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New Year’s Resolutions Your Skin Will Love

New Year’s Resolutions Your Skin Will Love

Let’s make 2023 the year to help your skin look and feel its best yet, shall we?

It’s 2023 (can you believe it?) and with a new year comes new beginnings. Out-of-reach resolutions, however, that you’ll never achieve – let alone stick with – are so not our mojo. Instead, we believe in realistic goals that help you enjoy looking after your skin and give you visible, natural-looking results you will love.

Want to know how to set up your skincare routine for success for 2023 and beyond? Then read on for five of the best (and totally achievable) new year’s resolutions for your skin…

Goal #1. Simplify Your Daily Skincare Routine

Nailing a routine that works for you sounds simple enough but it can actually be quite tricky when there are so many awesome (and some not-so-awesome!) products out there to try. What’s important, however, is that you’re completely in tune with your skin. This means knowing your skin type and understanding what your most pressing concerns are. Once you get a hold of these important factors, you can build your skincare routine accordingly.

Of course, the basics (cleanser, moisturizer and SPF) are a must, no matter your skin type. But then it’s all about choosing those supercharged add-ons that really boost your routine and improve your skin without overcomplicating things.

To Do: First up, identify your skin type here. Then really look at your skin in the mirror and touch it with clean hands. What are you thinking right now? Does your skin feel dehydrated? Are you noticing some dark spots in certain areas? Or are those fine lines around your eyes getting super annoying?

Identify your main concern, then build your routine around your skin type and concern. And while you’re at it, toss away all those half-used bottles of ‘false promise’ products hiding in the back of your beauty cabinet. They didn’t work a year ago, so they’re not going to work now.

Try: Our Vitamin C range is the ideal way to crush an effective skincare routine without even thinking about it. From cleansing and moisturizing to skin brightening and SPF protection, it’s a great way to start the year as you mean to go on.

Goal #2. Never Go To Bed Without Giving Your Skin A Little Love

You’ve probably made the ‘I will never go to bed without taking off my makeup’ resolution many times in the past. And good on you, because cleansing your skin at night is one of the most important ways to maintain consistently great skin. After all, a build-up of 16 or so hours of oils, sweat, dirt and goodness-knows-what-else is a lot for your skin (and your pores!) to contend with.

But an effective nighttime skincare routine is so much more than cleansing. While you’re asleep, your skin gets super busy repairing damage from the day and strengthening its all-important barrier function. And this is all well and good, but your skin needs a little help as it gets to work overnight. Which is where your skincare products come to the rescue.

To Do: You don’t necessarily need a huge arsenal of extra products for your bedtime routine, but one or two products, specifically formulated to support the vital functions your skin performs while you sleep, will go a long way.

Try: Retinol Facial Serum followed by Retinol Moisturizer or Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream.

Goal #3. Get Your Daily Vitamins

There are many topical vitamins that pack a real punch in skincare. But knowing what each one does and which work best for your skin is no mean feat. Do you go for vitamin C which is touted as one of the best brightening ingredients and hardest working antioxidants out there? Or maybe you stick with vitamin E which is up there as one of the most moisturizing, soothing vitamins of all. Then there’s vitamin B3 (AKA niacinamide)… vitamin K… and not to forget vitamin A, or the mighty retinol as it’s usually known.

The choices are endless. But this doesn’t mean you should back away from vitamin-based moisturizers and serums simply because you don’t know which to turn to. Vitamin-enriched formulations are a great addition to your routine – plus there’s at least one out there for you, we just know it.

To Do: Again, this is all about knowing your skin, then deciding what to focus on. Here’s a quick breakdown of your most common skin concerns and the best vitamin choice for you.

If Your Main Concern Is… Aging skin or acne, go for vitamin A (retinol)

If Your Main Concern Is… Dry skin, redness or sensitivities, try vitamin B3 (niacinamide)

If Your Main Concern Is… Dullness, dark spots and premature aging, go for vitamin C

If Your Main Concern Is… Dehydration, poor texture or dryness, try vitamin E 

Try: We have a number of facial serums packed with specific vitamins to enhance, repair and treat your skin concerns, but if you're looking for a multi-functional product that offers an incredible balance of all the good stuff, you’ll love our new Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum. Loaded with vitamins B3, B5, C, D, E, F and K, plus minerals, electrolytes, hyaluronic acid and aloe, it’s ideal for all skin types and a great addition to any ‘new year, new you’ skincare routine.

Goal #4. Protect Your Skin, Rain Or Shine

Sure, sunscreen isn’t the most fun of skincare products. But it is, without doubt, the single most important product to use if you care about warding off the signs of premature aging. How so? Because UV radiation is responsible for somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of all external skin aging. Not only that, but according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, applying SPF 15 every day helps reduce your risk of developing certain skin cancers by as much as 50 percent.

Now we don’t know about you, but that kind of pertinent information makes us want to douse ourselves in sunscreen at every available opportunity. And while that may sound dramatic, this is exactly what we want you to focus on this year… and forever more.

The truth is, the sun’s damaging rays are present even when it’s cold and cloudy outside. So, while you might not ‘feel’ the sun beating down on your skin on gray, wintry days, it’s still there. Otherwise... well, it would be nighttime.

To Do: Make sunscreen an absolute priority every morning. And stick with mineral-based formulations that include zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide as these are the only sunscreen ingredients currently deemed safe and effective by the FDA. Get into the habit of applying it as your last skincare step every morning and it’ll quickly become routine.

Try: SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen With Vitamin C which is lightweight enough for most skin types and contains broad-spectrum protection. This means it shields your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. That’s super important, btw.

Goal #5. Don’t Ignore Your Eyes

You may be a total whizz with your facial skincare routine, but are you as vigilant when it comes to the skin around your eyes? Chances are, that’s a big, fat no. Big mistake. The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face which means it ages quicker and therefore needs major love and attention.

To Do: First up, don’t underestimate the healing powers of a good night’s sleep. A lack of zzzs not only makes the blood vessels under your eyes dilate but it also leads to water retention. Neither of which are good news for the fragile skin around your eyes. We’re talking dark circles, puffy bags and fine lines.

Secondly, avoid slapping thick moisturizers and potent serums around your eyes as they could overwhelm or irritate this fragile area. Instead, choose an eye treatment and tap it gently around the orbital bone morning and night, using your ring fingers to reduce pressure and minimize drag.

Try: Peptide Eye Gel or Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream. Both of these anti-aging eye treatments are ideal for protecting the skin around your eyes and helping to promote younger-looking skin. The choice is yours!

More About This Article

Georgia Gould

Georgia Gould

Georgia is an award-winning beauty writer who has been in the business for over 20 years. British-born, she began her career as a magazine beauty editor in London before moving to San Francisco, CA in 2012 where she now continues her love as a freelance writer and editor. As well as her editorial work, Georgia has created content for many high-profile beauty brands, including Clarins, L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble, Simple and TRESemmé. Her passions include retinol (obviously), golfing, skiing and walking her beloved Schnauzer, Dave.
