, salicylic acid and glucolactone which provide the ideal amount of deep exfoliation and oil control, without upsetting the balance of your skin.

    2. Don’t Skip Your SPF

    UV radiation is a devil on the skin, screwing up your pores and totally messing with collagen production. Both of which are bad news if you want to get anywhere near the heady heights of smooth skin.

    Protect your skin every day with a mineral sunscreen that has a minimum of SPF 30 and is also broad-spectrum. The latter is super important because it means it protects your skin not only from UVB radiation (which is what the SPF denotes) but UVA radiation as well. And that’s the stuff that gets right through those clouds on cold, wintry days, damaging your skin, rain or shine. Try our fabulous SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C as the last step in your morning routine.

    3. Make Retinol A Bedtime Favorite

    Of course, one of the best ingredients for uneven skin texture is retinol. As per! Although totally different to exfoliants, retinol also has a clever way of boosting turnover and accelerating collagen production to help improve texture, tone, acne, the works. Retinol is not always advisable for rosacea or eczema-prone skin because it’s a potent little beast, but as long as you introduce it slowly and carefully into your routine, it can have skin-transforming results for most skin types.

    Give our Retinol Facial Serum a go in the evenings, two or three times a week, after cleansing and before moisturizing.

    4. Dose Up On Vitamin C

    When it comes to waging war on skin-roughening free radicals, vitamin C gets our vote every time. A major player in the world of antioxidants, vitamin C helps neutralize the many free radicals caused by sun damage, environmental pollution and the like. But that’s not enough for our vitamin C because it also works like a dog to inhibit melanin production, therefore keeping a beady eye on your skin tone as well as its texture.

    Like retinol, however, vitamin C can be a pretty powerful addition to your skincare routine so we believe sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP) should be your ultimate go-to. SAP is a salt form of pure vitamin C which makes it a) more stable and b) less irritating. It’s the only kind we use across all of our vitamin C products.

    5. Never Underestimate The Power Of A Good Moisturizer

    Dry and/or dehydrated skin is seriously bad news for the smoothness of your skin so moisturizing is totally non-negotiable. You should moisturize your skin after every cleanse, ideally following a treatment serum that addresses any other concerns you may have.

    Look out for moisturizers that contain a good blend of humectants like hyaluronic acid, glycerin or aloe (these draw water to the surface of your skin) as well as ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil or cocoa butter that help lock all that moisture in. And for an extra boost of free moisture? Apply your product while your skin is still slightly damp. Our current fave is our new Renewing Longevity Moisturizing Cream but we have a whole bunch of moisturizing whizz kids right here.

    The Most Effective Ways To Improve Uneven Skin Texture
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