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  • Your Summer Skincare Bucket List
    Because, sure, it's extremely important, but summer is not only about SPF, SPF and more SPF…

    When we talk of summer skincare, the first thing that always springs to mind is sunscreen. And rightly so. Protecting your skin from that fire ball in the great big sky is one of the most important things you can do for the health of not only your skin, but your entire body. The hard truth is that the sun is accountable for between 80 and 90 percent of external skin aging (ouch!). And not only does it break down important proteins in your skin (hello collagen and elastin), accelerating wrinkles and dark spots but, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, UV radiation is the number one cause of skin cancers. In fact, around 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to the sun.

    Scary stuff, right?

    Knowing how to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun is an important skincare lesson. Feel like you’re not quite on the ball? Well, we’re not going to go into it today because all you need to know is right here. Instead, we're here to talk about everything else involved in summer skincare because warm weather brings a whole slew of other challenges for your skin.

    Thankfully, there are many ways to up your summer skincare game to ensure your complexion stays looking fabulous all the way through fall…

    1. Level Up Your Cleansing Routine

    Why: Hot, steamy days mean one thing: sweat. You have between two and four million sweat glands all over your body, a large number of which are found on your forehead on cheeks. This means your cleansing game needs to be on point to ensure your pores are kept clean and clear.

    How: Gel or foam face washes that contain deep cleaning ingredients like activated charcoal, tea tree oil or salicylic acid are great for the summer months. We’re currently in love with our new Tea Tree Super Cleanser which is refreshing and leaves your skin super clean. Cleanse your face every morning and more importantly, every night (when you’ll be at your sweatiest!) using lukewarm, never hot water. And make sure you get right into your hairline as this area is particularly prone to breakouts in the summer.

    PS: Cleansing your body every evening is also super important if you’ve been slathered in sunscreen all day.

    2. Avoid Pore-Clogging Ingredients

    Why: While we’re on the topic of clogged pores, it’s not just sweat you need to worry about in the summer. Excess oils, dirt, debris, sunscreen and makeup can also get jammed in your pores, leading to breakouts on your face and body.

    How: Again, regular cleansing is key, but to help keep your pores clear in the first place, try to also use non-comedogenic products across your entire skincare routine.

    'Non-comedogenic’ is the term used for ingredients that are unlikely to block your pores. Rich butters and heavy oils, for example, are awesome for locking moisture into your skin and protecting your barrier function. But, they are not non-comedogenic. Far from it. Instead, look for lighter moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil and shea butter, as well as hydrating gems such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid. You’ll find all of these in our awesome Retinol Moisturizer. And yes, contrary to popular belief you CAN use retinol in the summer.

    3. Exfoliate (In Moderation)

    Why: Another way to keep summer breakouts at bay is to exfoliate more often than normal. Exfoliation increases cellular turnover and rids your skin of dead skin cells which are not something your pores want to deal with on top of everything else.

    How: Over-exfoliating your skin is never wise and it’s one of the biggest issues derms have to deal with. However, if you’re going to up your game, now’s the time to do it. Just tread carefully. Think two or three times a week rather than every day and switch out harsh scrubs containing skin-damaging fruit shells or nut pieces for a gentler product like Ocean Minerals Super Toner which contains naturally exfoliating glycolic acid.

    4. Make Friends With Antioxidants

    Why: The sun is one of the leading causes of free radicals in the skin. And as innocent as they sound, free radicals have zero redeeming qualities. They’re basically unstable molecules that damage your skin by trying to bind themselves to important proteins and DNA. This causes a process called oxidative stress which weakens collagen and elastin and ages you up in no time. The good news? Antioxidants to the rescue! These little skincare geniuses bind themselves to free radicals, preventing them from damaging all the good stuff in your skin.

    How: Antioxidants are awesome all year, but they’re especially important in the summer when you spend more time in the great outdoors. If you’re looking for the cream of the crop we recommend bringing out the big guns, namely vitamins C and E. This antioxidant double act not only reduces oxidative stress, but helps prevent dark spots, reduces the appearance of fine lines and works hard to boost collagen production. Apply just a few drops of Vitamin C Facial Serum every morning after cleansing and before moisturizing to get your daily quota.

    5. Don’t Stop Believin'... In Moisturizer

    Why: Moisturizing may feel counter-intuitive in the warmer months when your skin feels sweatier and oilier than normal. But here’s the thing, natural oils and sweat do not keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. In fact, the summer heat can dehydrate your skin which will make your skin produce even more oil than normal. And that’s what we call a vicious beauty circle. Thankfully, the solution is simple: continue to moisturize to hydrate your skin, promote cellular turnover and protect your skin's important barrier function.

    How: Choose lighter products that won’t clog your pores or make your skin feel heavy and sticky, and look out for moisturizers that are high on humectants. Humectants are ingredients like aloe, hyaluronic acid and glycerin which draw water to the surface of your skin to help keep it hydrated. Try Hyaluronic Facial Serum each night before bed, followed by Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to moisturize and recharge your skin while you sleep.

    Finally, of course, you should continue to apply a daily broad spectrum SPF30 to any exposed skin.

    But we hope that goes without saying by now...



    Your Summer Skincare Bucket List
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  • 3 Of Your Most Pressing Skin Aging Concerns – Sorted!
    Fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots and dry, dehydrated skin: three of the most common signs of aging skin, right there. So, let’s see what we can do to keep them to a minimum, shall we?

    Skin aging happens to us all. Literally, every one of us. And while you can’t press a button and stop time (if so, we’d take age 32, please!), you can, for sure, take control of the rate at which you age – to a certain degree, of course. Looking after yourself with a healthy diet and regular exercise is a given. But what else can you do to specifically target your most niggling skin bugbears? Here, we take a look at three of the most common signs of aging skin…

    1. Fine Lines & Wrinkles

    What They Are: Fine Lines and wrinkles can crop up on your skin pretty early on in life. They happen when your skin’s support network (collagen and elastin) breaks down as you age, causing your skin to become thinner, weaker and less resilient. Kind of like deflating a balloon, your skin loses its plumpness, feels less taut and starts to wrinkle. Lines and wrinkles are usually most prevalent around your eyes, mouth and forehead where your face is the most expressive.

    What Causes Them: Father Time is obviously a major factor here, but it’s not just getting old that breaks down collagen and elastin fibers. Exposure to the sun also speeds up this process like lightning. As does smoking; a poor diet that’s laden with salt, sugar, processed carbs and bad fats; environmental pollution, and repetitive facial movements such as smiling, laughing, frowning or squinting.

    What You Can Do: One of the most important ways to prevent lines and wrinkles is to look after your skin’s barrier function through gentle cleansing and regular moisturizing. Your skin’s barrier is its outermost layer that protects it from external nasties, while reducing moisture loss and transporting essential nutrients and hydration to the underlying layers of your skin. This barrier is super important for the look, feel and health of your skin, so ensure you moisturize regularly, never over-exfoliate and cleanse gently twice a day, avoiding skin-drying chemicals and scorching hot water.

    What To Use To Target Fine Lines & Wrinkles: Topical antioxidants are a joy for dealing with the signs of aging, and when it comes to those pesky lines and wrinkles, you can’t go wrong with Retinol Serum. Proven time and again for being one of the most effective ingredients for improving collagen synthesis and cell turnover, retinol is the boss when it comes to softening crinkly skin. And we don’t say that lightly.

    2. Dark Spots

    What They Are: Possibly even more frustrating than lines and wrinkles are those dark spots that seem to come from nowhere as you hit your 30s and beyond. Otherwise known as hyperpigmentation, dark spots occur when your skin’s production of melanin (that’s the pigment that gives your skin its natural color) goes awry, creating patchy areas of dark skin in all the wrong places. Dark spots can appear anywhere on your body but are commonly seen on your face, shoulders, chest and hands.

    What Causes Them: Three things: the sun, hormonal fluctuations or some kind of skin trauma/injury like a bug bite, acne spot or eczema. These all interfere with the melanin-synthesizing cells in your skin (melanocytes), causing them to over-produce melanin which then gets unevenly distributed in the epidermis. The result? Blotchy, speckled skin.

    What You Can Do: Exfoliation is a great way to remove dulling dead skin cells at a surface level, allowing for all the fresh, untarnished stuff to make its way to the surface. Chemical peels are great for this if you want something hardcore, but don’t dismiss at-home exfoliation which can also reap great results with patience and dedication. Just don’t overdo it or you could cause irritation, redness and an unnecessary thinning of the skin.

    What To Use To Target Dark Spots: As well as being mildly exfoliating and a go-to for fighting off damaging free radicals that form in the skin thanks to sun exposure and pollution, studies have shown that vitamin C can help inhibit melanin production at a cellular level. This is great news for anyone looking to improve dark spots. Try our fan favorite Vitamin C Serum.

    3. Dryness & Dehydration

    What They Are: Similar… but very different, dryness refers to a lack of oil in your skin, whereas dehydration indicates a lack of water. Also, dry skin is a skin type that you’re born with, whereas dehydration is a condition anyone can experience.

    What Causes Them: As you get older, the dermis and underlying layers of your skin get thinner and more fragile which makes it harder for your skin to retain moisture. Couple this with the natural loss of ceramides, hyaluronic acid, fats and lipids and it’s no wonder your skin becomes drier and more dehydrated. Your sebaceous glands also slow down through age which might be music to the ears of oily skin types, but for everyone else this is a one-way ticket to unwanted dryness.

    What You Can Do: Fight back and make moisturizers, facial oils and hydrating serums your BFFs. Moisturize your skin after every cleanse, and choose products that contain both humectants (to help boost moisture content) as well as emollients and/or occlusives (to create a seal over your skin and help lock all that moisture in). Also, try to avoid using hot water on your skin which can strip all the healthy fats and oils away, causing further dryness and dehydration.

    What To Use To Target Dryness & Dehydration: You can't beat a well-rounded formula like our Hyaluronic Acid Serum for boosting much-needed moisture in dehydrated skin. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in your skin, but as you hit age 20 it tends to beat it faster than you can say 'pass the moisturizer'. Our awesome serum helps counteract natural HA loss and also lavishes your skin with aloe, glycerin and botanical oils to help dryness as well as dehydration. Just remember to apply moisturizer on top to make sure all that skin-loving moisture stays there.

    Finally, there’s one other small but seriously important skincare trick for helping to prevent ALL of the above. You probably know where we’re going here, right? Yes, sun protection.

    Excluding the natural aging process, the sun is responsible for between 80 and 90 percent of all visible signs of skin aging. Lines, wrinkles, dark spots, dryness, dehydration, the works. So, as well as using an awesome facial treatment that’s targeted to your specific concerns, you must always apply SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen every morning. No excuses, no arguments.



    3 Of Your Most Pressing Skin Aging Concerns – Sorted!
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  • 5 Things You Never Knew About Hyaluronic Acid
    You might not be able to spell hyaluronic acid, but who cares? What you really need to know is what it does and exactly why you need to include it in your skincare regimen.

    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a veritable darling of the beauty world, and almost every skincare brand we know has harnessed its powers to help bring your skin to a better place. But it’s one thing to see this wonder ingredient on your ingredient list and think, ‘Yeah, I’ve heard of hyaluronic acid. That stuff’s supposed to be good,’ to truly grasping what HA can offer.

    As you probably know, our main MO is to fill in these little gaps to help give you a better understanding of your skincare options so you can make excellent decisions for the benefit of your skin. Because knowledge is power, right?

    Well, here are five things you might not know about hyaluronic acid.

    1. Hyaluronic Acid Is A Humectant

    Hyaluronic acid, otherwise known as hyaluronan, is a sugar molecule that’s naturally found by the bucketload in your body. It’s present in your joints, eyes and cartilage, but around 50 percent of the body’s total amount of HA is in your skin, where it helps keep things cushioned and lubricated. How does it do this? Well, HA is known as a humectant, which means it works like a sponge to attract water to hydrate the skin – either from the air or from deeper within the skin’s dermis. Other humectants include the likes of aloe, glycerin, honey and urea.

    The amazing thing about hyaluronic acid is that it’s been proven to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water. And if that sounds like a lot... well, that’s because it is.

    2. Age-Related Hyaluronic Acid Loss Is A Thing

    Aging is a privilege, but it’s also darn hard on your skin. As you know, much of the good stuff that keeps your skin plump, radiant, soft and youthful decreases as you get older. Collagen and elastin are the obvious ones here, but your levels of naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid also diminish over time.

    According to the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, HA loss can begin as early as your 20s, with levels reducing by as much as half by the age of 50. Ouch! This is one of the main reasons your skin feels more dehydrated as you get older, and of course it contributes to those fine lines and wrinkles creeping up on you.

    It’s also why counteracting this massive loss with some topical HA in your skincare routine is such a fine idea.

    3. If Used Incorrectly, Hyaluronic Acid Can Actually Dehydrate Your Skin

    Shut the front door.

    This is an interesting one because sure, HA is a moisture-loving skincare ingredient that’s great for adding much-needed water and hydration to the surface of your skin. But it can also do the opposite. Bear with us for a minute…

    As we’ve already explained, HA needs water in order to hydrate your skin. Well, it has to get this from somewhere and if there’s no water on the surface or if you live in a climate that’s seriously lacking in humidity, any HA you apply will pull water up from deeper within your skin. And that’s not ideal.

    Thankfully, this is easily rectified – you just need to apply your HA moisturizer or serum (and may we suggest our awesome Hyaluronic Acid Serum?) to damp skin, straight after cleansing. Then, if you’ve gone for a serum (and just to reiterate, you probably should!), apply moisturizer over the top to seal all that water in. Serums, while awesome at delivering active ingredients to your skin, often lack emollient or occlusive ingredients like fatty acid-rich oils, which are vital because they help lock moisture into your skin. We repeat, always follow your serum with a creamy moisturizer like Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer.

    4. Hyaluronic Acid Is Not Just About Hydrating The Skin

    Far from a one-trick pony, hyaluronic acid offers countless other benefits for your skin – other than the obvious effects of improved hydration like smoother, stronger skin and fewer visible lines and wrinkles. For starters, HA works hard to help fortify your skin’s important barrier function, which helps your skin defend itself from environmental factors like pollution, sun damage and toxins.

    HA is also an anti-inflammatory and, not to be a complete show-off, but it boasts awesome antioxidant properties, too. Antioxidants are super important for the health of your skin because they target skin-damaging free radicals, helping to neutralize them before they seriously harm and age up your skin.

    5. Hyaluronic Acid Works For Most Skin Types

    Unlike some active skincare ingredients we won’t name (because we love them just as dearly), the form of botanical HA we use in our formulas is known for being gentle and well tolerated by most skin types. After all, it's designed to mimic the the naturally-occurring HA in your skin, so it's less likely to cause irritation, sensitivities or trigger existing skin conditions like rosacea or acne. Our Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream is packed with botanical HA for these very reasons.

    Of course, there’s always a slim chance you might have a mild reaction to hyaluronic acid but this is more common with HA fillers than with skincare. We always recommend performing a patch test just in case. In fact, this is something you should do when using any treatment or active skincare formulation for the first time. Then you can catch anything untoward before it's too late, and make a decision on whether that particular product is right for you.

    Other than pairing well with most skin types (even sensitive), botanical HA also works seamlessly with other active skincare ingredients like retinol, niacinamide and vitamin C. In fact, HA and retinol get on VERY well together, hence the popularity of our Retinol Facial Moisturizer, which contains both.

    Now, can we have a big hurrah for hyaluronic acid, please? For it truly does deserve every bit of praise it receives.


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    5 Things You Never Knew About Hyaluronic Acid
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  • Why Everyone’s Talking About Skin Barrier Protection
    Skin barrier protection is on everyone's lips right now. Why? Because this uppermost layer of your skin is a real workhorse – and it needs looking after if you want it to function properly. Here’s how…

    Like many skincare brands, beauty blogs and glossy magazines, we often talk about the skin barrier. It's super important for the health of your skin. Which means it’s also super important for how your skin looks and feels on a daily basis.

    But what is this elusive skin barrier? And why does it play such a vital role? Well, your skin’s barrier is basically its uppermost layer  the very top of your epidermis that’s made up of around 20 layers of cells and known in the beauty biz as the stratum corneum. This top brick wall-like layer arguably works harder than the rest of your skin put together because it acts like a security guard to protect your skin and your body from the outside world, preventing moisture from getting out and external irritants from getting in.

    Of course, the aging process weakens your skin’s barrier as it naturally loses vital moisture, ceramides and cholesterol over time. Which is a bummer. And if you suffer with sensitive skin? Well, that's got a lot to do with having a thin or compromised barrier that’s unable to effectively keep pesky irritants like pollution, toxins, UV radiation and harsh chemicals at bay. These environmental stressors not only cause things like irritation, dryness, dehydration and redness for your skin, but they simultaneously keep chipping away at your skin’s barrier function, weakening it and making it even more prone to damage.

    The basic premise is this: you must keep your skin barrier thick and resilient if you're serious about achieving and maintaining healthy, strong skin. An efficient, hardworking barrier will make your skin look far better than one that's not doing so well – think radiant, smooth, even... you know the drill.

    So, want more intel on how to protect your skin’s all-important barrier? Read on for our five golden rules…

    Rule #1: Pare Back Your Skincare Routine

    Gosh, it’s tempting to lavish your skin with every vitamin, acid and goodness knows what other skin-loving ingredients you can get your hands on. And while complicated skincare routines might sound awesome in theory, too much of a good thing can reap disastrous results – especially where your skin’s barrier is concerned.

    The key to a solid barrier-strengthening regimen is to keep it simple, yet effective. Easier said than done? Actually, no. Just avoid overloading your skin with tons of serums, essences, oils and potions containing active ingredients that could work against each other and irritate your skin. It’s as simple as that, really. Stick to a basic cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine, and add in just one treatment product, two at the absolute max – one for use in the morning and one for nighttime.

    Our favorite serum for nourishing barrier function is Niacinamide SerumNiacinamide has been shown to help boost ceramide production and is one of the best antioxidants for sensitive skin. Apply it before moisturizer for fabulous results.


    Rule #2: Up Your Moisturizing Game

    Moisturizers are key for hydrating the top layers of your skin and preventing transepidermal water loss (TEWL). And as you know, moisturizing is an important step in any skincare routine – whether your skin is oily and prone to breakouts, dry and itchy, or somewhere in between.

    When it comes to skin barrier protection, the key is to find an effective moisturizer that’s packed with reparative ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, ceramides and botanical oils rich in essential fatty acids. We love Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer.

    Extreme dryness can seriously damage your skin’s barrier, leaving it vulnerable to external aggressors like pollution, UV radiation and the like, so if your barrier function has gotten out of whack and you’re experiencing a lot of dryness and abnormal sensitivities, moisturizer alone might not be enough. This is where a barrier cream may be needed. Barrier creams not only hydrate the skin and prevent dryness, but they also provide a kind of protective seal over your skin to repair damage, allowing your barrier to heal itself and therefore do its job better.

    Rule #3: Press ‘Go’ On The Ultimate Protection Plan

    Supercharged moisturizing is all well and good for building up your barrier function and healing your skin, but you also want to prevent further damage, right? Right. Well, on top of applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, another great way to do this is to incorporate a topical antioxidant into your daily routine.

    Antioxidants are the bee’s knees at neutralizing cellular damage caused by environmentally-induced free radicals. This means they’re a must if you want to look after your valuable collagen and elastin supplies. And, btw, you absolutely do want to look after collagen and elastin because they’re crucial for the integrity of your skin’s barrier – and your skin’s health, in general.

    But as we mentioned, don’t overcomplicate your routine by bombarding your skin with too many antioxidant treatments. Find one you love for the morning (vitamin C is awesome!) and apply another before bed. Our Retinol Serum is a fantastic overnight treatment boasting antioxidants known to boost cellular turnover for stronger, brighter skin. Retinol can be potent, however, so always patch test it first and introduce it slowly into your routine to make sure you don’t compromise your skin’s protective barrier.

    Rule #4: Try Not To Stress The Small Stuff

    Stress is an ugly beast when it comes to your skin’s barrier. Not only has it been proven to deplete your skin’s production of healthy oils and valuable moisture, but stress also alters your skin’s pH level, produces unnecessary free radicals and triggers various hormones (hi there, cortisol), which can result in inflammatory reactions and all sorts of consequences like itching, redness and flaking skin. Stress has also been directly linked to chronic skin conditions including rosacea, psoriasis, acne and eczema. All of which are barrier issues. Sigh.

    Managing stress isn't simple and unfortunately, there’s no solution that fits all. You could be totally into meditation or you might hate the thought of it. But try to think of something that relaxes you and do this for a good amount of time, every day. Perhaps it's reading a book, deep breathing, or going out for a walk. Even just watching your favorite show. Whatever your jam, find time to regularly do it. Honestly, this is the best place to start. And your skin will thank you for it.

    Rule #5: Say A Big NO To Harsh Skincare Ingredients

    We believe some ingredients have no place on your skin. Cleansing detergents like sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), for example, alter your skin’s pH and strip your barrier of essential oils. Yes, they’re fabulous at getting rid of built-up dirt and debris, but tbh, they’re almost TOO good, so they end up leaving your skin’s barrier fragile and weak. The good news is we don’t include such nasties in our face washes, so you know you're getting good and clean with Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser or Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser.

    While we’re on the subject of too much of a good thing, you might want to avoid synthetic fragrance in your skincare (which can seriously irritate sensitive skin) and try cutting back on physical exfoliation with things like cleansing brushes, mitts and abrasive scrubs. These can also upset your skin’s barrier if not used with care.

    Of course, we can’t leave before finally mentioning a few other lifestyle habits that can do a real number on your skin’s barrier. Smoking, cruddy sleep and a poor diet are just a few and we’re sure you can think of many others – one of which starts with an ‘a’ and ends with an ‘l’.

    The simple answer to this whole skin barrier protection game? Be nice to both your body and your skin. That is all.





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  • How To Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out
    Can you really eat your way to healthier, glowy skin? We truly believe that if you combine a great diet with spot-on skincare, then yes, you totally can.

    As a skincare company, awesome products that deliver quality, value and results are everything. But we also know that a great complexion doesn’t solely come from a fabulous skincare routine. Yes, gentle cleansing is vital. And of course, daily moisturizing and protecting your skin from that great big ball of fire in the sky are just as important. Duh! However, to truly max out your complexion and make sure you enjoy your best skin 24/7, you must also think about the food that goes into your body.

    Now we would never (not even for one minute) suggest you cut out all the fun things from your diet – just try to take away our cupcakes and pinot, we dare you! – but moderation is key. And as long as you balance the slightly less nutritious stuff with plenty of skin-loving food and drink, your skin won't punish you for treating yourself every now and again.

    Read on for ten essential nutrients to help your skin get its glow on…

    1. Beta Carotene

    Beta-carotene belongs to the carotenoid family and once ingested, gets converted by your body into vitamin A. So why's this good for your skin? Well, vitamin A is a fabulous antioxidant that protects your skin from environmental damage, thus helping push back the signs of premature aging for as long as possible. It also accelerates cellular turnover, boosts your skin’s natural protection from UV damage and helps give you a gorgeous glow.

    Find It In: Any yellow-orange fruits and veggies, plus leafy greens.

    Skincare Partner: Retinol Serum. Because retinol is the topical form of vitamin A, after all.

    2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Unlike saturated and trans fats, omega-3s are the good guys because they help regulate sebum production, improve the fatty acid composition in your skin and strengthen your barrier function to reduce irritation, dryness and dehydration. Omega-3s have also been shown to help reduce breakouts and soothe skin concerns like eczema and psoriasis. It’s a must for your daily diet, no matter your skin type.

    Find Them In: Fish oils, oily fish such as wild salmon and mackerel, flax seeds and chia.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream, our richest moisturizer and the perfect way to relieve dryness and dehydration.

    3. Flavonoids

    Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol found in almost all fruits and vegetables. Just like carotenoids, flavonoids are responsible for their bright color – but they’re so much more than a pretty face. With powerful antioxidant properties, flavonoids are a great way to help protect your skin from oxidative stress and improve its strength and suppleness by reducing DNA and collagen destruction.

    Find Them In: Green tea, red wine (hallelujah!), kale, strawberries and citrus fruits.

    Skincare Partner: Retinol Moisturizer, which contains organic green tea.

    4. Vitamin C

    This antioxidant essential not only deals with the pesky free radicals that form in your skin after exposure to things like UV radiation and pollution, but vitamin C also encourages collagen and elastin production for stronger, younger-looking skin. Furthermore, studies show that vitamin C boosts the efficacy of your sunscreen AND balances melanin production for a brighter, healthier glow. Everything but the kitchen sink springs to mind, right?

    Find It In: Kiwis, berries, citrus fruits, broccoli and red peppers.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Serum – our award-winning bestseller that's packed with vitamin C. Enough said.

    5. Vitamin E

    Often known as the moisturizing, healing vitamin in the world of skincare, vitamin E is equally as important in your diet as it is in your face cream. Just like our friend vitamin C, vitamin E comes packed with antioxidants to boost your immune system, fight inflammation and reduce collagen damage caused by environmental pollution and UV radiation.

    Find It In: Avocados, spinach, seafood, almonds, seeds, wheat germ and sunflower oil.

    Skincare Partner: Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream. Because looking after the skin around your eyes with HA plus vitamins C and E is a shoo-in.

    6. Selenium

    Selenium is an essential mineral that protects your cell membranes and maintains the firmness of your skin by safeguarding it from free radical damage. When paired with vitamin E, selenium has also been shown to reduce inflammation, curb acne breakouts and help your skin heal quicker and better. *Immediately adds to Instacart

    Find It In: Brazil nuts, poultry, seafood and lentils.

    Skincare Partner: Tea Tree Super Serum+. It's packed with antioxidants and brimming with clarifying goodies like salicylic acid and tea tree essential oil to unclog pores and reduce breakouts.

    7. Lutein

    Lutein is well-known for the vital role it plays in keeping your eyes healthy. But it also looks after your skin by providing protection from high-energy sources like the sun and your various digital devices. Improving elasticity and skin tone are an added string to its bow. Oh, and one other thing, lutein cannot be produced by your body so you have to get your fix from your diet.

    Find It In: Spinach, kale, bell peppers, parsley, corn and egg yolk.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Super Serum+ which is chock-full of skin-protecting antioxidants to protect your skin from HEV (blue) light.

    8. Zinc

    Did you know your skin holds about 20 percent of your body’s entire supply of zinc? This makes it one of the most important trace minerals when it comes to the health of your skin. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and oil-regulating, zinc plays a critical role for oily skin types and for those who suffer from clogged pores and pesky breakouts. It also aids healing, boosts collagen synthesis and helps build protein in the skin to keep it younger-looking longer.

    Find It In: Breakfast cereals, red meat, poultry, legumes, asparagus and milk.

    Skincare Partner: Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser, a go-to for clarifying, regulating sebum and detoxifying acne-prone skin.

    9. Probiotics

    Probiotics help promote good bacteria in your gut, which is thought to be directly related to your skin and its delicate microbiome. The skin’s microbiome is an intricate system of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi which live within the various layers of your skin. Yes, that sounds kinda icky, but these microorganisms work hard to keep bad bacteria at bay, so they’re super important. What's equally important is supporting this microbiome with dietary probiotics. Why? Because things like eczema and inflammation, plus hot showers and chemical-laden skincare, can throw your microbiome totally out of whack.

    Find Them In: Yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut and sourdough bread.

    Skincare Partner: Rose Water Facial Toner. This is our kindest, purest formulation and packed with healing benefits highly unlikely to upset your skin’s delicate microbiome.

    10. Water

    Staying hydrated is so, so important for your overall health. And while water is yet to be proven to directly hydrate your skin (because your other vital organs need it way more), you’ve all seen what your skin looks like when it’s dehydrated, right? We're talking dull, dull and a little bit duller.

    No matter what your thoughts are on the skin benefits of chugging three liters of water a day, maintaining a proper level of hydration is vital for skin health. It won't transform your skin overnight, but it will help increase circulation and flush out toxins to minimize puffiness and enhance your glow.

    Find It In: Other than the obvious? Watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, apples and celery.

    Skincare Partner: Hyaluronic Acid Serum, which combines the hydrating powers of botanical hyaluronic acid with vitamins C and E.






    How To Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out
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  • 10 Things You Must Do To Protect Your Skin In Winter
    Don’t let your skin guard down simply because it’s not tipping 95 degrees in the shade right now. Your skin needs just as much protection in winter as it does in the summer. Maybe even more so.

    Cold, wintry air robs your skin of moisture… Bright sunshine breaks down collagen and is the number one cause of premature skin aging… Oh, and did we mention that wind can cause your lips to crack, peel and even bleed? It’s clear that winter is a tricky little customer for your skin to deal with. Unless you know what you’re doing, that is.

    Read the tips below and in ten minutes, you totally will!

    1. Slap On Your Daily SPF

    We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again (and again… and again... and, well, you get the picture), sunscreen is important every day of the year. The sun doesn’t pack up its bags and go away as soon as summer’s over. It’s right there in the sky every day, and while its heat might not be quite as intense come winter, the light it emits (and that’s the important thing here) is still very much present.

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, even on cloudy days, 80 percent of the sun’s damaging UV rays manage to work their way through to your skin. And that’s a lot of radiation just waiting to damage your collagen, elastin and DNA.

    Fight back with a broad-spectrum daily moisturizer that packs a solid SPF 30 or above.

    2. Use A Bedroom Humidifier

    Winter air = dry air, which can strip your skin of natural oils, break down your skin's protective barrier and exacerbate dryness and dehydration. This is why humidifiers (which add extra moisture into the air) are such a genius idea for your home. OK, so it might be a little excessive to install one in every room in your house, but if there’s one place your skin will really benefit from one, it’s your bedroom. Set it around the 40-50 percent humidity mark and not only will this help balance and hydrate your skin, you’ll also probably sleep way better as an added bonus.

    3. Invest In An Antioxidant Serum

    Neutralize the damaging assault from environmental free radicals by applying a topical antioxidant serum every morning after cleansing and before moisturizing. This will help fight damage caused by everything from the sun through to pollution, cigarette smoke and other daily nasties.

    Our favorite winter antioxidant has to be vitamin C because it nixes free radicals AND helps give your skin a certain glow that’s rare during the cold, gloomy months. Try Vitamin C Serum for your daily hit of the C-dog. Or, to add an extra boost of hydration – which never goes amiss at this time of year – go for Hyaluronic Acid Serum.

    4. Limit Hot Baths

    Sure, a daily soak in a hot bath can make you feel like a million dollars in the short term, but hot water is one of your skin’s biggest enemies. How so? It strips away your skin's natural lipids, compromising your barrier function and leading to all manner of skin no-nos like irritation, inflammation, dryness and dehydration.

    According to the National Eczema Association, baths should be limited to 10 or 15 minutes and you should never bathe in super hot water. Warm? Fine. Scorchio? Not so much.

    5. Cleanse With Care

    If there’s one area of your skincare routine that should be scrutinized during winter, it’s cleansing. Poor cleansing (the kind that uses hot water and harsh surfactants) strips away natural oils and upsets the balance of your skin’s naturally low pH. Cue irritation, breakouts, dryness, the works.

    The key is to go gentle all the way. Cleanse with lukewarm water and use only kind-to-your-skin formulations that don’t overly dry it out at a surface level. With no harsh surfactants and plenty of skin-loving oils and antioxidants, Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser has your back here.

    6. Don’t Crank Up Your Heating Too Much

    When you couple cold temps outside with scorching ones inside, you might as well welcome skin issues like redness and irritation with open arms. The reason for this is that sudden contrasts in temperature cause your blood vessels to dilate, making your skin flush. Central heating also sucks water out of the air… and consequently your skin. Bad news all round.

    Set your heating no higher than 68 degrees during the day and either switch it off at night or at least turn it down to a comfortable 58 degrees. Honestly, your skin will thank you for it – as will your energy bill!

    7. Up Your Moisturizing Game

    If there’s ever a time to moisturize more than normal, it’s during the winter months when dry skin is almost a given. If you feel like your regular moisturizer doesn’t quite get the job done as soon as fall turns to winter, try a richer formulation that contains occlusive ingredients like beeswax, cocoa butter and shea butter. Occlusives create a physical barrier on the surface of your skin to protect it from the elements and help prevent moisture loss.

    Our Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream is a particular favorite this time of year because it contains organic cocoa butter and beeswax, as well as glycerin and aloe to hydrate. Try applying it immediately after cleansing (while your skin is still damp) to lock in moisture and recharge your skin while you sleep.

    8. Eat A Water-Rich Diet

    Another great way to help combat winter dryness and dehydration is to make sure you include plenty of water-rich foods in your diet. Watermelon is awesome, as are oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and yogurt.

    Similarly, try to cut down on some of the baddies in your diet which tend to be dehydrating for your poor, winter-worn complexion. Salt, for starters, will suck all the moisture out of your skin. It also increases inflammation and weakens your collagen. So there’s that.

    9. Be Gentle As You Towel-Dry

    Aggressively rubbing your skin dry with a towel after cleansing? Bad idea. Patting it dry with a gentle dabbing motion? Excellent. This will reduce any risk of irritation and dehydration – neither of which you want, ­especially in the winter when both of these are at their highest.

    10. Avoid Chemical-Laced Skincare

    Finally, sticking with a gentle skincare plan is definitely the way forward when temperatures are at their lowest. Dry, dehydrated skin means your barrier function isn't working at its best, allowing irritants, toxins and other potential allergens to upset your skin and exacerbate existing conditions like eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and acne.

    The good news is that all TruSkin products are formulated without the major skin-upsetting ingredients, including harsh sulfates, parabens, phthalates, soy, PEGs and silicone.

    We're good like that, you see. ;)





    Hyaluronic Acid
    10 Things You Must Do To Protect Your Skin In Winter
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