True Radical Honesty From Our Community

  • 8 Simple Tricks For Wide-Awake Skin
    Morning skin can often look kind of ‘meh’ – especially if you’ve over-indulged the night before, of course. But with these easy beauty hacks, glowing skin is just around the corner. 

    As you all know, lack of sleep, stress, late-night pizza and a few too many pinots are a recipe for disastrous skin. But here’s the thing: life’s not been easy this past year and stuff gets in the way. Yes, in an ideal world you’d get great sleep every night, your emotional wellbeing would be top of the world, a healthy diet would be taken for granted and your all-round perfect lifestyle, would be, well, just perfect.

    But you don’t live in a permanent state of perfection. In fact, nobody does. So, all you can ask is to try your best and give yourself a break – for the sake of your skin and your entire well-being. And great news, people: even though looking after yourself is the single most important way to maintain a radiant, youthful complexion, there are many other easy tricks you can employ to help get your skin’s glow on.

    Here are eight of the most tried and tested hacks that are simple, but super effective for maintaining wide-awake skin. Even when inside you might be anything but. 

    1. Say Hello To Regular Exfoliation

    Whether you’re a fan of physical exfoliators like scrubs and cleansing brushes, or prefer a chemical exfoliator like our Daily Facial Toner, one thing’s for sure, exfoliating your skin is one of the best ways to get the blood flowing to your skin.

    Exfoliating helps remove dulling dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to reveal a smoother, clearer complexion. It’s as simple as that. Just remember, if your skin is sensitive, don’t go too mad with AHAs or exfoliate too often with a facial scrub as you could cause irritation and dryness.

    Literally the opposite of what you were intending.

    TruSkin Daily Facial Toner

    2. Don’t Even Dream Of Going To Bed In Your Makeup

    It’s late, you’re tired/tipsy and you can’t be bothered to properly cleanse your face before bed. We’ve all been there. But think about this for a second: your skin has been sitting behind that makeup for anywhere from 12 to maybe 16 hours. And that’s a helluva long time for it to collect grime, bacteria, chemicals and environmental pollution that could potentially clog your pores and stop your skin from renewing itself as you sleep. Your skin needs to naturally slough off dead skin cells overnight, but makeup will stop it from doing so, making it look increasingly duller the more you skip your overnight cleansing sesh. And if your makeup contains oils? Well, you might as well invite breakouts onto your skin for a permanent pimple party.

    Make sure you fully cleanse every night before bed, using a gentle but effective cleanser like our Vitamin C Daily Facial Cleanser which contains the added brightening benefits of vitamin C. More on the mighty vitamin C in a sec...

    3. Boost Your Skin With Facial Massage

    Make facial massage a part of your morning cleansing routine and your skin will instantly look healthier and more radiant. As with exfoliation, massage increases blood flow to your skin which boosts collagen production and helps remove toxins. It also helps work the muscles for firmer, more youthful looking skin. And that’s always a bonus.

    For a fabulous morning radiance boost, use your hands and pads of your fingers to really work your skin in upwards motions as you cleanse. Finish with a quick rinse of cool water to further boost circulation.

    4. Hang Your Head Upside Down

    If you’re a yoga bunny, doing a headstand every day is an amazing way to increase the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to your face to really get your glow on. But not everyone has the ability to safely stand on their heads, so if this doesn’t sound like your jam, simply tip your head upside down for a couple of minutes every day and you’ll get the exact some results – minus the core strength, of course. Skincare expert and celebrity aesthetician, Renée Rouleau recommends lying on your tummy and hanging your head forward over the edge of your bed for three minutes per day to help boost your inner glow.

    5. Make Friends With Vitamin C

    When it comes to radiance-boosting skincare ingredients, vitamin C is the nuts. A mild exfoliant and potent antioxidant, vitamin C helps soften the look of hyperpigmention while protecting the skin from the sun and other environmental aggressors to help prevent new dark spots from developing. It also works hard to brighten and wake-up up your skin as a side-note – kind of like a morning shot of double espresso for your skin... but way better for you;)

    Try introducing a vitamin C serum like our C-Plus Super Serum into your daily routine, applying just a small amount to clean skin after toning and before moisturizing. Vitamin C packs a punch, however, so always perform a patch test first to check for sensitivities.

    TruSkin C-Plus Super Serum

    6. Quench Your Thirst… And Your Skin

    A thirsty body is a thirsty complexion and dry, dehydrated skin is so not the way to go if you’re in the market for a radiant glow. Therefore, make sure you drink plenty of fluids – especially if you suffer with puffy skin and bags under your eyes due to water retention. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and keep a bottle on your desk to sup throughout the day.

    When we say drink lots, however, this doesn't necessarily mean you have to stick with water. Herbal teas and fresh juices are also great ways to hydrate. Fruit and veggies contain fibre, nutrients and antioxidants that help flush out toxins and fight skin-damaging free radicals, so up your juicing game with superfoods like carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumber, pomegranate and papaya – all of which are awesome for glowing skin.

    7. Lay Off The Heavy Makeup

    When your skin is looking particularly sad, it’s tempting to pile on the foundation and concealer. But masking your skin with heavy makeup can sit in your fine lines and pores where it won’t fool anyone. Instead, apply makeup only where you need it. For your foundation, stick with light, mineral-based formulations and apply it on blemishes or uneven areas of your skin. Blend it well over these specific areas only and it’ll look way more natural than an all-over mask of foundation.

    For dark, under eye circles, a great trick is to apply a light-reflecting concealer to the inner corners of your eyes only. This is often where dark circles are most obvious so if you lighten up this area it’ll instantly open up your eyes. Finish with a touch of color over the apples of your cheeks, a little gloss or balm on your lips and you’ll be amazed by how such a little amount of makeup can transform a tired face.

    8. Curl Your Eyelashes

    OK, so this one has nothing to do with your skin, but trust us, curling your eyelashes will instantly make your eyes and consequently your whole face look younger and more wide-awake. Honestly, try it on mornings when you feel like an extra from The Walking Dead and you’ll never look back.  

    And now, you are officially ready to take on the world. Eight hours of sleep or not...






    8 Simple Tricks For Wide-Awake Skin
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  • Why Skin Ages: The Science Bit
    Dreaming of the skin you had when you were age 12? Hard truth: it’s never going to return. And that’s OK because lines and wrinkles are a fact of life. But why? Read on for the science behind why your skin ages…

    Growing old is all part and parcel of, well, growing old. But this doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to get annoyed by every new wrinkle, dark spot, saggy body part and gray hair. Knowing how they got there, however, is all part of accepting your body and working with what mother nature gave you.

    So, let’s get all sciencey for a minute, shall we? Don’t fret, we’re not talking Sheldon Cooper levels of science, but a bit of knowledge about why your skin ages won’t go amiss now, will it? (And remember, if there's ever anything else you want to know about your skin and/or our products, please shout!)

    The first thing you need to know about skin aging is that there are two different types that work together to determine how quickly and the extent to which your skin shows signs of visible aging, namely intrinsic and extrinsic aging.

    What Is Intrinsic Aging?

    Determined by genetics, intrinsic aging (aka chronological or natural aging) happens over time and is totally out of your control. This means that whatever you do and however much you care for your skin, this type of aging will happen. It's called nature.

    So, why is this the case? Well, many factors come into play, but it’s mainly because production of all that good stuff beneath the surface of your skin starts to slow down and degrade as you age. This includes: collagen which strengthens and plumps your skin; elastin which makes it springy and pliable; natural oils which keep it soft and supple; glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronic acid for hydration, and ceramides which protect your skin and help retain moisture. Studies show that after the age of 20, for example, your skin starts to produce 1 percent less collagen every year. All this ‘slowing down’ works to make your skin thinner, drier, more delicate, more prone to damage and less likely to heal so quickly.

    But that’s not all. You naturally lose fat below the skin’s surface as you get older and this often manifests itself in loose skin around your jawline, sunken eyes and/or less plump cheeks. Bone loss – which starts to slowly happen at age 40 – also plays its part, causing the skin around your mouth and chin to become puckered and wrinkled.

    The good news is that despite intrinsic aging being completely out of your control, it only plays a small part in what you see in the mirror. That's where extrinsic aging comes into play – the true bad cop in this story…

    What Is Extrinsic Aging?

    On top of the whole Mother Nature, Father Time thing comes extrinsic aging – a far more controllable, but way more powerful beast.

    Extrinsic aging is the process that takes place as a result of environmental and lifestyle stressors. The main culprit here is the sun (no surprise there) which is why extrinsic aging is often known as photoaging. However, there are plenty of other offenders that play their part. Pollution, emotional stress, alcohol, smoking, a poor diet, lack of sleep, you know the drill…

    Every factor involved in extrinsic aging causes what’s known as oxidative stress on the skin – a process in which the balance of antioxidants (your skin’s natural defense mechanism) vs free radicals (damage-inducing molecules) gets thrown way off. This onslaught of free radicals then attack and break down important proteins in the skin’s dermis including collagen and elastin, which is a one-way ticket to premature skin aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, thin skin, lack of radiance, sun spots and sagging.

    On top of all that, lack of sleep and emotional stress also increase the levels of cortisol in your body which encourages inflammation in your skin, further depletes collagen and elastin, and plays havoc with your barrier function – the top protective layer of your skin that keeps essential moisture in and damaging toxins out. Compromise this important protective barrier and you’re asking for trouble in the form of dryness, dehydration, inflammation and itchy skin.

    All this spells disaster for the youthfulness of your skin. 

    So, Can You Protect Your Skin Against Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aging?

    When it comes to intrinsic aging, no. But extrinsic aging? Absolutely. Lifestyle-wise try to sleep more, booze less, don’t smoke, eat better, stay out of the sun and be less stressed. And yes, we know these are easier said than done, but trust us, they’ll go a long way to enjoying a more youthful-complexion – especially if you simultaneously kick-start an effective, anti-aging skincare routine.

    To do so, treat your skin with care (no zealous scrubbing on a daily basis, capeesh?) and introduce an antioxidant serum into your regimen to help protect your skin from environmental damage. Anything containing vitamin C is going to be super effective at neutralizing free radicals, specifically those bad boys produced from the sun and the harmful effects of the ozone. Apply yours every morning to clean skin before moisturizing for the best results.

    Vitamin C Serum

    Sunscreen with a broad-spectrum protection of SPF 30 or more is also an important step in your routine. And yes, you do need to apply it all year round. No discussion.

    Finally, never forget to moisturize – no matter how oily you think your complexion is. Moisturizing helps strengthen and maintain that protective barrier we talked about earlier making it vital for the health and look of your skin.

    At any age.






    Why Skin Ages: The Science Bit
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  • What To Do About Beard Acne (And Other Shaving Gripes)
    Effective skincare is fundamentally the same, whichever gender you identify with. But when facial hair is thrown into the mix, there are added concerns to contend with.

    Whether you like to sport a full beard, are never without a goatee or prefer being completely clean shaven, the ability to grow facial hair can cause all manner of nasties for your skin. We’re talking anything from gnarly pimples to a dry, itchy chin rash. And we’d bet neither of these are ever going to score high on your skincare wishes.
    But all is not lost, because most shave-related skincare concerns are easily resolved with a few smart skincare choices. So, if your beard is causing you to breakout or your ‘stache is giving you the itch, it’s time to hone your grooming skills.

    Here's how...

    The Problem: Beard Acne

    What Causes It: Breakouts around beard hair is a very common problem and comes mostly down to hygiene. How so? Because, even if you’re fairly vigilant about cleansing the skin on your face, grooming your beard often gets forgotten about. Massive mistake. Beard hair collects dirt, dust, grime and all sorts throughout the day, which, if left to their own devices breed bad bacteria and aggravate your skin, causing blocked pores and unwanted acne flare-ups.

    The Solution: Make sure you cleanse your face, chin and neck thoroughly, morning and night. But don’t be fooled into buying oil-stripping cleansers that suck all the life out of your skin as these will make it way oilier which could lead to further breakouts. Instead, choose a mild, but effective face wash like our Skin Clearing Charcoal Face Wash. This combines activated coconut charcoal which draws out bacteria and toxins from the skin, while aloe vera and lavender help soothe and heal.

    TruSkin Skin Clearing Charcoal Face Wash

    The Problem: Razor Rash

    What Causes It: Anyone with slightly sensitive skin knows that feeling of burning, red raw skin you get after shaving. Things like shaving your skin while it’s dry is terrible for aggravating your skin and causing razor rash (aka razor burn), because it strips away the top layer of your skin. Using a crappy blade that’s been around longer than your toothbrush is also asking for trouble.

    The Solution: Soak your skin with warm water for a good couple of minutes before shaving to soften both your skin and hair, and swap out your razor blade often to make sure you only ever shave with a sharp blade. Exactly how often will depend entirely on how frequently you shave, but if your razor starts to pull at your skin or feels rough or snaggy when you use it, that’s a sign right there.

    The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) also recommends downsizing your tool to just a single- or double-blade razor as multi-blades can sometimes be a tad too efficient, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin.

    After shaving, always finish with a gentle moisturizing serum or lotion to preserve moisture and protect your natural barrier function. Our awesome Hyaluronic Acid Serum will take care of business nicely.

    The Problem: Crazy Dry Skin

    What Causes It: Shaving inevitably exfoliates your skin by removing the top layers as you glide your razor across your face and neck. And while gentle exfoliation is generally a good thing, shaving every day can be too much and may end up compromising your skin’s natural barrier which is important for keeping toxins and irritants out, while sealing moisture in.

    The Solution: Dry, sensitive skin is mostly genetic, but if you employ a few simple shaving solutions you'll easily avoid exacerbating the situation. Your best bets are to keep well away from shaving foams, creams or gels that contain known skin irritants such as fragrance, alcohol and dyes; don’t be heavy-handed with your razor and try a single- or double-blade for a kinder shave.

    Of course you must also moisturize, moisturize and maybe moisturize a wee bit more. Even better, moisturize when your skin is still slightly damp after shaving to help seal in water and keep your skin soft and supple for longer. Try our Vitamin C Daily Facial Moisturizer which contains jojoba oil and shea butter for next-level moisturization, minus any of that sticky residue many moisturizers often leave behind. Just remember, as with all new skincare products, perform a patch test first – especially if you have super sensitive skin.

    The Problem: Ingrown Hairs

    What Causes It: If you’re often plagued with painful, red bumps on your neck or jawline, you’ll hear us when we say how annoying ingrown hairs are. Well, if it’s any consolation (probably not), they happen to almost everyone. However, they’re especially common for those with wavy or curly hair. They occur when a hair that’s been shaven, plucked or even waxed does not leave the follicle, but grows back into the skin and under the surface. This often causes inflammation in the follicle which results in red, skin-colored or dark (depending on your hair color) bumps that are often mistaken for pimples. Ingrown hairs can also become itchy, but scratching and picking at them will just cause further infection and hyperpigmentation. So, don’t do that.

    The Solution: Practising smart shaving is paramount so, as with razor rash, always shave after soaking your skin in warm water for a few minutes and never use anything less than a sharp blade. The Mayo Clinic also advises you avoid pulling your skin taut while you shave because this encourages hairs to grow inwards rather than out.

    Keeping your skin soft, exfoliated and well moisturized is super important with this one because dry, dead skin cells block your pores, causing further issues with ingrown hairs. Try applying our Tea Tree Clear Skin Super Serum regularly which contains salicylic acid and retinol to encourage cell turnover, as well as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory tea tree oil.






    Skincare Tips
    What To Do About Beard Acne (And Other Shaving Gripes)
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  • Is Your Smartphone Giving You Wrinkles?
    Who knew your smartphone was yet another thing to be concerned about in the war against aging skin?

    There are many arguments against allowing your smartphone to rule your life 24/7. Stopping you from living in the moment, making you have a crappy night’s sleep, the lack of real-life social interaction (although that’s not happening much right now) and so on.

    Well, here’s another one to add to the list: wrinkles.

    If you can remember life before cell phones, chances are you’re currently in the throngs of middle age when fine lines and wrinkles are already a given. And even if you were born in the ‘90s and don’t legitimately recall a time in adult life when you didn’t own some kind of mobile device, you may still be concerned about the visible signs of skin aging. And good on you – prevention is better than cure, after all.

    So, just how is your phone adding to your aging woes? Well, firstly, it’s all about the way in which you look at your phone while texting, browsing social media or playing Words With Friends etc. Constantly looking down is a repetitive movement and you all know what repetitive movements mean? Yes, fine lines and wrinkles. In this case, we're talking about those annoying creases or bands around the circumference of your neck, aka ‘tech neck.’ Similarly, squinting and frowning at your phone will do nothing for the lines on your forehead and around your eyes. Sigh.

    But your actions aren’t the only thing to blame for this premature aging battle with technology. Your smartphone also has a lot to answer for: namely high-energy visible (HEV) light.

    HEV light is a high-frequency, high-energy light that sits in the violet-blue part of the visible spectrum and is basically what gives off that blue glare from your phone (as well as your computer, tablet and laptop). Studies have suggested that HEV may have similar, perhaps even more damaging effects on your skin as UV radiation, having the potential to disrupt your skin’s natural barrier function and causing inflammation, pigmentation, collagen damage, premature wrinkles and more. *Swiftly puts phone down.

    It’s not all bad news though, people. You just need to think more about how you can protect your skin from your smartphone habits. And here are three simple ways to do just that...

    1. Assess How & When You Use Your Phone

    It's an obvious one, but take a little digital detox to limit the number of hours you spend on your phone. Put it down after 8 pm, for example, or give yourself one morning off every week. Time out will give your skin the breathing space it needs to regenerate and heal itself.

    You could also invest in an earpiece and turn on your Bluetooth setting to minimize the amount of HEV light that hits your skin.

    Oh, and make sure you look up (or at least straight ahead), rather than down at your phone all the time. By holding your phone at eye-level, you’ll stop your neck from becoming scrunched up and prematurely wrinkled.

    2. Always Protect Your Skin

    Great skincare is the foundation to awesome skin, so invest in an effective antioxidant serum that’ll help protect and heal your skin. Vitamins A and E are great options, as is niacinamide which is a winner for more sensitive skin types. Our antioxidants usually contain a combination of at least two antioxidants making them 100 percent up for the challenge of anything you throw at your skin – HEV light included. Try our best-selling Vitamin C Serum for added brightening benefits.

    TruSkin Vitamin C Serum

    Next, never forget to apply sun protection. There are many sun protective products out there that shout about protecting your skin from HEV light, but in all honesty, any mineral-based broad-spectrum sunscreen (they're the ones containing ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) will do the job nicely. Apply it liberally every morning to your face and neck.

    Last but not least, turn on the night or dark mode on your phone. This reduces the amount of blue light your device emits in favor of yellow light which is way less damaging.

    3. Up Your Overnight Skincare Game

    It's literally impossible to have your head in your phone while you’re sleeping, so this is a great time to apply hard-working skincare products to help heal any damage your phone may have caused your complexion throughout the day.

    Retinol is a great shout for promoting cell renewal, as are hydroxy acids such as lactic, glycolic and salicylic. And don’t forget to moisturize both your face and neck before bed, using a combination of emollients and humectants such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, shea butter and jojoba oil.

    TruSkin Retinol Serum and Moisturizer

    Before we go, one final word on acne.

    Cell phones are a total grime magnet, so if you’re a traditionalist and like to use your phone for actually speaking to people (shock, horror!), all that bacteria, oil and dirt will be transmitted straight to your skin where it'll clog pores and possibly lead to irritation and acne flare-ups.

    If you suffer with super oily skin that has a tendency to break out, ensure you keep your phone clean. Easy.






    Is Your Smartphone Giving You Wrinkles?
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  • Everything You Need To Know About Sensitive Skin
    Sensitive skin can appear anywhere on your body, at any point in your life (dang). Which is why knowing what causes it and how to avoid your triggers are key.

    According to research, 60-70 percent of women and 50-60 percent of men claim to have sensitive skin. Now, we don’t know about you, but that sounds like a helluva lot of people. Right?

    Sensitive skin comes in many guises and can mean anything from a persistent reaction to a certain skincare ingredient or environmental trigger, to full-blown rosacea, eczema or in worse cases, a severe allergic reaction.

    Think you might have sensitive skin, but aren’t sure why or what’s causing it? Here's what we know…

    What Is Sensitive Skin?

    According to the International Forum for the Study of Itch (IFSI), sensitive skin is defined as ‘a syndrome defined by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations – stinging, burning, pain, pruritus (itchiness) and tingling sensations – in response to stimuli that normally should not provoke such sensations.’

    When your skin is exposed to something it doesn’t like nerve endings in the top layer become irritated, which is what causes your skin to burn, flush, feel itchy or become flaky.

    These stimuli are usually things like chemicals, fragrance or active ingredients in your skincare products, as well as extremes in temperature or even certain types of metal in your jewelry. And watch out for your hormones, diet, stress levels and sleep patterns as these can also have a major effect on inflammation and dry skin.

    But why do some people have sensitive skin and others don’t? Well, it’s mainly down to genetics which is a shame because there’s not a lot you can do about that. However, a weakened or compromised barrier function is another major factor in your level of sensitivities, so make sure you skin’s natural protective layer is strong, protected and cared for and this will go a long way into reducing irritation. More on that later...

    What Are The Most Common Causes Of Sensitive Skin?

    There are many different levels of skin sensitivities and some can be a sign of more serious, underlying conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea. That being said, most sensitivities are caused by a reaction to something topical that your skin’s not a fan of. This is known as contact dermatitis and comes in varying degrees of severity, from slight redness and itching through to burning and blistering of the skin.

    Environmentally sensitive skin is also fairly common and is caused by environmental factors (the clue's in the name!) such as pollution and sun exposure.

    Lastly, your skin becomes more sensitive as it ages because it naturally becomes thinner, weaker and therefore more easily irritated. There's a surprise. Sigh.

    How Can You Tell If You Have Sensitive Skin?

    Self-diagnosing skin sensitivities is all well and good if your reactions aren’t too severe and you have plenty of time and patience to eliminate certain products, then wait and repeat until you find the culprit. But we think life’s too short for that, so your best bet is to have a dermatologist check your skin. They’ll ask you questions about your family history to rule out or diagnose underlying conditions or they may carry out a number of skin or patch tests to determine if a certain ingredient or food is the root of your problem. Either way, allow the professionals to deal with this one. It’s way easier and quicker than taking it on yourself.

    Which Ingredients Should Sensitive Skin Avoid?

    Learning about your triggers from your doctor is the most important factor in avoiding skin irritation and inflammation but there are many common allergens in skincare (and laundry detergents, don’t forget those) that you should give a miss.

    According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) natural rubber, fragrances, dyes, preservatives and metals are the most common allergens in cosmetics. Things like parabens, which you won’t find in any TruSkin product btw, are preservatives that prevent harmful stuff growing in products such as cleansers, shampoo and moisturizers. However, they’re super irritating to the skin so should really be avoided if you have any kind of skin sensitivities. Formaldehyde is another nasty preservative that sensitive skin hates. Leave. Well. Alone.

    This may sound a tad confusing but just try to avoid unnecessary fragrances, preservatives and dyes in your products and that'll help no end. And if you still find your skin is causing you grief? Then get thee to the derm’s office.

    How Else Can You Manage Sensitive Skin?

    Another simple way to reduce your chances of developing or aggravating sensitive skin is to strengthen and care for its natural barrier which is the uppermost layer of your skin, AKA the stratum corneum.

    The stratum corneum is kind of like a brick wall that works like a defense shield to retain moisture and protect your skin from the environment and anything else you subject it to. Everyone’s is different and it will naturally weaken as you age, but care for your stratum corneum with savvy skincare and it will repay you by maintaining strong, healthy skin that is free from irritation.

    To best improve your skin’s barrier function, avoid harsh chemicals in your skincare, go gently as you exfoliate, and moisturize every morning and night. Great ingredients to look out for in your moisturizers are hyaluronic acid, glycerin, colloidal oatmeal, ceramides and shea butter as these are well tolerated and work hard to maintain and nourish your natural moisturizing factor (NMF).

    You'd also be wise to protect your skin daily with an antioxidant serum such as our potent but gentle Niacinamide Facial Serum, and don’t forget that all-important daily sunscreen.

    TruSkin Niacinamide Serum

    Those age-old skincare tricks of eating well, sleeping well and keeping stress to a minimum are also super important ways of keeping skin irritations to a minimum.

    Oh, and take a look at all of your beauty products (makeup included) and trash anything that’s either out of date or looks or smells funky. Products that have been hanging around forever are likely to have become spoiled or contaminated by bacteria and other nasties. Your skin does not want to come into contact with those. Gross.






    Sensitive Skin
    Everything You Need To Know About Sensitive Skin
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  • Skincare Hacks That Work… But Don’t Cost A Dime
    Excellent news: these genius skincare tricks will literally cost you nothing.

    A consistent skincare routine is the first step to awesome skin, but did you know there are further ways to help make the most of what nature gave you? What’s more, some of the most effective skincare hacks are totally free.

    So, without further ado, let’s check them out, shall we?

    1. Wash Your Hands Before Cleansing

    Cleansing is one of the most important steps in your skincare routine, but are you guilty of washing your face without washing your hands first? Yeah, you’re not the only ones. But do you really want to be transferring all that grime from your hands to your face? Thought not. Even if your hands don’t look dirty, chances are they’ll have recently touched any number of surfaces since you last washed them, so just give them a quick clean before cleansing or touching your face to reduce your chances of transferring bacteria, oils, dirt and other chemicals from one place to another. Fail to do this and you could increase your risk of sensitivities, irritation and acne flare-ups. 

    Similarly, if you like to use a face cloth, make sure you wash it every day. Without fail.

    2. Brave A Cool Rinse

    Speaking of cleansing, a final rinse with cool water is an old but great Hollywood trick that helps soothe, tighten and depuff your skin. Charlize Theron is apparently a big fan of this hack (erm, we’d all love skin like hers, right?) and the legendary Joan Crawford swore by running an ice cube all over her face.

    Cold water not only improves circulation to the skin to give you a fabulous, instant glow, but it acts like an astringent to help keep your pores in great shape. But remember, using cold water for your whole cleansing routine might not offer the level of cleanliness you’re after. We recommend (as does the American Academy of Dermatology) using lukewarm water along with an effective but gentle cleanser like our Skin Clearing Charcoal Face Wash to cut through oils and remove makeup and pollutants that may have built up on your skin throughout the day. Rinse thoroughly and then turn on the cold faucet for a quick final rinse with cool water.

    TruSkin Charcoal Cleanser

    3. Sleep On Your Back

    When it comes to bedtime, one thing is almost as important as getting your eight hours of zzzs. And that’s the position in which you sleep. Lying on your front is the biggest no-no since smushing your face into your pillow is asking for wrinkles (aka sleep lines) to become permanently etched into your skin. This friction between your pillow and your skin can also trigger acne mechanica which is when skin flares up due to continued rubbing and pressure.

    Your best bet is to sleep on your back as this keeps your face, and in fact your neck, well away from constant friction from your pillow. It also allows your night creams and serums free to do all their good work without fear of being absorbed right into your pillowcase – which is so not cool. Lastly, sleeping on your back helps minimize puffiness around the eyes as it reduces excess fluid from pooling. You know, gravity and all that.

    4. Apply Skincare To Damp Skin

    Applying serums and moisturizers to dry skin is fine and you’ll reap their benefits, for sure, but if you want to really get the most from your treatments, apply them when your skin is still slightly damp after cleansing. By applying serum or moisturizer to damp skin you help lock in extra moisture. Damp skin is also more receptive to skincare ingredients, allowing them to penetrate quicker and more effectively. It figures, therefore, that by improving absorption you get way more bang for your beauty buck. 

    If you have sensitive skin, however, you should tread carefully with this one. Active ingredients like vitamin C and retinol are pretty powerful, so if your skin is reactive you might not want to up their potency. Instead, stick to applying them to dry skin – always performing a patch test first, of course. 

    5. Try A Facial Steam

    If you’re prone to acne, redness and flushing, you can skip this one as steaming will make your conditions worse. But for the rest of you, if you’re looking for a super cheap (read: free) radiance boost, you can’t go wrong with a facial steaming sesh.

    Steaming increases perspiration to help remove toxins while simultaneously enhancing circulation to boost the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Win-win. It also helps hydrate your skin as long as you immediately (within a minute) apply serum and/or moisturizer to seal all that water in.

    Don’t bother spending your hard-earned dollars on a high-tech facial steaming machine, however, simply place your face over a bowl of recently boiled water for 5-10 minutes, placing a towel over your head to trap in the steam. Just remember not to get too close to the surface of the water (ouch) and give it a minute or so to slightly cool down after boiling.

    If this doesn’t sound like your jam, another option is to submerge a clean towel in hot water, then wring it out slightly, lie on your back and drape it over your face.  

    Limit steaming to once or twice a week as any more than this could make your skin dry and dehydrated which is literally the opposite of your goal.

    6. Keep Your Eye Gel In The Fridge

    We don't subscribe to the ‘keep all your skincare products in the refrigerator’ idea, and would never recommend you waste your money on those cute, Insta-worthy beauty fridges that can set you back a couple of hundred dollars. Yes, they’re adorable, but quite honestly, they’re kinda pointless. After all, skincare products have to go through vigorous shelf-life testing before they’re released to market, so why should they need refrigerating? Answer: they usually don't.

    There are two exceptions to this rule, however. After-sun, for obvious reasons, and eye gel.

    TruSkin Peptide Eye Gel

    Keeping your eye gel in the fridge will offer a delicious cooling sensation to the skin around your eyes, giving a doubly soothing effect. As an added bonus, the coolness will also constrict the blood vessels to reduce puffiness or swelling and help revitalize tired eyes.

    If you suffer with morning puffy eyes, you should 100 percent try this trick. You won’t regret it.







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