How Your Favorite Comfort Foods Can Affect Your Skin
Did you know, some of your favorite comfort foods are doing your skin no favors? Like, no favors at all.
Let’s get one thing straight: when it comes to what you eat, a bar of chocolate here and a cheeseburger there is totally a-OK. What is it they say? Everything in moderation, right? And we agree. As long as you eat healthily for the most part and allow yourself treats when you want them you’re likely to be just fine.
However, when your meal and snack selections start to not only mess with your weight but also screw up your skin, it may be time to take a look at your diet choices. Because chocolate can’t give you acne, but it can definitely trigger your breakouts.
Whatever your comfort food weakness, read on for the biggest skin offenders that might be worth cutting back on. Of course, unless you have some kind of intolerance or a serious allergy, there’s no need to eliminate them entirely. Just know that if you want your skin to be its absolute best self, the old adage could not be more true – you are what you eat…
1. Cakes, Candy & Other Sweet Treats
OK, let’s start with arguably the biggest offender of them all: sugar. With zero nutritional value, sugar is the absolute devil when it comes to the health of your skin. How so? Well, in simple terms, sugar is an inflammatory which not only speeds up the rate at which your skin ages, but can trigger acne breakouts as well as flare-ups in existing skin conditions like rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.
Research also shows that excess sugar leads to the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are harmful compounds produced by the skin through a process called glycation. AGEs are no fun at all as they not only attack your skin cells but they do a real number on important proteins such as collagen and elastin, causing them to stiffen, weaken and perform poorly. All this manifests itself at the surface of your skin in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, sagging, dullness and, well, you get the picture.
More often than not, sugar cravings are simply the result of habit because sweet ‘treats’ make you feel happy and uplifted by releasing the ‘feel good’ hormone, dopamine, into your system. Refined white sugar and corn syrup are the real bad boys in this picture so avoid these as much as possible, swapping them out for things like honey or natural sugars found in fruit to get your sweet fix.
2. White Carbs
There is little better than tucking into a chunk of warm, crusty white bread or a pile of spaghetti carbonara of a cold, wintry evening. However, these sit under the refined carbs umbrella. And, note to self, in this case ‘refined’ is most definitely not a positive.
Refined carbs like white bread, pasta and rice are basically carbohydrates that have been processed and therefore stripped of the vitamins, minerals and fiber that make complex carbs so much better for your health and skin. This manufacturing process makes refined carbs easier to digest and offers an instant source of energy. Which may sound great, but this burst of energy is very short-lived (making you want to eat more) and causes a quick rise in blood sugar.
And there we have it: that skin-ruining thing called sugar rises again, which leads to AGEs, inflammation and friends.
Complex carbs are way better than the refined stuff so try to include more oatmeal, sweet potatoes and fruit and veggies in your diet. Less of the white stuff, yes?
3. Salty Snacks
Sure, sugar is seriously bad news. But salt is just as bad where your skin is concerned. You see, salt promotes dehydration, weakening your skin’s barrier function and killing its chances of remaining soft, supple and strong. What’s more, your favorite salty chips or nuts can contain up to 170mg of salt. Eesh!
Truth is, most salt contains around 40 percent sodium. Sodium draws essential moisture from the skin’s cells into the bloodstream in a bid to balance out fluids. This is important business and helps your body to function properly. But too much sodium in your diet puts this clever balancing act out of whack, pulling excess moisture from the cells and resulting in dehydrated skin that can be itchy, puffy, irritated and flaky-looking.
There’s more. When the skin starts to become dry and dehydrated, it produces more oil to compensate for its lack of moisture. And this can be a killer on your skin if you’re prone to breakouts, blocking up your pores and triggering acne before you can say ‘pass the salt!’
It’s important to remember, however, that salt is crucial for your health so don’t avoid it completely. Just try to use less when cooking and give lower sodium savory snacks like unsalted nuts, crackers or veggie chips a go.
4. The Processed Meat Gang
Processed meats like bacon, sausages, salami and deli meats are all super-high in salt. So… see above. They also contain a ton of saturated fat and are often packed with preservatives called nitrites to preserve them and help them last longer. Fair enough. Actually, what if we told you that nitrites assist in the breakdown of collagen and elastin? Not so fair enough, after all.
Reminder: collagen and elastin are important proteins that work hard to keep your skin firm, strong and supple. As skin ages it loses vital collagen and elastin which is why it’s important to do everything you can to preserve them for as long as possible. Quality sleep, kick-ass sun protection, topical antioxidants, you know the score. But if you undo all this hard work by overloading your diet with collagen and elastin-killing preservatives like nitrites. Well, you can say goodbye to youthful-looking skin and hello there, premature aging.
5. Fried Food
It’s estimated that over a quarter of Americans consume fried food from fast food restaurants every single day. Scary right?
Fried foods like burgers, fries, hot dogs and chicken not only raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol, but they also increase the number of AGEs in your skin. Remember AGEs ⬆️? Yes, they’re truly the bad guys in this picture. Fried foods, however, produce a whole different kind of AGE to sugar in that they’re not created inside your body, but form within the food when it's cooked at such extreme, dry temperatures.
Studies have shown that dry heat (basically any kind of heat that doesn’t include water) may increase the amount of AGEs in food by up to 100 times. Baking, broiling, roasting and barbecuing all cause AGEs to form in certain high fat/high protein foods (especially red meat), but frying is undoubtedly the worst. Get this: fried bacon contains around ten times the number of AGEs as microwaved bacon. We’re not going to get too technical on you but no, microwaving isn’t a form of dry heat cooking. It’s complicated. Just trust us on that one.
The moral of the story is if you’re worried that your diet is aging you up too fast, think about what you eat and get some balance in your life with more fresh fruit and veggies, unprocessed foods, white meat, fish and legumes.
A great skincare routine can also help to keep your collagen levels in check so why not try our awesome Longevity range which encourages healthy, rather than premature skin aging.
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