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  • The Best Ways To Treat Whiteheads, Once And For All
    They might not be inflamed like pimples, or ‘dirty’ looking like their blackhead cousins, but nobody wants to deal with whiteheads.

    Whiteheads can plague pretty much any skin type and can strike at any time of your life. But, like any type of acne, all is not lost when you’re armed with intel (and intel is incoming, don’t you worry), patience (sorry, we can’t help with that one) and the right tools to help eliminate those pesky skin bumps. Those, we can also do.

    Here's everything you need to know about whiteheads, including what they are, what causes them and how to win the battle… as well as the war.

    What Exactly Are Whiteheads?

    Like pimples and blackheads, whiteheads are a form of acne most often found on the face, back or chest. According to the AAD, acne is the single most common skin condition in the country, affecting around 50 million people every year and often continuing from adolescence into adulthood. So, remember, if you’re suffering right now, you are not alone.

    Acne, in all its various shapes and sizes, occurs when sebum and dead skin cells collect at the surface of the skin, clogging up the pore and forming a kind of hard plug that makes said pore swell and become raised.

    What happens next determines the type of acne that rears its ugly head (or not, as the case may be!)… If the pore stays closed, it produces a white or pale yellowish bump called a whitehead. If it opens at the surface and becomes exposed to air it oxidizes, turns dark and becomes a blackhead. And if it becomes inflamed it becomes what we regularly refer to as a pimple. Pimples range in severity and can be pretty innocent (pink and tender) to extremely angry, painful and filled with pus.

    All fun stuff. Not!

    So, What Causes Whiteheads?

    Contrary to many ridiculous old wives’ tales, whiteheads are not caused by chocolate or poor cleansing habits. Same goes for any type of acne. Their cause is solely thanks to excess sebum combining with keratin and dead skin cells. This little cocktail of 'gunk' then gets stuck in your pores and results in all sorts of acne-related problems.

    However, there are many triggers and lifestyle factors that increase your risk of developing whiteheads. Your genes, for one thing (darn those parents of yours!). Then there are other factors like heavy, buttery moisturizers which can sit on the surface of your skin and block your pores; a diet that’s high in sugar and processed carbs, and wayward hormones – which is why puberty, menstruation and the menopause are such major times for breakouts.

    5 Of The Best Ways To Deal With Whiteheads

    So, what can you do to help prevent clogged pores and help stop whiteheads in their tracks? And what about when they still manage to break their way through your smooth complexion? What can be done then? Well, here are five of our favorite ways to cope with whiteheads.

    And PS: if blackheads and pimples are more your jam, these tips work across the entire acne board. You’re welcome.

    1. Never Squeeze Your Whiteheads

    Yes, it’s tempting and weirdly satisfying to prod, poke, pick and squeeze whiteheads. But don’t. This can spread bacteria which, in turn, makes matters far worse in the long run. It can also lead to scarring. Which is not cool.

    Whiteheads tend to disappear and heal much faster if you keep your fingers away. However, if it does look ready to pop, you can apply a warm flannel then gently press the surrounding skin away (not towards) the whitehead to help it drain. A gentle touch is the key here, however, and if it nothing shifts, leave well alone and let nature take its course.

    2. Know That Regular Cleansing Is Vital

    The best way to stop sebum (and other debris like makeup and sweat) from building up on the surface of your skin? Easy, a good cleansing routine. Of course, stripping your skin of every last drop of oil and moisture will make your skin flare-up even more, so don’t go down that road. It’s so 80s!

    Instead, choose finely balanced cleansing products like Tea Tree Super Cleanser + which contains purifying, acne-busting goodies like tea tree oil and witch hazel, combined with healing champs like MSM and chamomile, and hydrating wonderkids like aloe vera and botanical oils.

    Cleanse every morning, every night and again after working out (one word: sweat!), using warm, not hot water and concentrating on any problematic areas like around your nose and over your forehead. You won’t see results immediately, but trust us, make this cleansing routine a daily habit and your skin will soon thank you.

    3. Add A Little Retinol To Your Night Time Routine

    Retinol is the gold-standard of anti-aging skincare. But did you know it also makes for a pretty mean acne-fighting machine?

    Retinol is an over-the-counter derivative of vitamin A that increases cell turnover by attaching itself to nuclear receptors in the center of your cells. Without getting too technical, this is where genetic information is stored and where major cellular functions are processed. Once attached to these receptors, retinol activates certain genes to accelerate cell turnover and help encourage dead skin cells to shed more efficiently. This helps keep your pores from clogging up and breaking out. Pretty neat, huh? As you can probably guess, we’re big fans over here.

    Try our Retinol Facial Serum or Retinol Moisturizer if you want to get in on the action.

    Just remember, as great as retinol is, it’s very potent and extremely active, so always patch test any new product first, then start using it slowly by applying it just two or three evenings a week to clean, dry skin. As you build tolerance, you can then work up to nightly use.

    4. Avoid Abrasive Scrubs & Harsh Chemicals

    Like squeezing whiteheads, it’s tempting to want to throw all sorts of scrubs, astringent lotions and products that contain drying alcohols at them. Massive mistake. This can seriously compromise your skin’s barrier function which invites all manner of other issues to the party. Think irritation, redness, itching and all sorts. Remember, skin-friendly, plant-powered products are always best.

    5. Embrace The Powers Of Salicylic Acid

    Exfoliation is super important for ensuring those dead skin cells don’t get stuck at the surface of your skin. But you’ve got to be kind as you exfoliate because too much can over-stimulate your sebaceous glands and can make matter worse.

    Instead of harsh scrubs, we recommend sticking with exfoliating acids that work specifically on breaking down dead skin cells, without any need for unnecessary pressure or friction.

    Salicylic acid, for example, is a total shoo-in for oily, problematic skin as it not only dissolves the ‘glue’ that binds dead skin cells together, but it’s oil-soluble which means it’s able to penetrate into your sebaceous glands to loosen sebum and unblock pores. We combine this oily skin hero with all manner of balancing, brightening and soothing ingredients in our 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant. We recommend you add to cart immediately.

    Still not able to get on top of your whitehead situation? Then check-in with a skincare professional for further advice and/or recommendations. There are plenty of options out there, from hormone therapy to laser treatments, so don't lose heart, you've got this.

    The Best Ways To Treat Whiteheads, Once And For All
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  • How To Get The Better Of Sad, January Skin
    Put a pep back in your skin’s step by flooding your skin with gentle, brightening ingredients and all the moisture.

    With cold weather; short, gray days and the depressing aftermath of the holiday season it’s no wonder January has officially been deemed America’s least favorite month of the year. And it’s not just your mood that can be affected by the aptly named January blues – your skin often feels it, too.

    Reckon your complexion needs some extra love right now? Then read on for five simple ways to fix the most common winter skin woes…

    1. Your Skin Is Dull As

    Dullness is super annoying because its causes are hard to pin down. Skimping on moisturizer, poor cleansing practices, smoking (gasp!) and dehydration... the list is of potentials is endless. But whatever is causing your skin to look sad and weary right now (often a combination of the above), one solution is clear to anyone who knows anything about skincare. And that’s vitamin C.

    Topical vitamin C is one of those ‘no BS’ antioxidants that gets the job done. And how. Need a quick reminder of the sheer brilliance of antioxidants? No problem. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize the damaging force of free radicals which form in your skin when it’s been exposed to things like UV radiation, pollution, stress, alcohol or a poor diet. If left to their own devices free radicals attack important proteins in your skin, breaking down collagen, screwing up elastin and even doing a number on your DNA. Of course, free radicals are around all year long but in January, after a month of food and booze excesses, they can really build up, making your skin look extremely sorry for itself.

    This is why we say a big ‘yay’ for antioxidants like vitamin C which nix free radicals in the bud before they get time to do their dirty work. But that’s not all. Vitamin C is, for sure, one of the GOATs of the antioxidant world, but it also helps fade dark spots by inhibiting melanin production. Major result for patchy, dull skin. It’s also pretty safe and therefore ideal for most skin types.

    Get involved, people. Like now.

    Try: Vitamin C Super Serum+

    2. There's Never A Good Morning

    If you’re feeling very familiar with dry, morning skin right now, you’re not alone. The combination of less humidity in the air, coupled with dry indoor heating is a real killer on your skin’s moisturization levels. Of course, keeping your skin well moisturized throughout the day is a major step towards softer, healthier skin, but it’s even more important to up your lotion game before bed.

    At night, your skin’s sebaceous glands slow down, producing less sebum and leaving your barrier function slightly compromised. Without this protective layer of natural oils, water is allowed to escape more readily from the skin’s surface, leaving it open to dehydration and dryness. Your skin also becomes warmer and more permeable when you’re asleep which further allows moisture to escape. All in all, this is asking for trouble unless you get ahead of the curve by applying a deeply moisturizing night cream before bed.

    About that…

    Try: Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream

    3. Feeling Rough

    Dryness often comes hand in hand with roughness, thanks to a lack of moisture in your skin which causes the surface to crack. But dryness isn’t the only offender of poor texture – dead skin cells also play an important role.

    Your skin has a natural turnover rate in which cells are created in the deepest layers of your epidermis, travel to the surface and then naturally shed. This whole process takes around 28 days in an average young adult, but as you age the process naturally slows down to over double that. What does this mean for your skin? Well, when dead skin cells hang around at the surface they build up, blocking your pores and ruining both the texture and tone of your skin.

    Exfoliation often feels a little ‘too much’ for winter skin that feels dry, dehydrated and sometimes even a tad sensitive. But, on the contrary, it’s still super important to encourage healthy cellular turnover, whatever the weather. In fact, gentle exfoliation can actually help reduce dryness by allowing your moisturizers and hydrating serums to work better. Who knew? The key, however, is to ensure you exfoliate with care and attention by avoiding harsh scrubs that can overstimulate your skin and weaken your barrier function. Instead, we recommend using gentler, non-abrasive exfoliating acids to reveal brighter, smoother skin. Simple as that.

    Try: 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant

    4. Redness Is Your Weakness

    Facial redness can be a regular occurrence in the winter – especially if your skin is naturally dry, sensitive or dehydrated. Fluctuating extremes of temperature as you move from forced indoor heat to the chilly outdoors is the obvious offender, but this is usually temporary as your body rushes blood to the surface of your skin in a bid to warm itself up. Then there’s washing your face in scorching water, taking hot baths or using too many active ingredients in your skincare regime. All these factors strip away your barrier function and leave it open to irritation.

    A great way to avoid facial redness during the winter months is to a) cover your face with a scarf when you’re outside and b) rethink your cleansing routine. Stick with lukewarm – never hot – water, and take a stock of your face wash. Is yours laden with strong active ingredients and/or harsh surfactants or preservatives like sulfates and parabens? Then toss these aside and tone it down with more nourishing ingredients like oat and rice milk.

    Try: Soothing Cleansing Milk

    5. Where Has All The Moisture Gone?

    It’s no secret that winter air contains much less humidity than that in the summer. This means there’s much less free moisture for your skin to grab hold of to help keep it hydrated. Artificially heated homes don’t help matters either because this sucks even more moisture from the air. Most people's home humidity levels drop to as low as 15 percent in the winter, which is way lower than HVAC’s recommended 30-50 percent. 

    To counteract this wintry lack of hydration and help your skin stay healthy and soft, you’re going to need to get your moisture from other means. First up, help reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your skin in low humidity, by treating yourself to a humidifier. Humidifiers increase moisture levels in your home by emitting water vapor or steam to counteract the drying air. They're honestly a great investment for your skin (and your overall health!), especially if you place yours in your bedroom – the room in which your spend most of your time.

    Another way to increase moisture in your skin is through your skincare regime. If you love your moisturizer and don’t want to try something richer or heavier just because the weather has turned, we get that. But the good news is you don’t have to. Instead, add a hydrating treatment serum into the mix. This is an incredible way to boost the moisture levels in your skin without upsetting your routine too much. After cleansing, apply yours to damp skin to help lock in even more moisture, then apply moisturizer over the top.

    Try: Niacinamide Facial Serum

    Skincare Tips
    How To Get The Better Of Sad, January Skin
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  • 10 New Year Skin Goals You Can Actually Achieve
    Here’s how to make 2024 your best skin year yet.

    Everyone wants better skin. Because life is always greener and you might not have too many wrinkles yet… but dang that oily T-zone!

    Let’s get one thing straight, however, skin perfection is a total myth. Honestly, it simply doesn’t exist. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve the complexion you were born with. Less enlarged pores? Count us in. Fewer breakouts? Yes, please. But the key to better skin is to ensure your skincare goals are realistic and achievable. Otherwise you’re going to live in a constant state of disappointment. And that is no fun at all. Our advice is to start small and hope this allows the big stuff to take care of itself.

    Easy, yes? Then read on for 10 ways to get on that…

    Goal #1. Wear Sunscreen Every Day

    If you choose just one habit to take on for 2024, sunscreen is it. And not just any sunscreen because there are a few simple rules when it comes to doing right by your daily sun protection.

    Firstly, always look for a broad-spectrum formulation because this means it shields your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation. And that’s important. Next, stick to an SPF of 30 or above which skin experts agree is the sweet spot for day-to-day use. Finally, choose mineral sunscreens over chemical formulations. Mineral ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are currently the only active ingredients deemed safe and effective by the FDA. Good news, people: our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C checks all those boxes... and then some! Apply it every day, without fail, as the last step in your morning routine.

    Goal #2. Stop Touching Your Face

    Most of us can’t help but lean our faces on our hands, or touch our skin throughout the day. But grubby hands transfer dirt, oil and bacteria to your face which can clog up your pores and encourage acne breakouts.

    Help your skin stay as clean as possible by keeping your hands off. It’s a tricky one to nail because you probably do it without even knowing it. But the first step is to catch yourself out. Oh, and wash your hands more often to keep as many germs away from your face as possible.

    Goal #3. Look After Your Eyes

    Remember, looking after the skin around your eyes is just as important as the rest of your face. In fact, the skin around your peepers is thinner, drier and more delicate than your face which makes it even more susceptible to the slings and arrows of everyday life and therefore more likely to age up.

    Do it a solid by treating this area with a delicate touch when cleansing, and use an age-kicking eye cream morning and night after cleansing to help fight lines, wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness. Try our new Depuffing Longevity Eye Cream which is fast becoming a fan favorite.

    Goal #4. Work Out For Glowing Skin

    Did you know that exercising is not only great for your health but, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, also gives your skin a gorgeous, radiant glow? This is because working out increases blood flow to your skin, flooding it with oxygen and nutrients to help nourish the complexion and get rid of impurities.

    Hate gym classes? Then try at-home yoga or go for a brisk walk two or three times a week. It all counts!

    Goal #5. Figure Out Your Serum Bestie

    Facial serums are a major win for any skin type, but it’s not always easy to know which one is right for you.

    Lightweight and super-powered, serums pack a real punch thanks to their small molecular makeup which allows for a deeper penetration of active ingredients. This means they’re able to get right under your skin – where regular lotions and moisturizers can’t reach – and are far better at targeting specific issues like discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles and dehydration.

    When searching for your best serum fit, think about your main skin concern and go from there. If you’re concerned about aging, serums that contain retinol, peptides, collagen or bakuchiol are always a great shout, whereas if you want to big up your glow, look for formulations that boast ingredients like the mighty vitamin C. And if you just want an all-round good guy? Then we recommend our awesome Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum which contains 11 plant-derived vitamins, minerals and electrolytes for fabulous-looking skin, all year long.

    Goal #6. Cleanse Twice Daily (No Excuses!)

    We shouldn’t have to say this but please, please, PLEASE make sure you cleanse your skin every morning and every night. You know better than not to. Enough said.

    Goal #7. Get Intimate With Retinol

    Almost everyone can reap the benefits of retinol. It’s just one of those ingredients that works. 

    Adored by derms the world over and used for decades to treat everything from acne through to aging, retinol is a form of topical vitamin A that communicates with your skin at a cellular level, helping it to turn over more efficiently and encouraging healthier collagen production.

    We strongly suggest you get in on the act if you want your skin to look and feel better over time. Just remember, 'time' is the key because retinol takes a few months to really kick in. Try our Retinol Moisturizer a few times a week to begin with (it’s always best to start slowly) then build up to nightly as your skin acclimates. And be patient with it.

    Goal #8. Be 100% Hydrated

    Sipping on the clear stuff 24/7 won’t magically give you better skin, but the fact that your body is made up of around 80 percent water means you can’t argue that hydration is good for you.

    Drinking plenty of water and eating water-rich fruit and veggies is vital for maintaining the correct balance of your body’s essential fluids. And if your body is in good health, it figures that your skin will follow suit. According to the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, you should be taking on between 2.7 and 3.7 liters of fluids a day, with about 20 percent coming from your food.

    Goal #9. Exfoliate More Often

    Like retinol, exfoliation helps improve sluggish turnover to improve both the look and feel of your skin. It works a little differently to retinol, however, removing the dead, hardened cells from the skin’s surface through physical stimulation like face scrubs and mitts, or through chemical formulations like glycolic or salicylic acid.

    Whichever form of exfoliation floats your boat is good with us, just make sure 2024 is all about consistency. We recommend exfoliating a couple of times a week to begin with to ensure the least amount of irritation.

    If you hate abrasive scrubs and worry they do more harm than good (which they can if you’re not careful), try our glow-getting go-to 6% AHA, BHA and PHA liquid Exfoliant. You won’t regret it. And if 2024 is about anything, it’s about no regrets.

    Goal #10. Care For Your Collagen

    Collagen is a massively important component in your skin, acting like a framework to hold your tissue together and give it the strength and stability to function at its very best. Together with elastin, ceramides, hyaluronic acid and all the other good stuff in your skin, collagen is the key to a healthy, hydrated, youthful-looking complexion.

    The problem is collagen disappears as you age. It just does. Stress, poor skincare choices and environmental nasties like UV radiation also work hard to ruin your collagen supplies and age your skin lightning fast. And this is why you have to look after your collagen by applying sunscreen (see above), leading a healthy lifestyle and applying collagen-boosting skincare ingredients like retinol, antioxidants and MSM.

    Then there are collagen-boosting supplements which work perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine to promote natural collagen production in the skin. Not sure where to start with those? Then, try our new Collagen Boosting Skin Supplement which was launched just in time for the new year and is, quite frankly, the bees knees for healthy aging. Not only is it formulated with vegetarian collagen (others use animal skin or fish scales!), but it also contains other skin-loving favorites like vitamin C, vitamin E and biotin.

    Obsessed? Much? Absolutely.


    Skincare Tips
    10 New Year Skin Goals You Can Actually Achieve
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  • How A Healthy Gut = Healthier Skin
    Been hearing a bit about the gut-skin axis recently and not sure what it’s all about? Then allow us to elaborate…

    When searching for the solution to monthly acne breakouts, eczema flare-ups or bouts of rosacea few people think about what’s going on inside their bodies. But rather than stock up on months of prescription medication to deal with your skin issues, word is that taking a look at your gut health could be far more beneficial.

    It’s all about the gut-skin axis, you see. The gut-skin, erm, what? Ha, don’t worry, the gut-skin axis is a relatively simple concept to grasp.

    Your gut is home to a complex microbiome in which gazillions of microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses live. We know this doesn’t sound pleasant, but your microbiome plays an extremely important role in keeping bad bacteria at bay and therefore keeping your immune system in check. And all this is vital for helping to maintain balance and harmony throughout the entire body.

    If this microbiome becomes unbalanced due to things like a poor diet, emotional stress, or food sensitivities, however, this can cause major disruptions in your body. And we’re not just talking about digestive issues like bloating or gastrointestinal diseases, because wherever there is gut inflammation, skin inflammation often follows.

    Why is your skin affected by your gut, you might be wondering? Well, just like your gut, your skin has its own microbiome and the two are in constant communication with each other via a clever little pathway called the gut-skin axis. This means that when your gut is off kilter, your skin will, more often than not, reflect this, becoming inflamed, irritated or congested. Eating dairy, for example, is often linked to chronic skin issues like eczema. Wheat is another one that’s known to cause sensitivities and congestion, thereby triggering acne.

    Reckon your gut could do with a little self-refinement right now? Here’s how to help improve the health of your gut… and consequently, your skin.

    1. Get An Allergy Test

    The most effective way to figure out what’s upsetting your gut and skin is to get an allergy test. Sure, you can do this at home by keeping a food diary while eliminating some of the main offenders (here’s looking at you dairy, wheat, gluten and spicy foods), but, jeez, do you really have the time, energy and patience? Thought not.

    A better option is to visit a specialist to get a food allergy test. There are many ways to go about this but the most common are skin prick tests and blood tests. Both of these are very useful ways to pinpoint what’s causing you grief. Then you can avoid the culprits. Simple.

    2. Cut Down On Sugar

    While we would never suggest you remove things like dairy and wheat from your diet without consulting a doctor or allergist first, one thing you should be extremely wary of is sugar. With zero nutritional value, sugar is dastardly for your gut and even worse for your skin, triggering everything from acne and eczema to rosacea and psoriasis. In fact, sugar is probably the most inflammatory thing you could put into your body. Eek.

    Furthermore, studies show that overloading your body with sugar produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) – harmful compounds that break down collagen and elastin and ruin your radiant, youthful complexion.

    Sugar is officially bad news, whichever way you look at it.

    3. Eat Plenty Of The Good Stuff

    A healthy diet is everything, so once you’ve eliminated anything that’s causing your gut grief, it’s time to indulge in all the good stuff. Fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, beans, healthy fats and lean protein are all awesome ways to support the wall of your gut.

    And then there are those extra special foods that help promote good bacteria in your gut, and of course your skin as a consequence. These are called biotics – namely prebiotics and probiotics.

    Biotics help balance your microbiome by literally flooding it with good bacteria. Prebiotics help encourage the growth of healthy bacteria that’s already present in your gut and can be found in things like asparagus, artichokes, garlic, leeks, bananas and oats. Meanwhile, probiotics are microorganisms in their own right and are found in cultured and fermented food like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, miso and live yogurt.

    Green vegetables including leeks, asparagus and artichokes

    4. Minimize Stress

    When you’re stressed out your brain goes into fight or flight mode and triggers your nervous system to release a whole bunch of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream. This causes your heart to pump faster, your breath to quicken and your muscles to tense and get ready for action.

    Of course, this is pretty useful when your body needs to react quickly to something, but the problems arise when stress hormones go into constant overdrive and your body gets no time to relax or go back to normal. This plays havoc with your gut (among other things!), compromising the balance of its microbiome, ‘feeding’ the bad bacteria and causing major problems with your digestion and immune system.

    All this will reflect very poorly on the look, feel and health of your skin so try to cut down on stress wherever you can. This may be easier said than done, but there are many ways to reduce or manage your levels of stress. Some people find that yoga or exercise works. Others keep a stress journal to figure out what’s causing their stress in order to avoid their triggers and help them work on controlling their reactions. The most important thing, according to HelpGuide, is to experiment with different stress management tips to find what works for you.

    Once your gut is in a more healthy working order, trust us, your skin will start to follow suit.

    And in the meantime, ensure you’re doing everything you can to keep it clean, strong, protected and moisturized with your TruSkin favorites! Here’s how to build a successful skincare regime, right here.



    How A Healthy Gut = Healthier Skin
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  • Does Your Skin Need A Detox?
    Sad, sluggish skin getting on your nerves? Then it’s time to hit the refresh button.

    When your skin looks kinda cruddy, it’s often your lifestyle habits that are to blame. Hungover skin? Never pretty. Stressed skin? Ditto.

    The truth is, booze, sugar, smoking and stress all play their part in below par skin. For starters, sugar-laden booze and sweet edible treats expose your body to way too much glucose than it really needs. And this does nothing for your skin’s precious levels of collagen and elastin, creating advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which kill your radiant, youthful complexion and leave you with dull, dry skin that ages you up faster than you can say ‘pass the Rocky Road’.

    Stress is a similar complexion killer, causing unnecessary spikes in cortisol, the stress hormone (which says it all, right?). An overload of cortisol in your system leads to all manner of skin issues including inflammation, excessively oily skin, blocked pores and hey presto, acne breakouts.

    And don’t even get us started on smoking which, after baking in the sun all day, is probably one of the worse things you can do for your skin, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients, and literally suffocating your skin with over 7,000 collagen-destroying chemicals. Eesh!

    Of course, reducing the amount of sugar you eat, cutting down on alcohol, not smoking and minimizing your exposure to stressful situations are all great ways to get your skin back on track. But they’re not always easy – especially the stress part! So, if you want to give your complexion a simpler and slightly more speedy detox it’s worth looking at your skincare routine.

    Full disclosure: it’s not medically possible to get rid of your body’s toxins through your skin. However, keeping your skin clean and well moisturized will go a long way to ridding its surface of pollutants, impurities and dead skin cells. And this is vital in order to create a brighter, calmer and more hydrated, aka healthy, complexion.

    Here are a few things you can do to help detoxify your skin for the new year...

    1. Double Cleanse Before Bed

    We don’t believe double cleansing is necessary on a regular basis, but when your skin looks like it needs an extra nudge in the right direction, it can be a very effective way to purge every last scrap of makeup, dirt, oil, sweat and debris. Plus, deep cleaning your skin helps create the ideal base on which to apply the rest of your skincare formulations so they’re able to function at a much higher level. Win-win.

    To set yourself up for double cleansing success, you’re going to need two different formulations. The first should be an oil-based makeup remover to cut through makeup, sunscreen, sebum and anything else that’s, well, oily. Then you’ll need a water-based gel, cream or foam cleanser to wash away all the pollutants you can’t see, while helping to address any particular concerns you may have.

    The cleansers you choose will obviously depend on your skin type but our Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser is awesome for deep cleaning and detoxifying your skin. Use this after removing your makeup and you won’t regret it.

    2. Steam Clean Skin Once A Week

    In ‘ye olden days’, regularly steaming your skin was a given. And frankly, we should all start embracing mom’s favorite skin detox trick. Although, scratch the ‘all’. If you suffer with dryness or sensitivities like eczema or rosacea you might want to give this a miss because super-hot temperatures cause the blood vessels in your skin to dilate which can lead to further redness and flushing. Probably not what you were in the market for...

    For the rest of you, however, steaming is a great way to boost blood flow, soften rough skin and deep clean your pores by loosening trapped oil and dirt. Hello clearer, brighter skin.

    To nail the perfect steam clean, fill your sink or a large bowl with hot (although not boiling) water. Then cover your head with a clean towel and hover your face about 12 inches above the water for 10 minutes. You could even add some fresh herbs or essential oils like chamomile, lavender or rosemary to the water to decongest or soothe your skin.

    After the 10 minutes is up, gently pat your face dry with the towel, then spritz Rose Water Refreshing Facial Toner all over to cool, calm and whisk away those loosened impurities.

    3. Don’t Forget To Regularly Exfoliate

    Who doesn’t love to exfoliate their skin every now and again? Exfoliating helps boost sluggish cell turnover to encourage dead skin cells to hop it, rather than sticking around at the surface where they clog up your pores and make your skin look dull and pimply.

    Exfoliation is pretty important all-year long, especially as you get older when your natural rate of cell turnover slows down. But if your skin is feeling more yucksville than normal, it’s more important than ever.

    Chemical exfoliation is probably the most skin-friendly way to exfoliate as it reduces any friction caused from scrubbing away at your skin. Look for glycolic acid and salicylic acid which are two of the best chemical exfoliators found in skincare. Our new AHA/BHA/PHA Liquid Exfoliant contains this dynamite blend, along with skin-brightening vitamin C and gluconolactone, a super-soothing exfoliating acid that also helps hydrate sad-looking skin. 

    4. Try Skin Cycling

    One of the latest beauty trends to storm TikTok is skin cycling. And while we generally steer clear of faddish skincare whims, this one has real legs – especially for skin that needs a bit of a kick up the butt.

    The brainchild of New York dermatologist, Dr. Whitney Bowe, skin cycling is a great way to enhance your night time routine without overloading your skin with too much, all at once. The basic concept is that you exfoliate one night, apply retinol the next, then give your skin two days off by applying moisturizer only. Then you repeat the whole process. Of course, you cleanse and tone as normal every night, but by spacing out your exfoliation and retinol application you reduce irritation or flare-ups. And by giving your skin two ‘recovery’ days you also allow your skin’s super-important barrier function time to heal and rebuild itself.

    It's pretty smart when you think about it. Plus, it's a great way to decongest blocked pores while boosting skin turnover and helping to rebuild valuable collagen and elastin.

    5. Hydrate, Hydrate & Hydrate Some More

    Chronic dehydration is one of the most common side-effects of stressed out, over-indulged skin which makes rehydration imperative. Of course, drinking plenty of sugar-free fluids like water and caffeine-free tea is a great way to go, but your skin will actually benefit way more from topical hydration.

    Ensure your skincare routine is literally overflowing with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe vera. These are all humectants which act like water magnets, drawing in moisture like little skincare sponges. Your best bet is to layer up a hydrating serum with a kick-ass moisturizer for the ultimate hydration. We love the combination of Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum and Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer which gives you the added skin-loving benefits of vitamins C and E plus green tea and jojoba oil.




    Hyaluronic Acid
    Does Your Skin Need A Detox?
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  • Yes, You CAN Cleanse, Tone & Exfoliate Without Drying Out Your Skin
    PSA: an effective (but gentle!) cleansing, toning and exfoliating routine can work wonders – no matter how dry your skin.

    Dry skin can be a delicate little beast, often cringing at even the thought of a regular cleansing, toning and exfoliating routine. But skincare has come a long way since the harsh products of yesteryear that were formulated to do their job… but often to the detriment of your skin’s actual health.

    Hark back to those astringent cleansing and toning products from your youth. Full of bad alcohols, synthetic fragrances, colors and additives, they might have left your skin feeling squeaky clean, but that level of skin-stripping prowess was never really necessary. Not then. And certainly not now. And what about those deliciously scented face scrubs that were chock full of ‘natural’ abrasive particles like nut shells. Yeah, they may have sounded like they were doing real good – after all, they were natural, right? – but in actual fact, those sharp particles were probably over-stimulating your skin and leaving tiny micro tears in the skin’s surface. So not cool.

    Thankfully, you no longer need to resort to such measures in the quest for beautifully cleansed, toned and exfoliated skin. Because those unnecessarily potent products still exist, for sure, but they now take a back seat to much gentler formulations and skin-loving ingredients.


    If you have dry skin, chances are you have your moisturizing routine totally down. But if you’re yet to find a cleansing, toning and exfoliating routine that works for your complexion and leaves your skin bright, clean and fresh without making it feel tight and uncomfortable, read on for a few pearls of wisdom…

    Your Cleansing 101

    The number one rule for ALL skin types is to choose the kindest cleanser possible. And this is never more important than if you have dry skin.

    Unlike dehydrated skin which is deficient in water, dry skin contains fewer sebaceous glands and often has a slightly compromised barrier function that lacks the oils and lipids required to lock in moisture and keep your skin soft and supple. This is why cleansing can swiftly cause further dryness and even mild irritation if you don’t take extra care.

    The first golden rule for cleansing dry skin is to know which ingredients to avoid. And the biggest no-nos, in our opinion, are sulfates like sodium laureth sulfae (SLS) and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES). These bad boys are very good at cleansing the skin, lathering up like nobody’s business to strip away every last drop of oil, dirt, makeup and residue. But that’s the thing, you don’t want your skincare to suck all the life from your skin – and the same goes for every skin type, tbh. Instead, you want your cleanser to gently remove surface debris without upsetting the balance of your skin. You also want it to nourish your skin and, if at all possible, even put back a little moisture.

    The good news? All this is totally doable. Simply search out soothing cleansers that contain humectants like aloe veraglycerinhyaluronic acid, plus fatty acid-rich oils to help reduce dryness, dehydration and irritation. Oat and rice milk are equally awesome for dry skin because they contain tons of natural nourishing, calming and exfoliating compounds like lactic acid. They’re also anti-inflammatory which make them a fabulous choice if you have conditions like eczema or rosacea.

    Our Must-Try: Soothing Cleansing Milk

    Your Exfoliating 101

    Some folks believe exfoliation is dry skin’s arch enemy, causing even more dryness, itching and redness. Not so. Granted, some exfoliating products and treatments can be sensitizing for dry skin but choose wisely and exfoliation can be a very beneficial step. You see, dead skin cells can build up on the surface of your skin – whatever your skin type – and if you already have dryness, this can make flaking and dullness so much worse. And we imagine that’s probably not what you’re looking for in life.

    So what’s the answer? Well, daily exfoliation is rarely the way to go for you as this can over-stimulate your skin and leave it vulnerable to irritation. Physical exfoliants (those that require movement or pressure like scrubs, brushes and mitts) can also be too invigorating for dry skin, so our advice is to stick with chemical treatments that use kind-to-skin exfoliating acids to encourage cell turnover.

    Chemical exfoliators use chemicals (no surprises there!) to break down the bonds between your skin cells. This allows them to naturally shed without you having to rub or scrub the skin. They’re generally split into three types: AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids), BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) and the lesser common PHAs (poly hydroxy acids). AHAs like glycolic and lactic acids are water soluble and commonly used for all skin types; BHAs like salicylic acid are oil-soluble which makes them incredible for oily skin types; and finally, PHAs are gentler versions of AHAs so ideal for dry or sensitive skin. Phew. Science lesson over.

    Just remember, even the most forgiving of chemical exfoliants can irritate super-sensitive or dry skin so choose your formula wisely, always patch test first and start slowly by applying it just a few times each week.

    Our Must-Try: AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant

    Your Toning 101

    Toner is a funny guy. Nowhere near as important as cleanser or moisturizer (or sunscreen for that matter – although that’s another lesson for another day), it often slips through the net. In fact, we could go so far as to say that it’s generally a little unloved.

    But it’s the quiet ones that often hold the most useful super powers, and toner can actually be darn useful in the quest for fabulous skin. If you choose well, there are plenty of toning treatments available that offer all manner of post-cleansing, pre-moisturizing benefits. Think brightening, age-defying, firming, clarifying, the works.

    For dry skin, toners can be just the ticket for boosting your skin with extra hydration and moisturization – especially if they contain those infamous humectants which draw in water like magnets. However, stay well clear of any formula that contains even a hint of those devils of the alcohol world – alcohol denat, methanol, propanol and isopropyl. These can just about be tolerated by stronger skin types but will frequently cause irritation and inflammation if used on dry skin.

    Your motto should be to keep it simple with fewer ingredients. Also, look for calming, soothing and balancing botanicals like rose water and aloe vera. These will always be your best friends and will never let you down.

    Our Must-Try: Rose Water Refreshing Facial Toner

    Yes, You CAN Cleanse, Tone & Exfoliate Without Drying Out Your Skin
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