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  • 10 Things To Eat For Fabulous, Healthy Skin
    Today, we're celebrating Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day in honor of all the professionals who help us make better choices regarding our diets. After all, what you put INTO your body is just as important as what goes onto your skin.

    Want to step up your skincare regimen from the inside out? Then take control of your diet and ensure your skin reflects what you eat by making these 10 skin-nourishing foods your new BFFs…

    1. Oily Fish

    Certain fats are super important for the health of your skin because they help balance your skin’s barrier function which helps keep your skin hydrated, plump, strong and moisturized. Studies also show they may have anti-inflammatory properties which is great news if you suffer from facial redness or monthly breakouts.

    The key, however, is to make sure you choose the right kinds of fats – and no, chips, burgers, fried chicken and butter are not on that list. One of the best is omega-3 fatty acid, an essential fatty acid (EFA) that’s found mostly in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring.

    More good news… These skin-loving types of fish not only contain omega-3s by the bucketload, but they’re high in protein, zinc and vitamin E which are all vital for the look and feel of your skin.

    2. Watermelon

    Fruit and veggies, as a rule, are winners when it comes to glowing, healthy skin. One word: antioxidants. Not sure why antioxidants are the basis of great skin? Well, in a nutshell, they counteract the damaging effects of free radicals which are produced by the skin when it’s exposed to things like the sun, pollution, stress and a lack of sleep. Free radicals are seriously bad news for your skin because they break down collagen, accelerating the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin.

    One of our favorite fruits is watermelon – and no, it’s not because it’s so Insta worthy (although it really is a pretty slice!). Watermelon is literally chock full of antioxidants like vitamins A, B, C and E. Furthermore, it’s packed with water which helps keep you hydrated without the hassle of having to down glasses upon glasses of water on the reg.

    It also tastes awesome, so there’s that ;)

    3. Broccoli

    Speaking of fruit and veggies, one of the most skin-loving vegetables you can include in your diet plan is broccoli. Of course, it’s high in vitamins like A, C and K, but it also contains a beta carotene called lutein which skin loves. How so? Well, lutein is well known for protecting the eyes from light damage and macular degeneration, but it also has similar photo-protective benefits for the skin, helping to shield it from damaging UV radiation.

    Broccoli also contains something called sulforaphane which works alongside lutein and other antioxidants to further support your skin’s natural protection from sun damage, spurring the skin’s natural healing process and helping to calm inflammation. Take that, sun.

    4. Nuts

    Like oily fish, nuts are an awesome source of essential fatty acids which help maintain strong, supple and well-moisturized skin. They’re also packed with vitamins and minerals like zinc, copper and vitamins A, C and E, and just a handful of almonds, cashews, walnuts and/or pistachios every day will work wonders for dry, dull or lackluster skin.

    Walnuts, in particular, are high in protein, omega-3, omega-6 and selenium. Selenium is an important mineral which puts up a great fight against those dastardly free radicals. It also works hard to reduce inflammation and has been proven to help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.

    5. Avocados

    If you ever needed a reason to eat avo toast every morning, here’s one for you. Just half an avocado a day provides 14 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin E, as well as 11 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin C. Vitamins C and E are proven antioxidants that, while great on their own, work much more effectively as a team. This makes avos pretty darn unbeatable in the fight against environment damage and oxidative stress.

    But that’s not all. Avocados also contain various other vitamins, minerals, essential fats and skin-loving nutrients including plant sterols which contain UV protection and help prevent the breakdown of important proteins in your skin such as collagen and elastin.

    6. Tomatoes

    While tomatoes are a fabulous source of vitamin C (great stuff) and potassium (ditto), their main draw is all the incredible lycopene and lutein they're packed with. Lycopene and lutein are carotenoids which work as powerful anti-aging antioxidants, offering your skin natural sun protection and free radical fighting powers.

    Some studies show that higher amounts of lycopene are found in cooked tomato products than the raw stuff, so if you love to make stews, soups and sauces with tomatoes, go nuts!

    Sidenote: eating tons of toms is not enough to replace your daily sunscreen so make sure your morning skincare routine always finishes up with SPF30 Mineral Sunscreen. No arguments.

    7. Natural Yogurt

    It’s a well-known fact that yogurt (not the sugar-laden, fruity stuff, of course) contains lots of calcium for strong bones and healthy skin. But that’s not the only thing yogurt has up its sleeve. Let’s talk about probiotics, shall we?

    Probiotics are extremely important for keeping your skin’s microbiome in check. What’s that, you say? Well, the microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms that live on your skin. Sure, this sounds pretty gross but it’s actually a very smart system that’s evolved over centuries to help keep bad bacteria away. Your microbiome can go a bit squiffy, however, thanks to your environment, age, diet and skincare habits, so it’s important to conserve and support it through gentle skincare and a healthy diet that includes plenty of biotics. Probiotics, for example, are living microorganisms that help increase the population of good bacteria in your body. How to up your probiotics? Look no further than plain, live yogurt. Simple. Don’t worry if you’re lactose intolerant, though – miso, kombucha and kimchi are great alternatives.

    8. Chia Seeds

    Most seeds are bursting with awesome skin-boosting love thanks to vitamin E, selenium, essential fatty acids and protein, so sprinkling them on salads, cereals, smoothies and soups is never a bad idea. However, if you’re looking for the absolute queen of seeds, look no further than the mighty chia.

    After oily fish, chia seeds are known to be one of the richest sources of collagen-boosting omega-3 fatty acids which makes them a great choice for vegans. They’re also full of manganese, magnesium, selenium and protein which work together to soothe, protect, hydrate and strengthen your skin.

    9. Bell Peppers

    When you think of fruit and veggies that are high in vitamin C you probably go straight to oranges and carrots, right? Well, little known fact: red and yellow bell peppers are also extremely rich in vit C. In fact, one cup of bell pepper provides a whopping 211 percent of your daily recommended dosage of vitamin C. This makes them a fabulous choice for significantly reducing oxidative stress and helping your skin get its glow on.

    Bell peppers are also a great source of beta carotene which gets converted into vitamin A by your body. Vitamin A is mega important for boosting your skin’s natural healing process, boosting your immune system and increasing moisturization.

    10. Leafy Greens

    Leafy green veggies like kale, spinach and collard greens are brimming with zinc for helping to reduce inflammation and breakouts, plus vitamin K which has been proven to improve blood flow. Great circulation is important for ‘feeding’ your skin with nutrient-rich oxygen to help reduce dark spots and give you the radiant complexion you so rightly deserve.

    Zeaxanthin is another asset leafy greens can lay claims to. It might be trickier to spell but, like lutein, zeaxanthin is a carotenoid which has powerful antioxidant properties and may help your skin stay more protected from the perils of UV radiation. Kale, in particular, is known to be a total powerhouse for your skin and health in general.

    Bottom line is a balanced, healthy diet that’s high on fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, live yogurt and oily fish are exactly what the skin doctor ordered. Couple all this good stuff with a great skincare routine that mimics your eating habits with plenty of antioxidants (hi there Vitamin C Facial Serum) and moisture-boosting ingredients like hyaluronic acid and you’re well on the way to healthier-looking skin.

    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Day is celebrated by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on Wednesday March 8, 2023. 
    10 Things To Eat For Fabulous, Healthy Skin
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  • Tiny Skincare Tweaks For Insanely Better Skin
    Because one small change to your skincare routine = a giant step for the look and feel of your skin…

    It’s easy to get into a rut with your skincare routine. We get that. After all, when things are ticking along nicely and your skin seems to be behaving well enough, why put a cat amongst the pigeons?

    Don’t get us wrong, we’re all about consistency here at TruSkin. Finding your routine mojo – and sticking with it – is worth its weight in gold. But, unless you’re some kind of inch-perfect superhero who never puts a foot wrong (does that person even exist?), improvements to your skincare routine can always be made. This could be adding an extra treatment serum to your bedtime regimen to help resist the signs of aging now you’ve hit 30, or it might be something as simple as washing your bedsheets more often (*note to self, right there!). Whatever your routine looks like, we know that you (and us included) can always do better.

    Read on for some simple tweaks to help upgrade your skincare jam. And excellent news: not only are they super speedy and completely effortless, but they won’t cost you a dime.

    First, Detox Your Beauty Cabinet

    When was the last time you looked at your product arsenal to figure out which products you actually use and see visibly results from? If the answer is anywhere between six months ago and never, then now’s the time to change that.

    Products have a shelf-life and, unless otherwise stated on the packaging, should generally be used within a year of opening. And if you're not sure how long that dusty serum has been hanging around at the back of your cabinet? Then apply a little to the back of your hand. If it smells funny, has changed color or looks separated – toss it. Using ‘off’ products on your face can cause all manner of unwanted issues so avoid even the slimmest chance of that happening by ditching anything old and unused.

    Not only can you do without all those 'passed their best' products, but neither do you need 20+ skincare products that overload your skin and cause potential irritation. Instead, basic is best. Of course, by basic we don’t mean sticking with a cruddy soap and bog-standard moisturizer. But cleanser, eye treatment, serum (or two), moisturizer, night cream and sunscreen are perfectly adequate. In fact, this combination is the perfect sweet spot in our humble opinion.

    Read Your Labels

    You might think you know how to cleanse and moisturize your skin because you’ve been doing it for years. So why read the labels? What could possibly go wrong? Similarly, your skin is super strong and has never reacted to a product in the past, so why should you bother familiarizing yourself with a new product’s ingredients and instructions? Well, the most important thing to remember is that every skincare formulation is different. Sure, washing your face is essentially washing your face, but maybe your new cleanser contains super-strong active ingredients that might irritate your skin if you go in all guns blazing. Or perhaps it's best applied to dry skin first, then rinsed off with water. Who knows if you don’t check first?

    Take a minute or so (because honestly, that’s all it will take) to read any new skincare labels before using products for the first time. And while you’re at it, go back and read your existing ones to check you’re applying those correctly, too. You never know, you may just learn something new. And your skin will thank you for it.

    Cleanse For An Extra Minute

    Rushing through your skincare regimen is a real shame. Not only because applying products should be enjoyable, rather than a chore, but also because taking your time will reap countless rewards.

    Cleansing, for example, is often looked over as something to be swiftly checked off your list before getting to the main event of applying treatment serums and moisturizers. Huge mistake. Cleansing is the absolute foundation of great skin, removing potentially pore-clogging debris from the surface while preparing your skin to absorb and maximize the benefits of the rest of your routine. Do it badly, or too quickly and you won’t do a great job. That’s the truth.

    So word to the wise: Take. Your. Time. Just a couple of minutes is all it takes to get rid of all that built-up grime, oil, sweat and makeup. Grab your favorite formulation – we have three awesome ones to choose from – and apply it to damp skin, then use your hands and pads of your fingers to gently work it all over your face and neck. Sweep it all over using stroking, lifting motions then massage it in circular motions to help boost blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Honestly, there is no easier way to improve the radiance of your skin.

    Swerve The Hand Towel

    Being aware of the quality and cleanliness of your face towel is a great way to level up your skincare. How so? Because old or dirty towels can be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. And this is far from ideal for your skin – especially if you’re prone to breakouts.

    This means it’s super important to set aside a specific towel for drying your face. Communal bath or hand towels? Unacceptable. Choose cotton or cotton blend towels as these combine the ideal blend of softness and absorbency alongside a little gentle exfoliation. Wash yours after every other use (yes, that means every day!) and replace them every few years.

    Layer Up

    Skincare layering is an incredible way to supercharge your routine by injecting (not literally, of course!) extra hydration, antioxidant protection, strengthening or acne-fighting ingredients into your skin without too much hassle.

    But if you’re going to do it, you need to get your order right.

    The general rule is that your thinnest products should be applied first, with the thickest, most dense-feeling products going last. This means the order goes as follows: cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, facial oil and sunscreen.

    Another important thing to remember is not to bombard your skin with every AHA, BHA, retinol and vitamin C product you can get your hands on. These are all potent ingredients that can quickly overload your skin, resulting in redness, dryness, excess oils and/or irritation. Take it easy and apply just one serum at a time. Of course, you might want to invest in two or three to tackle different concerns and that’s fine. In fact we love the combination of Vitamin C Facial Serum and Retinol Facial Serum. But we never use them both at once. Instead, apply them on alternate days, or try one in the morning and one at night.

    Wear Sunglasses Every Day

    OK, so this isn't strictly a skincare tweak, but sunglasses are an awesome way to protect the skin around your eyes from aging up lightning fast, so we’re going with it. Plus it’s easy, stylish and chances are you have a few pairs of sunnies anyway – so why not make the most of them by wearing them even on cloudy days?

    The skin around your eyes is thinner and more fragile than the rest of your face which means it’s less able to protect itself from the damaging rays from the sun. And the sun is always there – rain or shine – so protection shouldn't be kept aside for sunny days only.

    Shield your eyes every time you go outside with sunglasses that offer both UVA and UVB protection. Go for plastic instead of metal frames to avoid reflecting damaging sunlight onto your cheeks, and choose mirrored over tinted lenses as these are more effective at blocking out those nasty rays.

    Trust us, this is an awesome way to help ward off the visible signs of aging around your eyes. Plus, if you combine it with a daily eye treatment like Peptide Eye Gel you’ll be laughing.

    Tiny Skincare Tweaks For Insanely Better Skin
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  • New Year’s Resolutions Your Skin Will Love
    Let’s make 2023 the year to help your skin look and feel its best yet, shall we?

    It’s 2023 (can you believe it?) and with a new year comes new beginnings. Out-of-reach resolutions, however, that you’ll never achieve – let alone stick with – are so not our mojo. Instead, we believe in realistic goals that help you enjoy looking after your skin and give you visible, natural-looking results you will love.

    Want to know how to set up your skincare routine for success for 2023 and beyond? Then read on for five of the best (and totally achievable) new year’s resolutions for your skin…

    Goal #1. Simplify Your Daily Skincare Routine

    Nailing a routine that works for you sounds simple enough but it can actually be quite tricky when there are so many awesome (and some not-so-awesome!) products out there to try. What’s important, however, is that you’re completely in tune with your skin. This means knowing your skin type and understanding what your most pressing concerns are. Once you get a hold of these important factors, you can build your skincare routine accordingly.

    Of course, the basics (cleanser, moisturizer and SPF) are a must, no matter your skin type. But then it’s all about choosing those supercharged add-ons that really boost your routine and improve your skin without overcomplicating things.

    To Do: First up, identify your skin type here. Then really look at your skin in the mirror and touch it with clean hands. What are you thinking right now? Does your skin feel dehydrated? Are you noticing some dark spots in certain areas? Or are those fine lines around your eyes getting super annoying?

    Identify your main concern, then build your routine around your skin type and concern. And while you’re at it, toss away all those half-used bottles of ‘false promise’ products hiding in the back of your beauty cabinet. They didn’t work a year ago, so they’re not going to work now.

    Try: Our Vitamin C range is the ideal way to crush an effective skincare routine without even thinking about it. From cleansing and moisturizing to skin brightening and SPF protection, it’s a great way to start the year as you mean to go on.

    Goal #2. Never Go To Bed Without Giving Your Skin A Little Love

    You’ve probably made the ‘I will never go to bed without taking off my makeup’ resolution many times in the past. And good on you, because cleansing your skin at night is one of the most important ways to maintain consistently great skin. After all, a build-up of 16 or so hours of oils, sweat, dirt and goodness-knows-what-else is a lot for your skin (and your pores!) to contend with.

    But an effective nighttime skincare routine is so much more than cleansing. While you’re asleep, your skin gets super busy repairing damage from the day and strengthening its all-important barrier function. And this is all well and good, but your skin needs a little help as it gets to work overnight. Which is where your skincare products come to the rescue.

    To Do: You don’t necessarily need a huge arsenal of extra products for your bedtime routine, but one or two products, specifically formulated to support the vital functions your skin performs while you sleep, will go a long way.

    Try: Retinol Facial Serum followed by Retinol Moisturizer or Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream.

    Goal #3. Get Your Daily Vitamins

    There are many topical vitamins that pack a real punch in skincare. But knowing what each one does and which work best for your skin is no mean feat. Do you go for vitamin C which is touted as one of the best brightening ingredients and hardest working antioxidants out there? Or maybe you stick with vitamin E which is up there as one of the most moisturizing, soothing vitamins of all. Then there’s vitamin B3 (AKA niacinamide)… vitamin K… and not to forget vitamin A, or the mighty retinol as it’s usually known.

    The choices are endless. But this doesn’t mean you should back away from vitamin-based moisturizers and serums simply because you don’t know which to turn to. Vitamin-enriched formulations are a great addition to your routine – plus there’s at least one out there for you, we just know it.

    To Do: Again, this is all about knowing your skin, then deciding what to focus on. Here’s a quick breakdown of your most common skin concerns and the best vitamin choice for you.

    If Your Main Concern Is… Aging skin or acne, go for vitamin A (retinol)

    If Your Main Concern Is… Dry skin, redness or sensitivities, try vitamin B3 (niacinamide)

    If Your Main Concern Is… Dullness, dark spots and premature aging, go for vitamin C

    If Your Main Concern Is… Dehydration, poor texture or dryness, try vitamin E 

    Try: We have a number of facial serums packed with specific vitamins to enhance, repair and treat your skin concerns, but if you're looking for a multi-functional product that offers an incredible balance of all the good stuff, you’ll love our new Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum. Loaded with vitamins B3, B5, C, D, E, F and K, plus minerals, electrolytes, hyaluronic acid and aloe, it’s ideal for all skin types and a great addition to any ‘new year, new you’ skincare routine.

    Goal #4. Protect Your Skin, Rain Or Shine

    Sure, sunscreen isn’t the most fun of skincare products. But it is, without doubt, the single most important product to use if you care about warding off the signs of premature aging. How so? Because UV radiation is responsible for somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of all external skin aging. Not only that, but according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, applying SPF 15 every day helps reduce your risk of developing certain skin cancers by as much as 50 percent.

    Now we don’t know about you, but that kind of pertinent information makes us want to douse ourselves in sunscreen at every available opportunity. And while that may sound dramatic, this is exactly what we want you to focus on this year… and forever more.

    The truth is, the sun’s damaging rays are present even when it’s cold and cloudy outside. So, while you might not ‘feel’ the sun beating down on your skin on gray, wintry days, it’s still there. Otherwise... well, it would be nighttime.

    To Do: Make sunscreen an absolute priority every morning. And stick with mineral-based formulations that include zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide as these are the only sunscreen ingredients currently deemed safe and effective by the FDA. Get into the habit of applying it as your last skincare step every morning and it’ll quickly become routine.

    Try: SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen With Vitamin C which is lightweight enough for most skin types and contains broad-spectrum protection. This means it shields your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. That’s super important, btw.

    Goal #5. Don’t Ignore Your Eyes

    You may be a total whizz with your facial skincare routine, but are you as vigilant when it comes to the skin around your eyes? Chances are, that’s a big, fat no. Big mistake. The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face which means it ages quicker and therefore needs major love and attention.

    To Do: First up, don’t underestimate the healing powers of a good night’s sleep. A lack of zzzs not only makes the blood vessels under your eyes dilate but it also leads to water retention. Neither of which are good news for the fragile skin around your eyes. We’re talking dark circles, puffy bags and fine lines.

    Secondly, avoid slapping thick moisturizers and potent serums around your eyes as they could overwhelm or irritate this fragile area. Instead, choose an eye treatment and tap it gently around the orbital bone morning and night, using your ring fingers to reduce pressure and minimize drag.

    Try: Peptide Eye Gel or Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream. Both of these anti-aging eye treatments are ideal for protecting the skin around your eyes and helping to promote younger-looking skin. The choice is yours!

    Skincare Routine
    New Year’s Resolutions Your Skin Will Love
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  • 8 Fail-Safe Ways To Save Your Skin During Winter
    Let’s stop your skin from going into cold weather meltdown before it’s too late, shall we?

    While winter might be fun for the kids and your wardrobe, when it comes to the state of your skin, it’s no walk in the park. Colder temperatures, biting winds, snow and a serious lack of humidity all combine to throw your skin completely off-kilter, making it tight, red and anything from a tad dry to seriously flaky and dehydrated.

    And we’re not just talking about the skin on your face, either. Because, while facial skincare understandably takes precedence over the rest of your body (it is the part you look at the most), skin covers every part of your body – from head-to-toe. And during the wintertime, your body, just like your face, will suffer if it gets neglected.

    The answer, of course, is never to leave your skin to its own devices. Because skincare doesn’t work like that. Ever. But especially during winter when it has a tendency to freak out thanks to harsh conditions and extreme temperature changes.

    Want to keep breakouts, dryness, flaky skin and unnecessary redness at bay this winter? Then here are eight of the best ways to winter-proof your skin…

    1. First Things First: Don’t Overhaul Your Entire Skincare Routine

    Healthy skin likes consistency, so while it might be tempting to switch up your whole routine when the seasons change, a few minor tweaks are going to be way more beneficial than a complete overhaul.

    Listen to your skin as winter sets in and make changes accordingly. Yes, the weather has turned chilly and sure, your skin may start to feel drier and more dehydrated than normal, but don’t change your entire cleansing, toning, treating and moisturizing routine. This is so not what your skin needs. Small tweaks? Good. Complete overhaul? Not so much.

    2. Treat Your Barrier Function Like Royalty

    Winter can play hell with your skin’s barrier function so if there’s one thing to be aware of as the weather turns, it’s treating this uppermost layer of your skin with love and respect.

    If your skin starts showing signs of sensitivities, this is an indication your barrier function has become compromised thanks to a dastardly combination of a cold, dry outdoors and hot, dry indoors which literally sucks all the moisture out of your skin.

    Be kind to your skin by cutting back on exfoliation and choosing super gentle cleansers that are free of skin-drying sulfates which strip your barrier of essential oils and hydration. Try Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser morning and night.

    You could also cut back on your treatment serums if you think they might be over-stimulating your barrier function. There’s no shame in using something like our Vitamin C Super Serum + just two or three times a week rather than every day. In fact, we highly recommend it!

    3. Buy A Humidifier

    Cranking up your indoor heating makes the air inside extremely dry so, while they might not be the most attractive things in the world, a bedroom humidifier is an awesome idea for replenishing dry skin during wintertime.

    Humidifiers work by replacing lost moisture in the air. This not only clears your sinuses and helps you breathe better, but extra hydration in the air means extra hydration for your skin. This is super important overnight when your skin goes into regeneration mode and needs all the help it can get. In fact, humidifiers are so great for replenishing your skin’s moisture levels, many skin specialists recommend them for people suffering with chronic dry skin or conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

    Just remember to apply night cream before bed to help seal all that moisture into your skin. And specifically look out for those containing high levels of humectants like glycerin or hyaluronic acid. Why? Because humectants work hard to draw all that extra water from the air into your skin. Bonus! Try Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream which is a big winner for winter skin.

    4. Moisturize, Moisturize & Moisturize Some More

    Speaking of moisture, one product that might be worth levelling up in winter is your moisturizer. It’s no secret that cold, dry weather and artificially heated homes make your skin more dehydrated than normal so most skin types will benefit from some extra help as fall slips away and winter sets in.

    If you love your moisturizer and don’t want to try something richer or heavier just because the weather has turned, we totally respect that. In fact, we celebrate it because there’s an ideal alternative – simply add a hydrating treatment serum into the mix. Our Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum is an incredible way to boost the moisture levels in your skin. Apply it to damp skin after cleansing, then apply moisturizer over the top.

    5. Try An Oatmeal Bath

    Itchy skin on your body is a total bummer, but very common in winter when it’s cold outside, warm inside and your skin is often wrapped in layers of clothing.

    A great way to soothe dry, itchy skin is to have a warm, oatmeal bath. Oatmeal helps reduce inflammation while protecting, calming, moisturizing and soothing dry, flaky skin. Simply grind a cup of plain oats into a fine powder, add it to your bath and relax. Just don't stay in there for too long...

    6. Resist Hot, Hour-Long Soaks

    Bathing your skin in hot water is tempting when it’s freezing outside, but it can be pretty detrimental to your skin. You know how your fingers and toes sometimes look all crinkly after too long in a hot bath or shower? This is all thanks to dehydration. Hot water basically strips away the protective lipid layer from your skin’s barrier which means all those lovely fats, proteins and moisture are able to readily escape.

    Bathing and showering is great, for sure, but only if you use lukewarm, rather than scorching hot water (with some added oatmeal for extra moisturizing effects!) and limit your time to 10-15 minutes. Also, make sure you apply plenty of moisturizer afterwards, from head-to-toe, to seal water into your skin and help strengthen your barrier function.

    7. Stick With The Sunscreen

    Sunscreen often gets packed away as soon as temperatures drop below 70. But this is a silly mistake you do not want to make. Of course, you won’t need full body SPF every day when most of your skin is concealed by clothing, but any areas not covered up are going to be exposed to UVA radiation – come rain, shine, snow, whatever.

    Apply SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen to your face and neck as the last step in your morning skincare routine to ensure your delicate skin stays shielded from UV damage every day of the year.

    8. Finally, Pay Extra Attention To Your Hands

    One of the areas to suffer the most during winter? Your hands. Again, this is all thanks to the cold, dry air – combined with constant hand washing, of course.

    Our advice? Don’t stop washing your hands for starters! Instead, use gentle cleansing, sulfate-free products and always apply hand cream afterwards. Wear gloves when you’re doing the dishes, and apply a rich cream to clean hands every night before bed. You could even pop a pair of cotton gloves over the top to really amp up your overnight moisturizing game while helping to heal and calm dry, itchy skin.


    Hyaluronic Acid
    8 Fail-Safe Ways To Save Your Skin During Winter
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  • Is Your Skin As Healthy As It Can Be?
    If not, we can help with that...

    Healthy skin might sound like the stuff of pipe dreams, but if you forget about striving for perfection, it’s not so out of reach. It’s really more about looking after your skin as best you can – making good lifestyle choices, nailing an awesome skincare routine and cutting down on the things that might upset your skin both in the short- and long-term.

    Your skin is the largest organ of the body and it’s super important for, well, life. It might not help you breathe or pump blood around your body, but it provides essential protection for your entire body and, just like your lungs and heart, it’s darn important. Not only does the skin regulate body temperature and protect your internal organs, but it also prevents potentially toxic germs, viruses and infection from entering the body as well as vital fluids from escaping.

    As we said, important stuff.

    So, what can you do to look after this essential organ and ensure it’s a) doing its job properly and b) looking its absolute best?

    Here, we share our five top tips for healthy skin…

    5 Ways To Improve The Health Of Your Skin

    1. Keep Your Skin Clean

    Dirty skin can’t function properly, so it’s vital to maintain a consistent cleansing routine that removes oil, dirt, sweat and environmental pollutants from the surface.

    Whether you prefer a water-based cleanser, oil, cream, lotion or micellar water it’s important to choose a gentle formulation that’s free of parabens and sulfates so that it does a great job without stripping your skin of essential oils. All of our cleansers are dermatologist tested and formulated without the most common nasties. What's more, there’s something for everyone in our range. We’re currently in love with NEW Tea Tree Super Cleanser which is crisp, fresh and perfect for removing impurities without leaving the skin tight or dry.

    Cleanse your skin morning and night to remove surface debris, and avoid using scorching hot water (this is just as drying as chemical-laded cleansing products). Use a gentle touch to massage your skin all over – neck included – then gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. That hand towel everyone uses in the bathroom? Unacceptable.

    Finally, while we’re on the subject of cleanliness, it’s just as important to keep anything that touches your face clean. This means laundering your bed linens weekly (more often for pillowcases), cleaning your makeup brushes and smartphone frequently and washing your hands more regularly than you’re already doing. All of these things will keep bacteria away from your skin, helping to reduce breakouts and other skin woes.

    2. Eat More Nutritional Food

    It’s all well and good looking after your skin from the outside, but aging develops underneath the surface, so truly healthy skin must start from within. And this means you need to think about what you eat.

    A well-rounded, balanced diet is the key so make sure you include tons of fresh fruit and veggies to get your daily intake of skin-loving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Other skin-loving goodies? Omega-3 fatty acids which are fabulous for regulating sebum production while improving the fatty acid composition in your skin. All this is awesome for helping to reduce irritation, dryness and dehydration.

    But that’s not all. Things like selenium, zinc and lutein are also great additions to your diet, helping to protect your skin, reduce inflammation and aid healing.

    The over-riding rule is thus: avoid things like processed meats, sugar, fried food, carbs and too much salt. And swap them out for fruit, veggies, oily fish, olive oil, nuts, poultry and pulses.

    Research has also shown that reducing your calories may be another way to help slow down the rate at which your skin ages. So there's that...

    3. Drink Less Wine

    While there’s nothing wrong with the odd glass of wine/hard seltzer, too much booze can totally kill your skin’s mojo.

    Alcohol expands your blood vessels and inflames the tissue which can make your skin look way redder than normal. Sure, this is temporary to begin with, but keep drinking the hard stuff and after a few years this will turn into facial redness that just won’t go away.

    Booze also sucks moisture from your skin causing dehydration and the inevitable fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, it causes your sebaceous glands to go into overdrive, which makes your skin look super greasy. Not to mention the added woe of more frequent breakouts.

    Our advice? Drink less units of alcohol… and less often. And remember, clearer alcohol is better, so if you’re going to sip on anything go for spirits like vodka, gin or tequila, mixed with soda water (zero sugar, yay!) and a squeeze of lime.

    4. Be Kind To Your Skin’s Barrier Function

    Your skin is split into three main layers: the subcutaneous layer (the fatty section deep down at the very bottom); the dermis in the middle (where the blood vessels, nerves, sweat and oil glands live) and the epidermis which is the top layer you can see.

    Right at the top of the epidermis is what’s called the stratum corneum. Built from around 20 layers of cells this uppermost layer is kind of like a brick wall, made from keratin and held in place by ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. Together with your skin’s NMF (natural moisturizing factor) it’s your body’s first line of defense against the environment. And this is what’s known as your barrier function.

    The reason your barrier function is so important for healthy skin is because it works super hard to keep all the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. If it’s in great shape, it helps your skin stay soft, supple, moisturized and free from irritation, dryness and sensitivities.

    Everyone’s barrier function is different and it’s one of the main causes of sensitive skin so if this is you, take it as a sign that yours is compromised. But don’t freak out, because there are plenty of ways to look after and strengthen your barrier function to help improve the health of your skin.

    Harsh cleansers are a no-no (see above), as is over-exfoliating your skin and showering or bathing in scorching hot water.

    Then there’s moisturizer. Moisturizers are extremely important for the skin as they seal in hydration, balance sebum production and keep your barrier function in tip-top shape. Use one after every cleanse (and this includes your body as well as your face) and try applying yours to slightly damp skin to further increase hydration in your skin. We love Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer every morning and Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream before bed.

    5. Say A Big NO To The Three ‘S’s – Stress, Smoking & The Sun

    Three of the worst things for the health of your skin? Stress, smoking and the sun.

    Stress triggers all manner of skin issues as it unbalances your hormones, increases inflammation and impairs your barrier function, reducing its ability to retain moisture and fight off potentially damaging irritants. Of course, stress can be hard to manage but breathing exercises, me-time, good sleep and a well-rounded, balanced diet are all great for your mental wellness.

    Smoking, on the other hand, contains a whole barrage of chemicals (more than 4,000!) that destroy collagen and elastin and cause the blood vessels in your skin to narrow, therefore restricting its access to nutrient-rich oxygen. Cue sagging skin, uneven tone, poor texture, dullness and dehydration. The answer? Quit. Need help with that? Check out these tips from former smokers.

    And finally, the sun. Ask any skin expert to recommend the single most important thing you could do for the health of your skin and they will all say wear sunscreen. Sunlight causes skin aging and, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, regular use of sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by up to 50 percent. This means it’s not only vital for the health of your skin, but the health of your entire being.

    Wear SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen every morning without fail. We’ll end it there.



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  • The Importance Of A Consistent Skincare Routine
    No matter your skin type or concerns a consistent routine is the only way to maintain the fabulous skin you deserve.

    We may live in a world of filtered, unrealistic Instagram photos but, here at TruSkin, we’re all about enhancing your REAL skin. Sure you might hate your greasy t-zone, dark spots, crow’s feet or frown lines but the truth is, these small (and we stress ‘small’) imperfections do not define you and don’t need to be hidden behind. You are so much more than the odd wrinkle or chin pimple. You are awesome, and that’s something to be celebrated.

    Now don’t start rolling your eyes in a ‘that’s easier said than done’ fashion – hear us out because we have our own skin woes to bear, too. The thing is, we’ve learned over the years that you may not have the skin you had 10 years ago and this understanding is the first and most important step to being happy in your skin. Instead of reminiscing about your plump teenage skin, it’s all about working with what you have right now.

    But how do you successfully do that? Well, we truly believe that looking after your skin with a consistent skincare routine is the absolute foundation for an awesome complexion. What does a consistent routine mean? Thankfully it doesn’t mean standing over your vanity for hours on end applying an infinite cocktail of products day and night.

    In fact, a solid, effective skincare routine requires just six products...

    1. Cleanser

    Cleansing your skin is often thought of as kind of a must, but not really that important in the grand scheme of things. Big mistake. If you don’t get rid of all that debris, you might as well throw the rest of your products away because they won’t work to the best of their abilities if they have all those surface nasties to get through.

    We believe there are three important things to remember when cleansing your skin. 1. Choose formulations that aren’t loaded with chemicals and are free of irritating ingredients like sulfates, parabens, silicones and PEGs because these can upset your skin’s important barrier function and exacerbate dryness, dehydration, redness and breakouts. No matter your skin type, gentle is always the way to go. Try Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser which is perfect for daily cleansing.

    2. Use only room temperature water. Anything too hot will also compromise your barrier function and have the same disastrous results. And 3. Take your time as you cleanse. Splashing your face, throwing a bit of cleanser at your skin and immediately rinsing it away is not going to do a great job. Instead, use your fingers and hands to massage your skin for a good couple of minutes to stimulate blood flow (hello radiant skin) and encourage lymphatic drainage (ditto!).

    2. Toner

    Hate the thought of drying out your skin with toner? Well, get that entire idea out of your head right now, because these days facial toners are so much more than alcohol-fueled lotions designed to suck all the life out of your skin. They’re actually an important step in your routine and, depending on your skin type, the benefits of a facial toner are endless. They can be saviors if you’re looking to balance, hydrate, calm or soothe your skin. And then some…

    Our Ocean Mineral Super Toner, for example, floods your skin with skin-boosting treats like glycolic acid, vitamin C, MSM and botanical extracts. Even better news: simply spritz it on your skin after cleansing and this entire step is done and dusted in a matter of seconds.

    3. Serum

    Straight after toning comes your treatment serum. Serum should always be applied before eye cream and moisturizer because it’s lighter in consistency so needs cleaner, bare skin in order to do its job properly. Apply moisturizer first and it literally stands no chance of penetrating your skin.

    Another fact for you: serum is a vital part of anyone’s skincare routine. How so? Because its small, molecular structure means it can deliver active ingredients to your skin way quicker and deeper than regular moisturizer.

    If you’re not sure where to start with serum, don’t sweat it: we have an incredible collections of facial serums to suit every skin type. Looking for a gentle, antioxidant serum that won’t irritate your sensitive skin? Then our Niacinamide Facial Serum is right up your alley. Searching for an awesome all-round anti-ager to boost your flailing collagen supplies? Then look no further than our new Peptide Facial Serum. Whatever your needs, we’ve totally got your back. Just remember to only apply a couple of drops to your face and neck, and gently smooth or press it into your skin for the best results. Oh, and don’t forget to patch test first – serums are pretty potent so you should always make sure any new one is compatible with your skin before using it on the reg.

    4. Eye Treatment

    After allowing your serum to settle for a minute or so, apply an eye treatment. The skin around your eyes is notoriously dry and fragile making it very susceptible to the slings and arrows of everyday life – ie: sun damage, environmental pollution, stress and lack of sleep. Face moisturizer, however, can be a little heavy for this area, so stick with an eye treatment that’s been specifically created to treat the delicate skin around your eyes.

    The golden rule when applying eye cream is that less is more – just a pea-sized amount will take care of both eyes easily. And don’t be too heavy-handed as you apply it. A great trick is to use your ring fingers to dab it around your eyes. This automatically forces you to use a lighter touch.

    We have two equally awesome eye treatments: Peptide Eye Gel and Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream, so take your pick. You can't go wrong with either!

    5. Moisturizer

    Water makes up around 64 percent of healthy skin so it’s vital you help your skin stay hydrated 24/7. And moisturizer is the best/only way to do this. Serums are fabulous, for sure, but they don’t contain the slightly richer emollient ingredients that seal hydration into your skin and help reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

    Look for kind-to-skin formulations that contain a combination of ingredients to both hydrate your skin (aloe vera, glycerin and hyaluronic acid) and lock in moisture (shea butter, jojoba oil and friends). Try Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer for the morning and Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream before bed.

    At night, moisturizer should be the final step in your routine, but in the morning there’s one final step to come. And it’s a VERY IMPORTANT one…

    6. Sun Protection

    Last, but by no means least, is sunscreen. Yes, applying SPF can seem like a chore but rain, shine, blue skies or gray, sunscreen is non-negotiable every day of the year. The facts are, it’s the most important (and effective) anti-aging product you could ever use and it can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by up to 50 percent.

    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, you should choose a broad-spectrum formulation that offers a protection of at least SPF 15 (preferably 30), and you must apply around a nickel-sized amount to your face every morning. Sounds like a bore? Then try our brand new SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen which is lightweight, easy to apply and bursting with skin goodies like vitamin C, aloe vera, vegan marine collagen and the king of sun protection, zinc oxide.

    Now For The Hard Bit…

    Once you’ve got all this down, the important thing is to stick with your chosen routine – morning AND night. Too tired to wash your face before bed? Tough. Can't be bothered to apply sunscreen in the morning? Unlucky. The bottom line is that if you want to enjoy your best skin for as long as possible, you have to keep at it.



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    The Importance Of A Consistent Skincare Routine
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