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  • Genius Tips For Glowy, Summer Skin
    Ready to get your glow on, peeps – without having to reach for your shimmering bronzer, of course? Excellent timing, we’re on it…

    There’s a fine line between glowing skin and shiny skin. The former’s something we all strive for, but the latter’s not so appealing. The difference is that glowing skin is radiant and healthy, whereas shiny skin is often due to an excess of oils (or sweat… or both!). Of course, you can’t change your genetic makeup and suddenly transform your oily skin into a perfectly balanced, flawless complexion. And similarly those of you with dry skin know you can’t magically force your skin to start naturally producing more oil. But what you can do is help what Mother Nature gave you to boost your glow and up your skin's radiance game.

    Here’s how…

    Glowy Skin Rule #1: You Gotta Exfoliate, End Of

    Clean skin is obviously super important here, so make sure you cleanse gently twice a day. Use upwards strokes as you cleanse your face to ensure you get right into the pores and always rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. You could even try a final splash with cool water to really boost your circulation… if you can bear it.

    But clean skin doesn’t stop there. Gentle exfoliation is also vital. For your face, we advise using a chemical exfoliator that contains AHAs or BHAs such as glycolic, lactic or salicylic acid. Unlike scrubs which can sometimes be a little abrasive on your face, chemical exfoliators break down the bonds that hold dead skin cells in place. This helps them gently slough away without you forcing them off. Try Vitamin C Super Serum+ which contains salicylic acid to exfoliate and balance sebum at the same time.

    When it comes to your body, a salt scrub is a fabulous way to buff away rough skin and boost your glow. Or try using a loofah or body mitt with your favorite cleanser.

    Glowy Skin Rule #2: Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Toner

    Never sure whether you really need a toner in your life? Well, if you’re looking to get your glow on, the answer is simple: you do. Today’s new generation of toners aren’t just there to make up the skincare numbers, in fact they’re quite the opposite, working hard to hydrate, feed and balance your skin. And healthy skin is the absolute foundation of radiant skin. 

    Looking for the perfect toner for the job? Then try Ocean Minerals Super Toner which contains glycolic acid to accelerate cellular turnover, vitamin C to protect and brighten, plus MSM, a sulfur compound that boosts collagen production and significantly helps improve the tone and texture of your skin. This awesome toner also comes in a handy spray bottle meaning you can spritz it on thirsty skin any time you please.

    Glowy Skin Rule #3: Go To The Upside Down

    It might be a while since you did a headstand, but if you’re a yoga pro, you’re in luck here. Being upside down for two or three minutes a day is a great way to boost blood flow and oxygen to your face for an instantly more glowing complexion.

    Not a headstand kinda girl? Then lay on your back and tip your head back over the side of your bed. Same result, less falling over.

    Glowy Skin Rule #4: Concentrate On Dry Skin

    Dry skin is a fact of life, but this doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to it, or worse, leave it untreated, to become even drier and potentially irritated. Dry, flaky patches are often due to an impaired skin barrier, so make sure you look after it by soothing and replenishing your skin from head-to-toe with gentle skincare products (no synthetic fragrance or unnecessary chemical, thanks) and an impeccable moisturizing routine.

    Moisturize after every time you cleanse and make sure your chosen formulation includes a combination of humectants, emollients and/or occlusives. Humectants draw water into your skin, emollients smooth cracks and occlusives lock all that moisture in. Our Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream combines glycerin, aloe, botanical oils and cocoa butter which checks all those boxes nicely. It also contains the mighty vitamin C. Speaking of which…

    Glowy Skin Rule #5: Embrace Brightening Skincare Ingredients (cough, vitamin C)

    When it comes to brightening your complexion, certain skincare ingredients punch way above their weight. Retinol, niacinamide and kojic acid, for example are all fabulous for helping to brighten uneven or dull skin. But the absolute queen of brightening? Vitamin C. It’s everything.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a potent antioxidant and works hard to protect your skin from the damaging onslaught of free radicals caused by environmental aggressors like that pesky, but beautiful sun. It also reverses existing damage and inhibits tyrosinase, the enzyme that fuels melanin production. All this combines to help reduce dark spots and mottled skin while amping up your skin’s radiance like nothing else.

    Pure vitamin C can be volatile, however, and too potent for sensitive skin types, so we use a gentle, but super effective derivate called Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP to its friends). You’ll find it in all of our vitamin C products and is the reason some of them have a cloudy look to them – it's the sodium component of our awesome vitamin C doing its finest work, right there.

    Glowy Skin Rule #6: Try A Little Dry Body Brushing

    If you’ve never tried dry body brushing, the time is now. A fabulous way to encourage cell turnover, dry body brushing stimulates your circulatory and lymphatic systems to effectively remove dead cells, metabolic waste and toxins. After a few weeks, guaranteed you’ll notice your skin is softer and much more radiant. It also prepares your skin for your moisturizer, allowing it to be more readily absorbed and therefore way more effective.

    The best time to dry body brush is in the morning, before showering. Work from your ankles, upwards using long strokes or circular motions and be gentle, especially over delicate areas like your tummy and chest. You should also avoid open wounds, rashes, varicose veins, freshly shaven legs and sunburn.


    Genius Tips For Glowy, Summer Skin
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  • 10 Reasons Why Your Skin Loves Vitamin C
    The benefits of applying vitamin C to your skin go on and on. So, if you’re looking for a tried, tested and very much trusted ingredient to amp up your skincare regime, the search is over.

    We don’t like to show favoritism, but vitamin C is a real golden child here at TruSkin. Packed into a ton of our awesome skincare products, it's an absolute powerhouse for protecting, brightening and strengthening your skin. But don’t take our word for it – herein, the facts…

    1. Topical vitamin C is a fully signed up member of a family of ingredients called antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital for the look, feel and health of your skin because they work hard to fight free radical damage caused by environmental aggressors such as air pollution, smoking and that biggest offender of all, the sun.

    Your body has its own natural antioxidant defense system, but as you get older, this becomes weaker, allowing those highly reactive free radicals to do a real number on the good stuff in your skin – namely collagen and elastin. This is why, if you want to keep your skin looking fabulous for as long as possible, you need to boost your levels of antioxidants, through awesome skincare ingredients like vitamin C.

    2. It's not just vitamin C's antioxidant properties that are essential for preventing collagen and elastin breakdown, however. Its highly acidic nature also works hard to boost collagen and elastin production to help keep your skin plump, firm and supple. Take that, premature aging.

    3. So, exactly how does this visibly benefit your skin? Gosh, where to start...

    As you know, collagen and elastin are vital components of your skin, providing structure, strength and suppleness. When these proteins become compromised, your skin pays the price in many ways. Lines and wrinkles start to form and you may begin to notice areas of sagging, especially in the lower parts of your face where gravity is not your friend. Of course, your natural levels of collagen and elastin start to degrade as you hit your mid-twenties anyway and there’s nothing you can do about this natural aging process, but what you can do is fight against all the other damage at work.

    Enter topical vitamin C. By fighting free radical damage it reduces the breakdown of collagen and elastin, making it one of the best anti-aging ingredients out there for helping you keep your youthful good looks for as long as possible.

    4. Lines, wrinkles and saggy skin aren't the only things to be scared because vitamin C also helps improve dark spots and discoloration.

    Vitamin C contains properties that help inhibit tyrosinase, an enzyme that generates melanin synthesis. Melanin is a complex polymer that’s produced by special cells called melanocytes and it's responsible for the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Everybody has the same number of melanocytes, but depending on your genes, yours will work at a different rate to the next person. If they produce a ton of melanin your hair, skin and eyes will be darker, whereas if they produce very little, they’ll be much lighter.

    When you expose your skin to sunlight, melanin production goes into overdrive, making your skin tan. It can also become erratic, resulting in patches of dark skin, otherwise known as sun spots. And this is where topical C comes to the rescue. By regulating melanin production, vitamin C has the ability to gradually fade patchy, dark areas and even out your skin tone. Say hello to brighter, glowy skin. Yes!

    5. Experts agree that vitamin C and sunscreen are a veritable power couple. Not only does vitamin C boost the efficacy of your sunscreen by offering your skin further protection from UV damage, but sunscreen helps prevent your vitamin C from oxidizing on your skin. Apply a vitamin C without sunscreen and it will just burn away, rendering it, well, pretty useless.

    This is why sunscreen is vital. And sunscreen plus vitamin C? Even better.

    6. Vitamin C comes in many guises on your skincare labels. Ascorbic acid is the purest form of vitamin C – but this can be pretty potent, especially if you have sensitive skin. Other forms to look out for include sodium ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and the mighty sodium ascorbyl phosphate. 

    7. Sodium ascorbyl phosphate is our vitamin C of choice. So, why do we believe in this form in particular?

    Much gentler than its big, bad ascorbic acid cousin, sodium ascorbyl phosphate is a salt derivative of pure vitamin C and converts into ascorbic acid once it’s been applied to your skin. This process makes it much more tolerable and way less irritating for most skin types. But it still does a great job, of course. The saltiness is also why many of our vitamin C-enriched serums have a slightly cloudy look to them. Think about how water looks when you dissolve salt in it. It's cloudy, right? 

    8. Sodium ascorbyl phosphate is also much more stable when it comes into contact with light, air and water than pure vitamin C. It should always be packaged in an opaque or dark colored bottle, but still, this is great news because it means it doesn’t lose its potency after you’ve had it open for a few weeks.

    9. So, what’s the best way to incorporate vitamin C into your routine? Well, you’ll find it in many of our skincare formulations including Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser, Moisturizer and Night Cream, but if you’re looking to pack the most powerful C-punch, serums are the way to go.

    Serums like our awesome Vitamin C Super Serum+ are extremely effective at delivering active ingredients into the skin because they have a small molecular size (much smaller than moisturizers). This means they’re able to penetrate the skin deeper and quicker.

    Just remember, always do a patch test to check for sensitivities before using any new product for the first time.

    10. If you want to majorly up the antioxidant ante, look for serums that contain both vitamin C and vitamin E. Why? Because, like gin and tonic, these ingredients work perfectly well on their own, but they’re even better together. In fact, studies show the effectiveness of these antioxidants is almost doubled when they’re applied as a team. Furthermore, vitamin E helps stabilize vitamin C, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

    Try our customer-favorite Vitamin C Facial Serum which is formulated with sodium ascorbyl phosphate (the cloudy C star), vitamin E and hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and protect your skin all-in-one bottle.



    Skincare ingredients
    10 Reasons Why Your Skin Loves Vitamin C
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  • Legit Skincare Tricks For Firmer-Looking Skin
    Because firming the skin on your face doesn’t have to mean a trip to the injector’s office…

    We always advocate loving the skin you’re in, but there’s no harm in trying your best to minimize the stuff that annoys you the most, right?

    Take loose skin, for example. Correct us if we’re wrong, but this has to be the sneakiest skin ager of the lot, creeping up on you until, wham, your jawline suddenly goes from firm and taut to, well, a little bit saggy.

    So, why does your skin slacken as you age? Because collagen. As you know, collagen is one of the most important proteins in your skin, giving it structure and strength by acting like scaffolding to hold it all together. When you hit your mid-twenties, however, studies show your skin produces about 1 percent less collagen each year. Dang. This means your skin gradually becomes thinner, more delicate and more prone to the visible signs of aging such as lines, wrinkles, rough skin, uneven tone and the inevitable sagging.

    Unfortunately you can’t press pause on the clock and stop your skin from maturing after the age of 25. But you can work to prevent all the other external stuff that accelerates the rate at which your skin ages. For starters you MUST protect your skin from the sun which is the number one cause of skin aging. Then, of course it’s sensible to get more sleep, reduce your stress levels, not smoke and drink less alcohol. You know the drill.

    Once you’ve nailed some smart lifestyle choices, it’s time to think about your skincare routine and what it needs to help keep any tricky areas more firm and youthful-looking. Not sure where to start? Then here are our favorites...

    Vitamin C

    When it comes to firming your skin, vitamin C is a no brainer. How so? Because it fights hard to neutralize free radicals which, if left alone, accelerate collagen breakdown and cause no end of damage to your skin. Consistent use of a topical vitamin C treatment (oh hi there, Vitamin C Facial Serum) not only keeps free radicals and all their nasty side-effects at bay, but because it’s highly acidic it also triggers your skin to produce more collagen to help heal itself.

    As we said, no brainer.

    Vitamin C Facial Serum

    Facial Massage

    Massaging your skin as you cleanse? Priceless. And if you’re worried about getting your technique absolutely perfect, don’t be. As long as you’re not too full-on, pulling and pushing your skin like your life depended on it, any kind of massage using your hands and the pads of your fingers will boost collagen production to help lift, tighten and firm your skin. As a sidenote, it will also improve blood circulation to flush out toxins and add that all-important glow.

    If your loose areas are mainly around your chin and jawline (the dreaded jowls), concentrate on these areas specifically when you cleanse your skin, using Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser for an added antioxidant boost. Work it up and down your neck using the pads of your fingers, then place the palms of your hands on each side of your nose and smooth your hands up towards your hairline a few times to lift the cheeks. Next, pinch the bottom of your chin with your thumbs underneath and your knuckles on top, then repeat this action all the way up your jawline to your ears. Do this a few times every day.


    Retinol is a winner for battling against free radical damage and stimulating collagen synthesis. It works by altering the behavior of aging skin cells to enhance cell turnover and make your skin appear younger-looking. Like most derms and skin experts, we’re always blowing retinol’s trumpet. But it works, so go figure.

    Of course, you have to be patient and consistent with retinol because it takes a good three months for it to start offering visible results. It’s good, but it’s not a miracle-worker, OK? Try Retinol Facial Serum two or three times a week making sure to smooth it over your jawline and down your neck to help boost collagen and lift these troublesome areas.

    Facial Exercises

    Did you know your face contains around 50 muscles? Best start working them out then – especially since many of them rarely get used.

    To help firm and tighten your skin, exercise your facial muscles three or four times a week for 10-15 minutes at a time. A great one for your neck and jowls is to tilt your head up to the sky, then pucker up your lips and push them forward as if you’re trying to kiss the sky. Hold this for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat five times.


    If retinol and vitamin C aren’t enough for you, boost your collagen even further by making sure your skincare routine contains peptides. Peptides are similar to proteins in that they’re chemical compounds made up of amino acids – the building blocks of pretty much everything in the human body. When it comes to your skin, peptides act like little messengers to encourage your cells to produce more collagen and elastin. And just to reiterate, if you’re hoping to maintain the firmness of your skin, collagen is everything.

    To up your peptide game and help firm and tone sagging skin around your eyes, our Eye Gel has totally got your back. And for an all-over skin lift, try Ocean Minerals Super Toner which is awash with peptides and the perfect way to refine, refresh and improve laxity. In our humble opinion, anyway.

    TruSkin Ocean Minerals Super Toner

    LED Light Therapy

    LED (light-emitting deode) therapy works by discharging various frequencies or wavelengths of infrared light to trigger certain reactions deep within the skin. Depending on the type of light used, your skin will react in different ways. Blue light, for example kills bacteria to help clear acne, but if you’re looking to boost collagen and firm your skin, a combination of red, amber and/or white light is going to be more up your street.

    Red and amber lights are the shortest and target the top layers of your skin to boost circulation and stimulate collagen production which, note to self, makes them the perfect combination for firming and lifting. Meanwhile, white light, which is usually administered during in-office treatments only, penetrates the deepest and is thought to help reduce inflammation and help tighten your skin.

    Sounds too good to be true? Well, in-office treatments can be costly because you’ll need up to 10 sessions to get the best results, with each one costing anything from $25-$85. In other news, however, at-home LED kits are available which are a tad easier on your wallet.


    Otherwise known as methylsulfonylmethane (trying saying that after a few White Claws), MSM is a naturally-occurring sulfur compound that promotes circulation, fights inflammation and plays a major role in the production and composition of collagen and keratin. It also boosts your body’s antioxidant defense system (bye bye free radicals) so is a total shoo-in for maintaining firm, youthful-looking skin.

    We believe very strongly in MSM and incorporate it in many of our favorite skincare formulations including Vitamin C Serum, Vitamin C Super Serum+, Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser and both of our eye treatments.

    TruSkin Vitamin C Super Serum+







    Legit Skincare Tricks For Firmer-Looking Skin
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  • DYK, Sunscreen Isn’t The Only Way To Protect Your Skin From The Sun?
    Not that we’re saying sunscreen isn’t important. It is. It SO is. But couple your daily SPF with these other sun safety tips and you can be happy knowing you're doing everything you can to protect your skin from the sun.

    While we love the sun and, well, couldn’t survive without it, studies show that sunlight is the number one cause of external skin aging. Now, we don’t like to point the finger, but this means almost everything you hate about your skin – fine lines, wrinkles, rough texture, lack of firmness, dark spots, enlarged pores, the works – is primarily down to sun damage. Dang.

    We constantly bang on about the importance of applying a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen daily and make no apologies for it. But today, we’re here to give that particular lecture a temporary rest because we want to talk about all the other things you can do to protect your skin from the slings and arrows of the sun.

    Make the below a top priority this summer (along with your essential SPF, of course) and who knows, you might ward off those visible signs of premature aging just that little bit longer.

    Apply Topical Antioxidants

    As we’re sure you’re aware, we’re massive fans of topical antioxidants here at TruSkin. And one of the main reasons we love them? Sun damage control.

    Exposure to the sun is one of the biggest causes of free radicals – those pesky compounds which love to do a number on your skin, destroying important proteins and causing what’s known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress spells major bad news for your skin as it leads to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, resulting in lines, wrinkles and premature sagging.

    The good news is antioxidants fight tooth and nail against free radicals to limit harm and keep your skin looking awesome for as long as possible. Studies have shown that two of the best antioxidants for sun protection are vitamins C and E. And more good news: we combine these two free radical-fighting powerhouses with hyaluronic acid in our Vitamin C Facial Serum. Apply it underneath your moisturizer and sunscreen daily to really amp up your protection game. But remember, antioxidants do NOT protect your skin from sun burn so don’t think applying a vitamin C serum makes you invincible from the sun. It does not.


    Avoid Direct Sunlight Whenever You Can

    Nothing beats lounging outside on a hot, sunny day. Actually, add a frozen margarita into the mix and now we’re getting somewhere. But sitting outside in the direct, midday sun? So not good for your skin. Shade always trumps sun, hands down.

    Depending on the density and coverage of your chosen shady spot, sitting in the shade protects you from around 15 percent of UV light. Granted, this doesn’t sound like a lot, but when it comes to looking after your skin, we say every smidge of protection counts.

    Look for a tree to sit under when picnicking in the park, or remember to take an umbrella if you’re going to spend a day out in the sun. And when looking to buy a new beach umbrella or awning, make sure you look for The Skin Cancer Foundation's Seal of Approval which guarantees the fabric has reached the minimum requirements of 30 UPF (ultraviolet protection factor).

    Wear Protective Clothing

    Did you know what you wear can also have an impact on your level of sun protection? Plus, clothes don’t wear off like sunscreen as an added bonus. Simple choices like wearing loose fitting clothes, long sleeves or densely woven fabrics such as denim or wool are way more protective for your skin than tight, stretchy or sheer clothing.

    Also, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation, dark or bright colors are way better than lighter tones because they help absorb UV radiation before it reaches your skin, adding further protection from sun damage.

    Finally, don’t forget a good, tightly-woven hat that doesn’t show too much light through it (you can always check this with a flashlight). A 3-inch brim around the entire circumference is optimum, but if you’re a baseball cap kinda gal, think about adding some kind of drape over your neck and ears to protect those delicate areas.

    Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses

    Looking after the skin around your eyes is arguably even more important than the skin on the rest of your face. How so? Because this area is thinner and more delicate meaning it’s much less efficient at protecting itself from environmental damage. Also, between 5 and 10 percent of all skin cancers are found on the eyelids. Big warning, right there.

    Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses all year round (even on cloudy days) and choose those that are 100 percent effective at blocking both UVA and UBA radiation. And remember, dry, dehydrated skin around your eyes will age you up super fast so always apply a hydrating eye cream twice daily. Try Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream which, on top of HA, contains hard-working antioxidants and age-defying ingredients like plant peptides, panthenol and botanical oils.



    Think About Your Diet

    Last but not least, up your sun protection from the inside out by making a few smart healthy eating choices. Laden your diet with antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies like kiwis, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes and broccoli and snack on almonds, walnuts and seeds to up your levels of omega 3 essential fats which help reduce UV-induced inflammation.

    Studies have also shown that foods which are high in beta-carotene may also play a part in protecting your skin from sun damage. These included sweet potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, spinach and butternut squash.

    (Don't forget, however, none of these steps are as important as regular sunscreen. Always, we repeat, always protect your skin with a broad-spectrum SPF 30 lotion or moisturizer as the final step in your morning routine)






    DYK, Sunscreen Isn’t The Only Way To Protect Your Skin From The Sun?
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  • Skincare Rules To Live By This Summer
    Summer picnics, fancy cocktails and new swimwear are three things we love about summer. Three things we hate? Sticky skin, breakouts and sun-scorched noses. Time to fight back...

    The sun is shining, but seriously, do you want your t-zone to be doing the same thing? Thought not. Sadly, warm weather brings a whole bunch of skincare challenges to even the most flawless of complexions. So, here’s 10 ways to make sure your skin is glowing and gorgeous this summer, NOT annoying the hell out of you.

    1. Spot Treat Breakouts With Tea Tree Oil

    Every one of you knows the perils of sun, sweat, sunscreen and oily skin. One word: zits. Summer breakouts are common because heat and humidity = more sweating and an accumulation of oil, dirt and bacteria on the surface of your skin. Everything in life that zits just love.

    If this sounds familiar, make sure you steer clear of oil-based sunscreens which can block your pores, and cleanse your skin thoroughly, but gently, twice daily. You could also spot-treat problem areas with Tea Tree Super Serum+ which contains two of the best ingredients for keeping your pores clean and clear: salicylic acid and, of course, tea tree oil. Dab it on cleansed, problem areas before bed for a dramatic improvement in just a few days.

    2. Freshen Up With Face Spritz

    When the mercury rises, nothing beats a cool-down like a spritz of refreshing facial toner. And yes, water spray will do the job temporarily, but it‘ll also evaporate from the surface of your skin immediately, causing unnecessary dryness in the long term. Not cool (pun totally intended!).

    Try keeping Ocean Minerals Super Toner in your purse or beach bag, instead. Of course, this is a great step in your regular morning and evening routine, but it’s also awesome for cooling down your skin on-the-go, smothering it with aloe, antioxidants, ocean minerals and skin-loving botanicals.

    3. Make Vitamin C Your New BFF

    If you don’t already have a vitamin C product in your regime, summer is THE best time to rectify that. Not only does this free radical scavenging superhero help reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by the sun, but it also works hard to fade existing dark spots AND prevent new ones from forming.

    Studies show that vitamin C also helps strengthen the power of your sunscreen giving you extra protection from those damaging UV rays. So, there’s that. For the ultimate daily protection, apply Vitamin C Facial Serum to cleansed skin in the morning before moisturizer and sunscreen.

    TruSkin Vitamin C Facial Serum

    4. Embrace Hats, Sunglasses & Of Course, Shade!

    Even the most potent sunscreen can’t protect your skin 100 percent of the time, so other precautions are always gratefully received. Embrace large sun hats (they’re very on trend right now); wear sunglasses to protect the delicate skin around your eyes and when in doubt, seek that all-important shade.

    5. Avoid Facial Blotting Papers

    Don’t get us wrong, some beauty tools are fabulous, but we have to admit, we hate facial blotting papers – those tiny little pieces of what is essentially just  parchment paper. Yes, they’re handy for your purse and yes, they temporarily mop up excess oil but that’s all they are –  temporary. Not only that, but by blotting away oils, they can actually prompt your skin to produce even more of the stuff.

    Instead of this silly ‘fix,’ keep your skin balanced with a gentle cleansing routine (Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser is awesome for oily skin) and switch out rich, oil-laden moisturizers for light, gel-based formulas. And if you're still a little oily? Try a mattifying primer underneath your makeup.

    6. Don’t Shower More Than Once A Day

    As tempting as it is to jump in the shower whenever you feel hot, too many showers will compromise your skin’s protective barrier, stripping it of essential oils and drying it out, big time.

    Stick to one lukewarm shower a day and keep it to four or five minutes max.

    7. Increase Your Exfoliation Game

    Over-exfoliating your skin is a terrible idea, but in the summer you can definitely afford to up the ante just a tad – especially if you have oily skin. Instead of once or twice a week, try exfoliating with a gentle scrub or treatment serum like Vitamin C Super Serum+ three times a week. This will ensure your pores remain clear of oil, dirt, makeup and sunscreen.

    TruSkin Vitamin C Super Serum+

    8. Never Scrimp On Facial Sunscreen

    Hopefully by now you know the importance of wearing sunscreen every day of the year – not just in summer. But are you down with exactly how much you should apply?

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) you should use a full shot glass for your entire body and around half a teaspoon for your face.  

    Also, when it comes to SPF for your face, 30 is the sweet spot.

    9. Remember, Sun Protection Doesn’t Begin & End With Your Face

    For the rest of the year, facial sunscreen is often enough, but now the sun’s out and your body’s getting an airing, don’t forget other exposed areas when slapping on your sun protection.

    Research shows that skin cancers are extremely common on the shoulders, chest, arms, legs and backs of the hands, so always protect these areas and indeed any body part that’s not covered by clothing when you’re out in the sun.

    10. Use Humidity To Your Advantage

    Humectants are hydrating skincare ingredients that work by drawing water into your skin and holding it there like a sponge. In drier climates, humectants have to resort to drawing water up to the surface from deeper levels of your skin, but when it’s humid they’re able to suck it out of the air. Hells yeah!

    To keep your skin super hydrated this summer, make sure you include plenty of water-loving humectants in your skincare routine. Our fave is Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum which combines three hard-working humectants: hyaluronic acid, aloe and glycerin.






    Hyaluronic Acid
    Skincare Rules To Live By This Summer
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  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles: Is There A Difference?
    Ever wondered whether your fine line was in fact a wrinkle? Or vice versa? But wait, aren’t they basically the same thing? Actually no, they’re quite different.

    Fine lines and wrinkles – it’s like you can’t have one without the other. And we’re probably just as much to blame for this as the next skincare company, because whenever we talk about the visible signs of aging it’s all ‘fine line and wrinkles’ this and ‘fine lines and wrinkles’ that.

    However, while lines and wrinkles are the most common signs of skin aging, they don’t always come as a package deal. In fact, they’re quite different. So, let’s have a quick look at what they're really about, shall we?

    What Is A Fine Line?

    Fine lines are the babies of the wrinkle family. They’re shallow, less than two millimeters in depth and more like small creases, if you will. 

    Fine lines can appear anywhere on your face, but they’re usually more prevalent on and around areas that experience repeated muscle movement because repetitive motions like frowning and smiling cause weakness in your skin. When you’re young, your skin is able to easily bounce back, but as you get older, it becomes thinner, weaker, drier and less elastic which is why fine lines appear near expressive areas around your eyes, mouth and across your forehead.

    Of course, your natural aging process isn’t the only cause of fine lines. Many other factors come into play including the usual suspects: sun damage, smoking, pollution and stress. Research also shows that darker skin is thicker and therefore stays smoother, firmer and with less lines than fair skin. But whatever your skin type, they're kind of inevitable at some point. 

    What Is A Wrinkle?

    Wrinkles, on the other hand, are fine lines that have simply grown-up. Over time, repeated use of your facial muscles, along with the continual degradation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid cause fine lines to become thicker, deeper and more noticeable. This is when that innocuous fine line graduates into a big, bad wrinkle. Oh, and all those other external aggressors battling away at your skin for years and years don’t help either… 

    But it’s not all bad news, folks, because fine lines and wrinkles might not be the same thing, but what you do to prevent them is. Can we get a 'hooray' for that?

    The 3 Most Important Ways To Prevent Lines & Wrinkles

    It’s perfectly normal for your skin to age and, in all honesty, expression lines around your eyes and mouth are all part of living your best life. However, there are certain other external factors you can control to help manage the rate in which your lines appear and mature into wrinkles.

    1. Look After Your Barrier Function

    Your skin’s barrier (aka the stratum corneum) is its uppermost layer and vital for protecting your body and keeping you alive.

    Like the mortar that holds your skin together, your barrier is primarily made up of ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol and it has three essential roles.

    First, your skin’s barrier protects you from external toxins, allergens, pollution and UV radiation. Second, it works hard to reduce moisture loss. And third, it helps transport essential nutrients to the underlying layers of your skin. When your barrier works properly it maintains healthy skin by keeping it soft, supple, hydrated. It also keeps it safe from sensitivities, irritation and of course, environmental damage.

    On the flipside, when it begins to weaken and function poorly, your skin becomes more prone to dryness, dehydration, inflammation and premature aging. Hello, fine lines and eventually wrinkles…

    So, how can you look after your skin’s barrier function? Well, of course you shouldn’t smoke, get stressed or skip zzzs. But neither should you ever over-exfoliate. And this is really important because it’s one of the biggest mistakes people make with their skin. Sure, gentle exfoliation works wonders for increasing cellular turnover and boosting radiance, but too much of a good thing breaks down your skin’s barrier, causing it to become everything you don’t want for your complexion.

    Our advice is to exfoliate your face just two or three times a week, using either a physical exfoliator like a scrub or cleansing brush; or try a treatment cleanser or toner that contains chemical exfoliating acids like lactic, glycolic or salicylic.

    2. Apply Topical Antioxidants

    Free radical damage (aka oxidative stress) is a killer for aging you up before your time, so doing everything you can to keep it under control is super important. Of course, maintaining a healthy barrier function will instantly help you ward off free radical damage from the sun and environment, but you should also include topical antioxidants in your daily skincare routine.

    Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals that help protect your skin from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. This stops free radicals from attacking all the good stuff in your skin that keeps it soft, strong and supple (yes, we’re talking to you, collagen and elastin), therefore reducing damage and helping your skin defy the signs of extrinsic aging.

    Want to say ‘hold on a minute’ to fine lines and wrinkles? Then apply at least one topical antioxidant to your skin every day. Obviously, we’re massive fans of vitamin C, but vitamin E, niacinamide, retinol and hyaluronic acid also have antioxidant qualities that effectively get the job done. Not sure which one is right for you? Here’s some help choosing your perfect weapon.

    TruSkin Facial Serums

    3. Wear Sunscreen Every Day

    If we had a dollar for every time we’ve stressed the importance of sunscreen we’d be millionaires... no, billionaires by now. But we’ll continue to bang on about it and make no apologies for it. Why? Because that big ball of fire in the sky is THE NUMBER ONE cause of external skin damage. Lines, wrinkles, dark spots, sagging, poor texture, the works. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, a massive 90 percent of skin aging is caused by the sun and people who wear a daily sunscreen of at least SPF 15 or higher show 24 percent less skin aging than those who don’t.

    Apply a good amount of sun protection (foundation, tinted moisturizer, powder... literally anything!) as the last step in your morning routine and we promise you, those lines will be much slower in coming.  

    Lecture over. For now.






    Fine Lines & Wrinkles: Is There A Difference?
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