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  • The TruSkin Guide To Understanding Crepey Skin
    What on earth is crepey skin and can you prevent or treat it before it’s too late? Let’s see, shall we?

    Aging skin is a fact of life and we like to think we’re very much ‘pro-aging,’ rather than anti-aging. After all, unless you’re some kind of Harry Potter-esque whiz kid, time simply cannot be stopped. It just can’t. This means that no matter what you do or how awesome your skincare routine is, the telltale signs of aging will always creep up on you. Whether it’s lines around your eyes, the odd dark spot on your temples or a penchant for early nights and hot milk over late nights bars and hard seltzers, aging is life. And life is a precious thing.

    Of course, all this being said, you can’t just let nature take its course and hope for the best. Looking after yourself by eating well, exercising and employing a kickass skincare regimen is vital if you want to prolong your life and look amazing as part of the deal. And a kickass skincare regimen is definitely something we can help you with.

    Take crepey skin, for example. It might not be a concern you read about all that often due to fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots taking center stage, but crepey skin can be just as frustrating. Plus, it's much more widespread, affecting many areas of your skin – not just your face.

    So, what is this annoying little phenomenon and what can you do about it? Read on for all the answers...

    First, What Is Crepey Skin?

    Crepey skin is usually found on the back of your hands, top of the inner arms, under your eyes, on your neck and on your elbows and knees. It’s defined by very thin skin and, like its name suggests, looks like crepe paper. Unlike fine lines and wrinkles, which are usually more dispersed, crepey skin consists of many shallow, tiny lines that are concentrated in one area of your skin. This area will also look thin and is the kind of skin that, when gently pinched, doesn’t retract back to normal as quickly as you might hope.

    What Causes Crepey Skin?

    Similar to lines and wrinkles, crepey skin is that which has lost its natural elasticity due to the degradation of collagen and elastin. And this happens as part of getting older. In fact, after the age of 20, your skin produces one percent less collagen each year, making it progressively thinner, more delicate and susceptible to signs of aging. Your elastin fibers also diminish, as does the amount of oil your skin produces, which all adds up to dryness and the inevitable crinkling that comes with it.

    But your age isn’t the only factor at play here. Unlike dynamic wrinkles which are mainly down to years of repetitive facial movements, the number one cause of crepey skin is sun damage, which is a devil for breaking down your levels of collagen and elastin. Pollution, stress, dry skin, hormonal fluctuations and smoking also have their own way of crinkling up your skin. And don’t forget excessive weight changes that can stretch your skin, making it thinner and more crepe-like.

    5 Ways To Deal With Crepey Skin

    1. Double Up On Sun Protection

    Ask any skincare expert for their number one way to prevent crepey skin (and in fact, EVERY SINGLE visible sign of skin aging) and they will all agree sunscreen is it. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day (winter, summer, spring and fall). And this doesn’t just mean your face, but all areas of exposed skin and especially those thin, fragile places that are prone to creping like the back of your hands, arms, neck and décolletage.

    Another way to help shield your skin from the damaging effects of the sun is to apply a facial serum that contains topical antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E and niacinamide. Antioxidants work to nix free radicals before they get a chance to do their worst on all the good stuff in your skin, including collagen, elastin and DNA. Try our bestselling Vitamin C Serum under your moisturizer for awesome environmental protection.

    2. Don’t Smoke

    Do we really need to tell you how bad smoking is for your skin? Okay then, here we go. Simply put, tobacco contains over 4,000 nasty chemicals that decrease blood flow to your skin, thus starving it of oxygen and all the nutrients it needs to heal and repair itself. These toxins also destroy collagen and elastin, which is bad news for the strength and suppleness of your skin.

    Don’t fancy dealing with weak, thin, crepey skin that doesn’t snap back as well as it should? Then say a big fat 'no' to cigarettes.

    3. Boost Collagen With Retinol

    Retinol is one of those superpowered skincare ingredients that has the ability to ‘communicate’ with your skin at a cellular level, making it function better. This may sound like marketing nonsense, but decades of research don’t lie.

    When absorbed by the skin, retinol triggers and activates certain genes to increase collagen production and stimulate the skin to turn over more efficiently. This not only helps soften, thicken and plump up the skin but offers no end of benefits for aging skin, making lines and crepiness look way less obvious.

    Retinol is probably already in your facial skincare arsenal, but if you’re noticing a little crepiness creeping up elsewhere on your body, don’t be afraid to apply a retinol-based treatment on these areas. Just remember, retinol is potent so always patch test it first. It’s also deactivated by sunlight so apply it at night as part of your pre-bedtime routine. And Tip #1 is key here: always wear sunscreen whenever retinol's part of your routine.

    Try Retinol Moisturizer on your face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms or anywhere else crepey skin is bothering you.

    4. Maintain A Balanced, Healthy Weight

    Major fluctuations in your weight will cause your skin to stretch, retract and, over time, lose elasticity. And as you know, skin that lacks a certain amount of bouncebackability is likely to crepe faster than you can say ‘pass the SPF.’

    Of course, a low percentage of body fat means you’ll have less fat around your face and eyes to hold everything together and keep your skin looking plump and crinkle-free. So, be wary of trying to be super skinny just as much as becoming overweight. Maintaining a balanced weight that’s somewhere in the middle is ideal. Both for your skin and your health.

    5. Make Moisturizer Your BFF

    Dry, dehydrated skin will do nothing but exaggerate crepiness, so make sure you moisturize well and often. This is especially important as you get older when your skin starts to produce fewer natural oils to protect and nourish your barrier function.

    Look for creams and lotions that not only help draw in moisture with ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid, but also work hard to seal that moisture into your skin with emollients like shea butter and botanical oils. This will reduce dehydration as well as soften, plump and reduce the appearance of crepiness. Bonus: Try an all-encompassing moisturizer like our Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer, which is the ideal all-round product for the job.

    PS: Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream is also a total winner and works as a fabulous overnight hand treatment. Simply smooth any leftovers from your face and neck over the back of your hands, then pop on a pair of clean cotton gloves to allow all those skin-loving ingredients to work their magic as you catch some valuable zzz's.






    The TruSkin Guide To Understanding Crepey Skin
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  • How To Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out
    Can you really eat your way to healthier, glowy skin? We truly believe that if you combine a great diet with spot-on skincare, then yes, you totally can.

    As a skincare company, awesome products that deliver quality, value and results are everything. But we also know that a great complexion doesn’t solely come from a fabulous skincare routine. Yes, gentle cleansing is vital. And of course, daily moisturizing and protecting your skin from that great big ball of fire in the sky are just as important. Duh! However, to truly max out your complexion and make sure you enjoy your best skin 24/7, you must also think about the food that goes into your body.

    Now we would never (not even for one minute) suggest you cut out all the fun things from your diet – just try to take away our cupcakes and pinot, we dare you! – but moderation is key. And as long as you balance the slightly less nutritious stuff with plenty of skin-loving food and drink, your skin won't punish you for treating yourself every now and again.

    Read on for ten essential nutrients to help your skin get its glow on…

    1. Beta Carotene

    Beta-carotene belongs to the carotenoid family and once ingested, gets converted by your body into vitamin A. So why's this good for your skin? Well, vitamin A is a fabulous antioxidant that protects your skin from environmental damage, thus helping push back the signs of premature aging for as long as possible. It also accelerates cellular turnover, boosts your skin’s natural protection from UV damage and helps give you a gorgeous glow.

    Find It In: Any yellow-orange fruits and veggies, plus leafy greens.

    Skincare Partner: Retinol Serum. Because retinol is the topical form of vitamin A, after all.

    2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Unlike saturated and trans fats, omega-3s are the good guys because they help regulate sebum production, improve the fatty acid composition in your skin and strengthen your barrier function to reduce irritation, dryness and dehydration. Omega-3s have also been shown to help reduce breakouts and soothe skin concerns like eczema and psoriasis. It’s a must for your daily diet, no matter your skin type.

    Find Them In: Fish oils, oily fish such as wild salmon and mackerel, flax seeds and chia.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream, our richest moisturizer and the perfect way to relieve dryness and dehydration.

    3. Flavonoids

    Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol found in almost all fruits and vegetables. Just like carotenoids, flavonoids are responsible for their bright color – but they’re so much more than a pretty face. With powerful antioxidant properties, flavonoids are a great way to help protect your skin from oxidative stress and improve its strength and suppleness by reducing DNA and collagen destruction.

    Find Them In: Green tea, red wine (hallelujah!), kale, strawberries and citrus fruits.

    Skincare Partner: Retinol Moisturizer, which contains organic green tea.

    4. Vitamin C

    This antioxidant essential not only deals with the pesky free radicals that form in your skin after exposure to things like UV radiation and pollution, but vitamin C also encourages collagen and elastin production for stronger, younger-looking skin. Furthermore, studies show that vitamin C boosts the efficacy of your sunscreen AND balances melanin production for a brighter, healthier glow. Everything but the kitchen sink springs to mind, right?

    Find It In: Kiwis, berries, citrus fruits, broccoli and red peppers.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Serum – our award-winning bestseller that's packed with vitamin C. Enough said.

    5. Vitamin E

    Often known as the moisturizing, healing vitamin in the world of skincare, vitamin E is equally as important in your diet as it is in your face cream. Just like our friend vitamin C, vitamin E comes packed with antioxidants to boost your immune system, fight inflammation and reduce collagen damage caused by environmental pollution and UV radiation.

    Find It In: Avocados, spinach, seafood, almonds, seeds, wheat germ and sunflower oil.

    Skincare Partner: Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream. Because looking after the skin around your eyes with HA plus vitamins C and E is a shoo-in.

    6. Selenium

    Selenium is an essential mineral that protects your cell membranes and maintains the firmness of your skin by safeguarding it from free radical damage. When paired with vitamin E, selenium has also been shown to reduce inflammation, curb acne breakouts and help your skin heal quicker and better. *Immediately adds to Instacart

    Find It In: Brazil nuts, poultry, seafood and lentils.

    Skincare Partner: Tea Tree Super Serum+. It's packed with antioxidants and brimming with clarifying goodies like salicylic acid and tea tree essential oil to unclog pores and reduce breakouts.

    7. Lutein

    Lutein is well-known for the vital role it plays in keeping your eyes healthy. But it also looks after your skin by providing protection from high-energy sources like the sun and your various digital devices. Improving elasticity and skin tone are an added string to its bow. Oh, and one other thing, lutein cannot be produced by your body so you have to get your fix from your diet.

    Find It In: Spinach, kale, bell peppers, parsley, corn and egg yolk.

    Skincare Partner: Vitamin C Super Serum+ which is chock-full of skin-protecting antioxidants to protect your skin from HEV (blue) light.

    8. Zinc

    Did you know your skin holds about 20 percent of your body’s entire supply of zinc? This makes it one of the most important trace minerals when it comes to the health of your skin. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and oil-regulating, zinc plays a critical role for oily skin types and for those who suffer from clogged pores and pesky breakouts. It also aids healing, boosts collagen synthesis and helps build protein in the skin to keep it younger-looking longer.

    Find It In: Breakfast cereals, red meat, poultry, legumes, asparagus and milk.

    Skincare Partner: Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser, a go-to for clarifying, regulating sebum and detoxifying acne-prone skin.

    9. Probiotics

    Probiotics help promote good bacteria in your gut, which is thought to be directly related to your skin and its delicate microbiome. The skin’s microbiome is an intricate system of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi which live within the various layers of your skin. Yes, that sounds kinda icky, but these microorganisms work hard to keep bad bacteria at bay, so they’re super important. What's equally important is supporting this microbiome with dietary probiotics. Why? Because things like eczema and inflammation, plus hot showers and chemical-laden skincare, can throw your microbiome totally out of whack.

    Find Them In: Yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut and sourdough bread.

    Skincare Partner: Rose Water Facial Toner. This is our kindest, purest formulation and packed with healing benefits highly unlikely to upset your skin’s delicate microbiome.

    10. Water

    Staying hydrated is so, so important for your overall health. And while water is yet to be proven to directly hydrate your skin (because your other vital organs need it way more), you’ve all seen what your skin looks like when it’s dehydrated, right? We're talking dull, dull and a little bit duller.

    No matter what your thoughts are on the skin benefits of chugging three liters of water a day, maintaining a proper level of hydration is vital for skin health. It won't transform your skin overnight, but it will help increase circulation and flush out toxins to minimize puffiness and enhance your glow.

    Find It In: Other than the obvious? Watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, apples and celery.

    Skincare Partner: Hyaluronic Acid Serum, which combines the hydrating powers of botanical hyaluronic acid with vitamins C and E.






    How To Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out
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  • Should You Be Concerned About Blue Light Skin Damage?
    Listen up, y’all. It’s time to step up your protective skincare game to ensure your regimen is doing its best to protect your complexion against the woes of blue light damage.

    Knowledge of UV radiation and its damaging effects on your skin are pretty well-known among all you skincare aficionados. But while UVA and UVB continue to do their worst on your lines and wrinkles, another type of light has been brought to, er, light recently.

    Say hello to high energy visible light, otherwise known as blue light. But what is this mysterious blue light all about and what does exposure to it mean for the health of your skin?

    Here’s what we know…

    What Is Blue Light?

    Known in the biz as high energy visible (HEV) light, blue light is part of the visible light spectrum (think ROY G BIV). This means that unlike ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the naked eye, you can see it.

    Blue light has the shortest wavelength and highest energy of all the colors in the visible spectrum and has been proven to boost your mood, improve memory and increase mental alertness. However, it has also been linked to eye damage and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you expose your body to blue light late at night, it throws off your circadian rhythms, affecting your sleeping patterns and making it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

    Of course, blue light also affects your skin. More on that in a minute…

    Where Does Blue Light Come From?

    The majority of blue light you're exposed to comes from the sun. However, it's not the only thing at work here because smartphones, computers, TVs and other digital devices are also major sources of artificial blue light.

    Now, don’t get us wrong, being in the great outdoors and experiencing the benefits of natural blue light during the day is awesome for your mental wellness. Some experts even go so far as to say it’s something you should try to get more of. But as you know, when it comes to your skin, the sun is not such good news. In fact, it's one of the main offenders when it comes to aging concerns like dark spots, premature wrinkles and sagging skin.

    The thing is, artificial blue light is just as worrying for your skin as the natural stuff. Recent statistics from DataReportal show that the average American spends more than seven hours looking at some kind of screen every day. What’s more, an average adult looks at their smartphone around 60 times a day, and 40 percent check their phones in the middle of the night.

    All this adds up to a helluva lot of unnecessary blue light exposure. All. Day. Long. So, it’s no wonder that it's become a bit of a concern.

    How Does Blue Light Affect Your Skin?

    Just like UV radiation, research shows that blue light causes oxidative stress in the skin thanks to rogue free radicals overwhelming your skin cells, damaging DNA and compromising the production of collagen and elastin. This is a major concern for your skin because free radical damage leads to inflammation, weakens your barrier function and accelerates aging, causing your skin to lose elasticity, strength, firmness and its smooth, even tone and texture.

    Some experts even believe that because blue light’s high energy allows it to penetrate more deeply into the skin, it has the potential to be way more damaging to your collagen and elastin fibers than UV radiation.

    Mic drop.

    What Are The Best Ways To Protect Your Skin From Blue Light Damage?

    Blue light skin damage isn't an immediate thing, but with more time being spent in front of digital devices than ever before, it could easily catch up with you.

    Unless you get ahead of the game, of course. Here's how...

    1. Limit Your Screen Time

    The modern world makes it difficult not to be in front of a screen all day long but if you work at a computer from 9 to 5, ensure you take plenty of breaks. And during these breaks, don’t head straight for your phone. Instead, get outside for 10 minutes, make some coffee or read a book. And no, reading something on your Kindle does not count!

    2. Avoid Using Digital Devices Before Bed

    Studies show that exposing your skin to blue light late at night throws it out of whack, making it ‘think’ it’s still daytime. This compromises your overnight skin regeneration process which is a valuable time for healing and repairing.

    Try to avoid looking at your smartphone, laptop or tablet for at least two hours before you go to sleep. Come on, your skin needs you.

    3. Make The Most Of Night Mode

    While light mode is the default setting for most phones and laptops, night (or dark) mode is a great way to reduce the amount of blue light emitted, so set your phone to night mode right this minute – it should be pretty easy to find in your settings. Also, if you work long hours at a computer, think about investing in a blue light screen filter. It'll really help minimize exposure.

    4. Apply Topical Antioxidants Morning & Night

    When it comes to your skincare routine, topical antioxidants like niacinamide, retinol and vitamins C and E offer awesome protection from blue light.

    Antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress because they’re able to neutralize damaging free radicals before they get a chance to do a number on all those essential proteins your skin needs.

    We have a whole bunch of fabulous antioxidant serums for all skin types but if you’re looking for a real goodie that specifically targets blue light damage as well as other environmental nasties, try our Rejuvenating Longevity Serum. This beautifully lightweight serum contains lingonberry stem cells which have been shown to offer a fantastic shield against the perils of blue light.

    5. Continue With Broad-Spectrum Sun Protection

    Sunscreen will always remain your BFF when it comes to protecting your skin from any kind of photodamage.

    Apply a high factor, broad-spectrum formulation like our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen generously and daily. Our sunscreen contains physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide which are currently the only two active sunscreen ingredients deemed safe and effective by the FDA.

    Experts also believe physical sunscreens like these are more likely to reflect blue light from the skin’s surface than chemical sunscreen ingredients. Good enough for us.






    Should You Be Concerned About Blue Light Skin Damage?
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  • Why Antioxidants And Your Skin Are The Ultimate BFFs
    When it comes to fighting off wrinkles and limiting the damaging effects of pollution and the sun, antioxidants are everything. But are they all they’re cracked up to be? Funnily enough, yes, they are.

    If you’re reading this, you probably know a little about what your skin wants from its daily routine. First up, you have the foundation for great skin: a fabulous cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin of life, but cleanses thoroughly while caring for your skin’s super-important barrier function. Simple enough, right?

    Then, you have toner which adds that little extra ‘je ne sais quoi’ to your regimen, treating dark spots, adding a little hydration, maybe even helping to exfoliate your skin – as long as you choose the right one, of course (cough, Ocean Minerals Super Toner, cough).

    A great moisturizer is also vital… and don’t even get us started on SPF which is literally the most important product for protecting your skin from premature aging.

    And somewhere in the middle of all this come antioxidants. You’ll have read about antioxidants countless times (especially if you’re a TruSkin fan!) and maybe you understand just a smidge about their overall benefits for your skin. But did you know they’re the absolute key to fighting off environmental damage? Not only that but they can perform any number of skin-enhancing feats, helping to transform a ‘decent’ skincare routine into a truly fabulous one.

    Here’s everything you need to know about these skincare powerhouses…

    First, Let’s Talk About Free Radicals

    Free radicals might sound innocent enough, but don’t be fooled. They can be seriously bad news when it comes to your skin. Simply put, free radicals are unstable, highly reactive atoms or molecules that form in your skin when it’s been subjected to things like sun damage, pollution, alcohol, stress or a poor diet.

    Due to their unstable nature, free radicals seek out electrons from other, unsuspecting molecules in your skin to try and stabilize themselves, thus creating more free radicals in their wake. This blatant thievery is called oxidation and, if it gets left to its own devices, it leads to what's known as oxidative stress which causes serious damage to all the good stuff within your skin – think DNA, collagen and elastin.

    Got It. So, How Do Antioxidants Fit Into The Equation?

    Antioxidants are Batman to free radicals’ evil The Joker. Unlike other molecules which turn into free radicals when an electron gets snatched away, antioxidants are able to donate electrons to neutralize free radicals, while simultaneously maintaining their own stability. This practically laughs in the face of free radicals’ destruction and stops the chain reaction of skin damage as a result.

    Your body naturally has a pretty decent antioxidant defense system that works hard to fight damage and keep you healthy, but this weakens with age (no surprises there!). This is why you need to help it out by including not only antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies in your diet, but also by applying topical antioxidants to your skin to fight off those pesky free radicals, reduce damage and help keep your complexion strong, supple, radiant and youthful-looking.

    Topical antioxidants can be found in anything from cleansers and toners through to moisturizers and face masks, but to maximize their benefits, you should always include an antioxidant serum in your routine. Why? Because serums have a small molecular structure which allows them to deliver powerful, active ingredients deep into your skin.

    Here are six of our absolute faves…

    The 6 Best Antioxidant Serums For Your Skin Concerns

    The Skin Brightener: Vitamin C Facial Serum

    With more than 93,000 ratings on Amazon, this number one bestseller is packed with antioxidants including arguably the queen of them all, vitamin C. Vitamin C not only reduces the breakdown of collagen and elastin to support your skin and reduce premature lines and wrinkles, but it also contains properties that help regulate melanin production to help fade dark spots and even out your skin tone. Hello, brighter skin days!

    The Ultimate Hydrating Hero: Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum

    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is well-known for its hydrating powers due to its clever way of drawing water to the surface of your skin (up to 1,000 times its own weight, no less). But did you know that botanical HA is also a powerful antioxidant? If you’re looking to up your skin’s moisture content while neutralizing potential free radical damage at the same time, this multitasking HA Serum is right up your alley.

    The Balancing Act: Tea Tree Super Serum+

    Unhappy skin often leads to excess oil and, worse still, pesky breakouts, which is where our Tea Tree Super Serum+ comes in. Packed with tea tree essential oil and salicylic acid to balance your skin and improve cell turnover, it also contains vitamin C to brighten, hyaluronic acid to hydrate AND retinol to strengthen and support your skin. A veritable master-of-all-trades. Just remember, this is a potent one, so it needs to be applied just two or three times a week.

    The Age-Defying Genius: Retinol Facial Serum

    Retinol, oh how we love thee. An active form of vitamin A, retinol stimulates the skin to turn over more efficiently. This helps soften, thicken and plump up the skin while offering no end of benefits for enlarged pores, acne, pigmentation and aging skin. Retinol is also an awesome antioxidant, making it one of the most important ingredients for your skincare regimen. Try this nighttime serum that’s gentle enough for almost all skin types – as long as you patch test it first, of course. But that’s a given with any new skincare formulation…

    The Sensitive Skin Savior: Niacinamide Facial Serum

    The newest addition to our serum line-up contains one of the gentlest, but no less effective antioxidants, niacinamide. Very well tolerated by the skin, niacinamide helps soothe and calm irritation. It also has the power to increase the natural production of ceramides in your skin to help strengthen and protect your barrier function. A real must-try for antioxidant newbies or for anyone whose skin doesn't tolerate the potency of vitamin C or retinol.

    The ‘I Want It All’ Serum: Vitamin C Super Serum+

    Both of our Super Serums contain a carefully curated blend of some of the most effective ingredients in skincare. But for the absolute ultimate in antioxidant prowess our Vitamin C Super Serum+ is, for sure, the one for you. It contains not two… not three… but four of the very best: vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid AND retinol. Not to mention a whole plethora of botanical oils plus aloe vera to keep irritation to a minimum. Word is, this one’s so good, you only need to apply it two or three times a week.






    Hyaluronic Acid
    Why Antioxidants And Your Skin Are The Ultimate BFFs
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  • Our Best Advice For Dealing With Acne Scars
    Getting to grips with acne scars is not as hard as you think. You just need to know where to turn.

    Whether you have scars from teenage acne or are worried your adult acne could be causing your skin long-term harm, here’s everything you need to know in order to stay ahead of the acne scarring game.

    Firstly, what causes acne scars? Well, they’re the result of inflammation in the skin due to pimples and blemishes. Breakouts occur when a build-up of excess oils, dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria clogs up your pores making them swell and cause damage to the follicles, tissues and skin around them. When pimples heal, your skin goes into serious repair mode, producing collagen in various quantities in an attempt to get it structurally, functionally and aesthetically back to ‘normal’. Sadly, this doesn’t always work out as well as you’d like and often your skin produces either too much or too little collagen, resulting in bumpy or pitted skin – otherwise known as acne scars.

    It’s important, however, to know that not all acne scars are created equal…

    What Are The Different Types Of Acne Scars?

    Many pimples come and go without leaving you scars to prove they’ve ever been there. But this is not always the case. Even if you’ve left well alone and not so much as touched a pimple, let alone squeezed, picked or prodded it, it can still cause long-term scarring. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) whether or not your acne leaves a scar is down to a number of things. Inflammatory acne, for example, which is deep, red and painful is way more likely to scar than a less serious-looking pimple – especially if left untreated. And then there are your genes. Say no more…

    Acne scars also come in two different guises.

    1. Atrophic Acne Scars

    Atrophic scars include any kind of acne scar that’s depressed below the surface of your skin. They occur when the healing process produces too little collagen, causing a pit, dent or ‘hole’ in your skin. Atrophic scars come in all different shapes in sizes but usually fall into one of three categories: ice pick scars (narrow, almost pin-like looking scars); boxcar scars (slightly wider and rounded); or rolling scars (which create wave-like depressions across the surface of your skin).

    2. Hypertrophic Acne Scars

    While less common than atropic acne scars, hypertrophic acne scars are thickened areas of skin that are raised and often itchy. They occur when too much collagen is produced during the healing process and scar tissue consequently builds up above the surface. This type of acne scar is more likely to appear on your chest, back or shoulders than on your face. Which is something, at least.

    Then there’s post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) which isn’t actually scarring at all, but a whole other business. PIH is a type of discoloration that appears when some kind of trauma – in this case, acne – causes your skin to overproduce melanin and leaves you with a dark or uneven patch of skin. Unlike acne scars, PIH isn’t pitted or raised and often heals with good sun protection and the use of topical antioxidant treatments like Vitamin C Facial Serum. Let’s put a pin in PIH for now…

    Why Prevention Is Always Better Than Cure

    The sad news is that acne scars are notoriously hard to get rid of. Which is why avoiding acne in the first place with a gentle cleansing, balancing and moisturizing routine is super important. Our Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser is a great choice for keeping your skin clean and clear of pore-clogging debris, and try Retinol Moisturizer to improve cell turnover and keep your skin healthy and moisturized.

    Of course, you can never tell if a pimple will scar or not, but if you do get one, avoid picking at it because this really won’t help. Instead, stop it from getting worse by spot treating with Tea Tree Super Serum+. This smart treatment contains salicylic acid and tea tree oil to keep your pores clean, plus healing aloe and hydrating hyaluronic acid to stop your skin from drying out. Also, look out for anti-inflammatory ingredients across your whole regime – think ceramides, green tea, chamomile and niacinamide (oh, hi there Niacinamide Serum).

    How To Help Treat Acne Scars

    Too late to employ the ‘prevention is better than cure’ rule? Don’t sweat it, there are still plenty of options for helping to treat, fade or smooth out existing acne scars.

    At Home

    Unfortunately, skincare alone can’t totally heal acne scars. However, some things will certainly help fade discoloration and give your skin a smoother appearance. Gentle exfoliation, for one, is a great way to improve your skin’s texture by sloughing away dead skin cells and improving cellular turnover. Facial scrubs are the obvious choice, but chemical exfoliation is also very effective. Again, our salicylic acid-enriched Tea Tree Super Serum+ is a great shout, but if you’re applying it all over, use it just two or three times a week – it’s potent stuff.

    Make sure your routine also contains retinol in some form. As well as helping to speed up collagen production and cell regeneration for healthier, smoother skin, retinol is fabulous for fading uneven skin tone. Try our Retinol Facial Serum in the evenings when you’re not using your tea tree serum.

    At The Derm’s Office

    Serious acne scars are going to need more than great skincare, so if yours are getting you down and won’t go away, pay a visit to your dermatologist for advice on how best to treat your particular concerns. Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and chemical peels are awesome for resurfacing your skin and encouraging fresh, new skin cells to grow, whereas dermal fillers can significantly help reduce the appearance of pitted, atrophic scars. You could also try laser resurfacing, microneedling or even surgery.

    The options as they say, are endless.





    Our Best Advice For Dealing With Acne Scars
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  • The Truth About Collagen
    Collagen is one of, if not the most important building blocks of your skin. But what’s the deal with collagen loss and can skincare really help put back what’s gone? Here’s everything we know…

    If you’re here, you’re probably semi-interested in your skin and how it works. And if that’s the case you’ll know a little bit about collagen and the role it plays in the overall health of your skin. Hint: it’s a LOT.

    But how much do you really know about collagen? Like, what happens as you age? And what collagen in skincare truthfully means?

    Interested to up your collagen knowledge (ooh, try saying that three times in a row after a few pinots!)? Then read on for the full intel…

    What Is Collagen?

    Collagen is the most abundant protein in the whole of your body and it’s made up of a combination of amino acids. While there are many different types of collagen, there are only four main variants, and of these, just one (type I) accounts for a whopping 90 percent of your body’s collagen levels.

    Collagen is found in the body’s connective tissues and it has a kind of dense, fiber-like structure which acts like ‘glue’ to make these tissues strong, supple and resilient. You’ll find collagen in your bones, muscles, teeth and blood, but it’s most prevalent in your skin where it’s produced just beneath the surface in the dermis.

    How Does Aging Affect Collagen?

    When you’re young, your skin is awash with lots of delicious collagen which keeps it soft, strong, plump and wrinkle-free. However, once you hit your 20s, you start to produce around 1-1.5 percent less collagen every year. This is what’s known as intrinsic aging and it’s what causes the inevitable thinning and weakening of your skin you literally have no control over.

    Of course, there are plenty of other factors at play here, too. Your lifestyle, your diet, how much sleep you get and your levels of stress all work to deplete collagen in your skin. Then, there’s the environmental stuff like pollution and UV damage that cause collagen-damaging free radicals. All this you can control and it’s what’s known in the biz as extrinsic aging.

    So, Can You Slow Down The Rate At Which Your Skin Loses Collagen?

    Yes and no. Intrinsic aging is a done deal and unless you’ve invented some kind of Back To The Future style DeLorean, you can’t alter time. But you can control all the other factors. The sun is the biggest player and responsible for around 80 percent of extrinsic aging, so you must protect your skin from UV damage every day by applying an antioxidant like Vitamin C Facial Serum followed by sunscreen with broad-spectrum coverage.

    Getting a great night’s sleep, not smoking and reducing emotional stress are also super important. And so is your diet. Sugar and refined carbs can really screw up collagen synthesis so try to avoid these. Instead, up your intake of antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies and ensure you get plenty of protein as this helps your body produce more quality collagen in order to maintain firmer, younger-looking skin.

    Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, beans and tofu are real BFFs for quality collagen production.

    What’s The Deal With Collagen In Skincare?

    Experts are divided as to whether applying skincare containing collagen really works. The issue is that collagen is a large, very complex molecule making it pretty hard to penetrate the skin when applied topically. Hydrolyzed collagen (which is collagen that’s been broken down into peptides) may absorb more easily, but the jury’s still out.

    If you're not convinced, stick with skincare ingredients that work to increase your own rate of collagen production, rather than to apply topical, synthetic collagen. Ingredients like retinol, MSM and vitamin C have all been studied and proven to stimulate your skin’s natural collagen production and inhibit its breakdown. Retinol, in particular, has been used for decades and has an awesome track record when it comes to upping your collagen levels.

    Try Retinol Facial Serum or Vitamin C Super Serum +. And of course, don’t forget that super important sun protection to reduce the formation of free radicals in your skin and consequently decrease your risk of collagen damage. 

    Finally, What About Collagen Drinks & Supplements?

    There's not a huge amount of evidence to support whether collagen shots or supplements can realistically make your lines and wrinkles disappear. Some research papers point to them having definite potential, but other experts believe that by the time the collagen has been ingested, digested and made its way into your bloodstream its potency and quantity could be somewhat lacking.

    Again, hydrolyzed collagen supplements seem to have potential as studies show these to be more easily absorbed by your body. 

    Our advice for maintaining quality collagen for as long as you possibly can? Go for a healthy diet, use daily sun protection and apply antioxidants and retinol on the reg. 





    The Truth About Collagen
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