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  • The Best Skincare Routine For Dealing With Dark Spots
    From brightening serums and powerful moisturizers to the obligatory sunscreen, here’s everything your skincare routine needs to deal with hyperpigmentation, aka pesky dark spots.

    Dark spots get all of us eventually. And whether yours are thanks to teenage acne, more recent hormonal changes, years of sun damage or even skin trauma, one thing’s for sure, dark spots get right under your skin.

    While they’re rarely harmful to your health, dark spots, aka hyperpigmentation, appear when your skin produces too much melanin – the pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes their color. Many factors can trigger an erratic overproduction of melanin but the three main causes are: hormonal changes such as those during pregnancy or the menopause; some kind of skin trauma (bites, burns, acne spots etc.) that didn't heal properly, or the thing we like to quite rightly blame for almost everything, the sun. Certain medications can also create dark, patchy areas on your skin, as can existing conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

    So, what can you do to, first off, prevent dark spots for forming in the first place, and secondly help fade the ones you’ve already been lumbered with?

    Keep scrolling for the most important products to have up your skincare sleeve.

    The Absolute Must: Sunscreen

    Of course, like most things in life, prevention is better (read: easier!) than cure. Granted, not all dark spots are caused by the sun, but here’s the thing. Whatever the cause of your dark spots, the sun will make them ten times worse because your skin can’t help but naturally produce melanin when it’s exposed to UV rays. Sometimes, melanin production is smooth and even and you tan, but other times it becomes erratic, uneven and melanin clumps together forming dark, patchy areas on your skin.

    It makes sense, therefore, that all skincare experts, including the American Academy of Dermatology agree that your first line of defense against dark spots should be to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays in the first place. Stay out of the midday sun, and wear wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and protective, long-sleeved clothing. And, of course, wear sunscreen. Every day. Not only is a broad-spectrum sunscreen the number one way to prevent dark spots, but it can also help to clear or minimize existing ones as an added bonus.

    Try: SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C

    The Skin Reviver: Exfoliator

    Products that exfoliate your skin are the cat’s whiskers for helping to treat dark spots as they help remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin while improving cellular turnover. But exfoliation isn’t a one-fits-all. In fact, there are two very different ways to exfoliate your skin: chemical and physical exfoliation.

    Physical exfoliation is the obvious type that requires a little bit of physical force to work. Think scrubs, loofahs, facial mitts and cleansing brushes. Chemical exfoliation, on the other hand, requires no physical action but instead uses certain ingredients like glycolic, lactic and salicylic acid to dissolve the bonds between the dead skin cells so they shed quicker and more efficiently.

    Both types of exfoliation work pretty darn well, so it's really a matter of personal choice. Just remember, go gently and stick to maybe two or three times a week depending on your skin type.

    Try: Ocean Minerals Super Toner

    The Brightening Superhero: Vitamin C

    Antioxidants are an awesome way to ward off the damaging effects of the sun (dark spots, wrinkles, the whole shebang!) because they help neutralize free radicals which form in your skin when it’s exposed to UV radiation.

    One of the best and most clinically-proven of the antioxidant powerhouses is vitamin C – specifically when it comes to preventing and fading dark spots. Vitamin C not only gets to work on those aforementioned free radical villains to help reduce oxidative stress and keep your skin healthy, but it’s also been shown to inhibit the production of melanin by decreasing an enzyme in your skin called tyrosinase. And as an extra side? Vitamin C also has impressive anti-inflammatory properties which is key in the fight against dark spots. How so? Because dark spots are often the result of… yes, you guessed it… inflammation.

    Triple-action brightening effects right there? You’d better believe it.

    If you’re not sure how to include vitamin C in your skincare routine, we believe the best type is sodium ascorbyl phosphate, or SAP to its buddies. SAP is the less potent, but more stable version of pure l-ascorbic acid. This makes it a) way more tolerable for all skin types and b) more longer-lasting since it doesn’t break down and lose efficacy when exposed to light and air. Winner!

    Try: Super C Duo with Vitamin C Super Serum+ and Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer

    The Gold-Star Of Skin Renewal: Retinol

    Short of doing the washing up and taking the kids to school, there’s very little retinol can’t do. OK, so we exaggerate, but you get the idea of just what an awesome skincare ingredient retinol is, right?

    A type of vitamin A, retinol is well-known for its anti-aging and acne-fighting skills, but it’s also a strong contender in the battle against unwanted dark spots. For one thing, retinol stimulates the production of collagen and elastin which improves everything from elasticity and strength to tone, texture and radiance. It also has similar effects to exfoliation in that it accelerates cell renewal, forcing all those dead surface skin cells to beat it.

    Retinol is a powerful beast, however, so there are a few important things to remember when introducing it into your regime for the first time.

    1. Always do a patch test. No arguments.

    2. Introduce retinol slowly, starting with two or three times a week max.

    3. Give it a few weeks, then if your skin is behaving OK, up your frequency to four or five times a week.

    4. Repeat until you’re applying it nightly.

    5. Skin feeling unnecessarily dry, red, itchy or irritated? Then reduce your usage again until your skin acclimates.

    6. Be patient. The effects of retinol take time, so don’t expect miracles overnight. You’ll likely need to wait a few months for the best results. But it'll be worth it, promise.

     Try: Retinol Facial Serum

    The Best Skincare Routine For Dealing With Dark Spots
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  • How To Turn Stressed Skin Into Your Best Skin
    Stress = irritation, which is one of the worst things for your skin. Let’s see what we can do to help turn stressed skin into your best skin ever.

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it’s no wonder what you see on the outside reflects exactly what’s going on inside. When you’re rested and bursting with energy, for example, your skin often reflects that. And, ps, can we have a group hug for those rare but joyous days, please?!

    Similarly, when you’re super tired, anxious and emotionally drained, your skin is likely to react in the same way, looking dull, feeling rough and, frankly, being a bit of a stressed mess.

    But why does stress and emotional anxiety affect the skin in such a major way? Well, when you feel stressed about something, your brain prepares your body to go into fight or flight mode. In doing so, your nervous system releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream which nudges your heart to beat faster, your breath to speed up and your muscles to tense up. All this is great in short-lived stressful situations like job interviews or when dealing with a threat or emergency. But when stress becomes more the norm than a rarity, these hormones go into constant overdrive and things start to go awry. Headaches and nausea can kick in, your digestive system becomes compromised and, in extremely chronic cases, you may even increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

    And then there’s your skin.

    Various studies show that both acute (temporary) and chronic (consistent) stress create negative effects on the health of your skin. For starters, spikes in cortisol increase inflammation and cause your sebaceous glands to go wild, encouraging them to produce way too much oil than your skin really needs (cue breakouts!). An overload of cortisol also breaks down vital collagen supplies, decreases hydrating hyaluronic acid, upsets the balance of your skin’s barrier function and messes up its pH levels. All of these things equal bad news for the health of your skin, resulting in any number of skin annoyances such as blocked pores, acne, dehydration, irritation and flare-ups in existing conditions like rosacea, psoriasis or eczema.

    And the worst thing of all? Cruddy, stress-induced skin is, well, stressful in itself. Which doesn’t help your emotional well-being one tiny bit. Sigh.

    The good news is there are many ways to improve our skin when stress is hitting you hard. To follow, seven of our tried and tested favorites…

    1. De-Stress With A Journal

    Before you start working on your skin, you need to concentrate on your entire health and well-being. And the best way to do this? Make a note of any habits or experiences that make you stressed or uneasy. Write down how they made you feel, how you reacted to them and what, if anything, you did to make yourself feel better. This allows you to notice themes or patterns in your stress levels, as well as ways to improve your mood and help you relax. 

    2. Sleep like A Queen

    Like all skin experts, we’re big believers in the power of a great night’s sleep. In terms of stress, this is because cortisol levels dramatically drop when you’re asleep. So, if you deprive yourself of valuable zzzs your skin misses out on this important time of repair and rejuvenation during which collagen production accelerates, cell turnover speeds up, blood flow increases, muscles relax and antioxidants kick in to repair damage caused during the day.

    The Mayo Clinic recommends at least seven hours of quality sleep every night but the most important thing is to go to bed and get up at roughly the same time to get into a good routine. Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, not too warm and limit caffeine, food and your smartphone for at least two hours before you hit the sack.

    3. Dial Down Your Actives

    Active ingredients like retinol, vitamin C and glycolic acid are all well and good when your skin’s barrier function is working like clockwork. But when stress upsets its delicate nature, your skin’s ability to heal and repair itself becomes compromised. This is when an overload of actives can be too much for your skin to deal with. Cut back for a while and allow your barrier function to rebuild itself. If you usually exfoliate every other day, for example, switch to once or twice a week. Love to apply your Retinol Facial Serum every night? Reduce this to every other night for a short period of time, or try alternating it with our soothing Niacinamide Facial Serum which is perfect for sensitized skin.

    Trust us, giving your skin a break is super important during times of stress.

    4. Avoid ‘Triggering’ Skincare Ingredients

    We recommend avoiding the most common skincare nasties ALL of the time, but it’s even more important during times of emotional and mental stress when your barrier function might not be working to the best of its abilities.

    Keep your routine straightforward, simple and steer clear of sulfates, in particular, which are excellent at cleansing, but can exacerbate dryness, itching, redness and breakouts – especially if your skin is feeling stressed out.  

    Gentle cleansers that contain non-drying surfactants like disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate and disodium 2-sulfolaurate are a far better choice and ideal for sensitized skin. Try our Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser which also contains nourishing rose hip oil to help reduce inflammation and redness.

    5. Save New Skincare Products For Another Time

    Sure, we all love to try out a brand new product every now and again but now’s not the time to introduce a newbie to your daily routine. Stressed skin is more reactive which means ingredients that usually feel great may bother you more than normal.

    Stick to what you know for now and save the new stuff for later.

    6. Enjoy A Cup Of Tea

    Research shows that drinking black tea helps lower the levels of cortisol in your bloodstream, making you feel more relaxed and positive. It’s even been suggested that the simple act of making tea alone is enough to help soothe stress and anxiety. 

    The reason black (as well as green) tea is thought to be such a mood booster is mainly down to l-theanine, an amino acid that helps promotes relaxation, counteracts anxiety, reduces fatigue and supports thinking.

    7. Finally, Give Yourself A Break

    Everyone goes through stressful periods in their lives and it’s perfectly normal for things to get on top of you every now and again. But try not to allow your stress to get the better of you as this will result in a vicious circle for both your health and your skin – and that can be hard to shake off. Practice deep breathing throughout the day to center yourself, go for a quick walk to clear your head, or read a book for ten minutes in the afternoon to take your mind off things.

    These healthy habits are awesome for lifting your emotional health and maintaining stronger, radiant skin. Period.

    How To Turn Stressed Skin Into Your Best Skin
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  • How To Nourish Your Skin From The Outside
    Because nourished skin = better skin and, we don’t know about you, but we are all in for that.

    When you think of feeding your skin you might believe that it’s all about what you eat. And yes, a nutritious, balanced diet that’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids is vital for healthy, glowing skin. Similarly, a diet that’s packed with sugar, processed foods, refined carbs and booze can (and usually does) have the reverse effect, accelerating aging and harming your skin. Nobody’s arguing this. However, it’s worth remembering that what you put on your face is just as important as what goes into your body. In fact, topical nutrition provides your skin with even more targeted nourishment that works from the surface down to the deeper levels of your epidermis.

    Not sure where to start when it comes to nourishing your skin with topical skincare? Well, if you’re a TruSkin fan (yeah you are!) you’re likely feeding your skin with some pretty kick-ass ingredients already – maybe without even knowing it. However, there’s always room for improvement, so here’s everything you need to know about amping up your skin nutrition from the outside in.

    What Does Skin Nutrition Mean?

    As with body nutrition, skin nutrition is about feeding your skin with certain ingredients in order for it to remain as healthy as possible. As you know, consuming your daily fill of fresh fruit and veggies, lean proteins, nuts and legumes is essential for your entire health and wellbeing (as well as your skin, of course!). Well, similarly, applying nutrients like vitamins and minerals to your skin helps it function at its best. For one thing, quality ingredients help your skin cells turn over and regenerate more efficiently. They also work hard to strengthen and fortify the skin’s protective barrier which is super important for keeping irritants out… and vital moisture in.

    By feeding your skin with the nutrients it needs, it has no choice but to function like a well-oiled machine. Which is the ultimate goal for all of us, after all.

    The Difference Between Hydrating, Moisturizing and Nourishing Your Skin

    Often talked about in the same breath, products that hydrate, moisturize and nourish are quite different things. Yes, they sound fairly similar and some formulations manage to cleverly combine all three, but it’s worth having a quick recap about their vital functions.

    An ingredient or product that hydrates is all about drawing water to your skin’s surface to add moisture and, well, hydrate it. Moisturizing, however, is the act of lubricating the skin and locking in water to prevent it from escaping from the surface. And then there’s nourishment which focuses on the nutrients required to help feed and drive your skin to function better.

    Pretty simple when you think about it, right? 

    Skin Nutrition: What To Look Out For In Your Skincare Products

    So, which ingredients are best for nourishing your skin? Of course, the most obvious are nature’s finest offerings such as aloe vera, licorice, green tea and plant-based oils like chamomile, tea tree and ylang ylang. These all have their own unique super powers to help improve your skin by brightening tone, balancing sebum production, fending off free radicals and more.

    Then you have minerals like MSM, a natural-occurring form of sulfur which reduces inflammation and accelerates collagen production; as well as magnesium, potassium and calcium which, among other benefits, are incredible for energizing your skin and helping it to retain water.

    And of course, we mustn’t forget some of the most effective and clinically proven skin-feeding ingredients out there – vitamins. From A (aka retinol) through to K, topical vitamins offer so many awesome benefits, we’d need the best part of a day to go through them all. Instead, let’s have a look at three of our favorite TruSkin products for feeding your skin – and if you want to learn more about how different vitamins affect your skin, read about six of the best, right here.

    3 MVPs (that’ll be the Most Valuable Products, BTW) For Awesome Skin Nutrition

    1. Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum

    If you’re looking for an all-round nourishing treatment that works like an oral multi-vitamin for your skin, our new facial serum is exactly the product for you. Infused with a complex blend of seven plant-derived vitamins (yes SEVEN!) including B3 (niacinamide), C, E, F and K, it’s the cat’s whiskers for feeding your skin and improving its overall health. Vitamin B3 helps clarify your skin and strengthen its barrier function, while C brightens and protects, E deeply hydrates, F aids repair and K calms inflammation. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum also contains a whole bunch of minerals and electrolytes that work hard to drive water into the skin and regulate pH, therefore improving hydration to ensure your skin retains as much moisture as possible.

    Packed with super nutrients, this is skin nourishment in a nutshell.

    2. Vitamin C Super Serum+

    If you know anything about vitamin C, you’ll know that countless science-backed studies prove that it offers almost unbeatable, skin-changing results to dull or discolored skin. It’s also one of the most effective antioxidants available which makes it a shoo-in for any and almost every skin type.

    Our Vitamin C Super Serum+ harnesses the powers of vitamin C and blends it with another big favorite among dermatologists and skin experts the world over – retinol (aka vitamin A). Like vitamin C, retinol has undergone decades of clinical research to study its effects on the skin. And the results don’t lie… it’s good stuff. Like really good stuff. By communicating with your skin at a cellular level, retinol boosts the production of collagen and elastin and improves cell turnover to strengthen your skin while improving elasticity and reducing the visible signs of aging.

    This powerful serum also enjoys an added zing of niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, MSM and essential oils making it a beautifully balanced treatment for ageless, gorgeous skin.

    3. Ocean Minerals Super Toner

    Finally, may we present to you our Ocean Minerals Super Toner which offers a fantastic, all-round hit of skin nutrition that’s often hard to come by in a toner? Toners are often swept aside in terms of their importance in your skincare routine. Big mistake in this instance.

    Turbo charged with goodies like MSM, peptides, vitamin C and glycolic acid for that extra boost of exfoliation, this revitalizing spritz contains no less than 90 deep ocean minerals to stimulate your skin into action and help accelerate cell regeneration for brighter, fresher-looking skin. The addition of essential oils, plant extracts, aloe vera and witch hazel offer a further boost of hydration, protection, clarity and strength which is almost unheard of in a toner. Just saying!

    How To Nourish Your Skin From The Outside
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  • What’s The Deal With Hormonal Acne?
    When it comes to your skin we can’t think of a more mind-numbingly frustrating phrase than – wait for it – hormonal acne. Are we right or are we right? Here’s what we know about dealing with these pesky, recurring breakouts…

    Hormonal acne might sound like one of those distant horrors from your teenage years when angry pimples plagued your chin on a monthly basis. But sadly, filing this common skin condition away in the annals of pubescent history isn’t the case for everyone. In fact, hormonal breakouts can affect you at any age. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects more than 50 percent of women between the ages of 20 and 29, while just over 25 percent of those between 40 and 49 are also suffering. What’s more, studies show that acne hits adult women way more frequently than men.


    Acne is caused by one thing and one thing alone – excess sebum that gets trapped in your pores and may or may not become inflamed. Nobody’s arguing this. But it’s the hows and whys your skin overproduces sebum that can change from person to person. Oh how simple it would be if you could point the finger at chocolate, poor cleansing or your parents (because, genes), right? Instead, a whole host of factors trigger acne. And one of the most common? Yup, hormones.

    Read on for everything we know about how to deal with these pesky hormonal breakouts…

    What Exactly Is Hormonal Acne?

    While not strictly a term used in the medical profession, hormonal acne occurs when an imbalance in hormones stimulates the skin to produce excessive amounts of sebum and consequently (although not always) break out. These breakouts are cyclical and commonly coincide with periods in your life (no pun intended) when your body experiences major shifts in hormone levels. Think menstruation, pregnancy, child birth and the menopause.

    The hormones in question here are estrogen and progesterone which fluctuate like crazy during these times, creating imbalances with your levels of testosterone.

    However, not all hormonal acne is down to inherent hormonal fluctuations. That may sound like a contradiction in terms but all we mean is that certain medications can also throw your hormones out of whack, as can emotional stress which produces an excess of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is known as ‘the stress hormone,’ and it’s a major trigger of excess sebum production and inflammation. Say no more.

    How To Tell If Your Breakouts Are Hormonal

    If you’ve noticed your skin is breaking out monthly, around the time of your period, this is a tell-tale sign you have hormonal acne – especially if you’re experiencing red, inflamed pimples in the same places each time, and they’re mainly concentrated on your chin, around the jawline or across your back and chest. Even if you’re menopausal, hormonal fluctuations still occur on a regular basis as your reproductive hormones systematically decline.

    Some hormone replacement therapies also use different hormones to replace those which your body is losing. And all this can cause a similar type of cyclical adult acne. So, there’s that.

    During pregnancy, or postpartum is another common time as, again, your hormones are all over the place, sending your sebaceous glands into turmoil and creating excess oil at the surface of your skin. And if you’re super stressed? This won’t help one bit.

    Of course, self-diagnosing hormonal acne is no mean feat so if you’re not sure whether your flare-ups are hormonal or thanks to some other trigger, it’s always wise to seek professional help from a board-certified dermatologist.

    5 Ways To Help Treat Hormonal Acne

    There are plenty of ways to help keep hormonal acne under control. At the doctor’s office, things like laser treatments, hormone-regulating meds and prescription topicals can reap awesome rewards for severe acne. However, if you’re dealing with mild to moderate breakouts these at-home acne treatments are also well worth it…

    1. Keep Your Pores Clean

    Dirty skin doesn’t cause acne, per se, but if you allow dirt and surface debris to build up in your pores, well, this won’t help at all. This means a great cleansing routine is imperative if you’re suffering right now. Don’t make the mistake of cleansing like your life depended on it, however, as harsh formulations and over-zealous scrubbing will completely strip your skin’s protective layer which accelerates oil production even further.

    Instead, choose balancing products that, yes, whisk away dirt, oil and impurities but, no, don’t suck all the life out of your skin. Try Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser which contains activated coconut charcoal to decongest your pores, along with reishi mushrooms to hydrate and ylang ylang blossom to fight inflammation. Cleanse twice daily, using lukewarm rather than hot water, and always after exercising.

    2. The Same Goes For The Rest Of Your Home

    Keeping clean doesn’t begin and end with the skin on your face. If you’re a face-toucher, oil and dirt from your hands will constantly transfer itself straight to your face which is bad news for your pores. So a) wash your hands regularly and b) try to stop touching your face as much.

    Also, wash your pillowcases, bed linens and makeup brushes at least once a week, and do your face towels and smartphone even more regularly – daily if you can.  

    3. Make Tea Tree Oil Your BFF

    One of the most effective topical ingredients for targeting acne is tea tree oil. Naturally antifungal, anti-inflammatory AND antimicrobial, this incredibly therapeutic essential oil has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is scientifically proven to treat and heal mild to moderate acne. It’s also less drying and irritating than other acne-busting favorites such as benzoyl peroxide which makes it awesome for sensitive or more mature skin types. It can still be pretty potent, however, so stick with diluted, carefully curated formulations that have been specifically created for safe use on your skin.

    Try Tea Tree Super Serum+ which combines tea tree oil (well, dur!) with salicylic acid, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to create a purposeful, well-rounded treatment for clearer, healthier-looking skin. What’s more, it might be gentle, but it’s still mighty powerful so you only need to use it two or three times a week for awesome results. And remember, always do a patch test first.

    4. Look After Yourself

    Emotional anxiety and constant stress put your mental wellness on edge. They also encourage your body to produce excessive amounts of cortisol which upsets the balance of your hormones and triggers an inflammatory response in your skin. Now we’re well aware that being told to chill out and stress less rarely reaps the desired result, but if you can do a few things to improve your emotional wellbeing, this will really help the health of your skin.

    Exercising regularly and making sleep a top priority are great ways to manage your levels of stress so try to go to bed at the same time each night, and do a fitness class or go for a brisk walk two or three times a week – or whatever your schedule allows. Just don’t stress about it. Because, well, you’re trying to reduce stress, not build on it!

    It’s also worth taking a look at your diet as overdoing things like sugar, dairy and processed carbs are thought to increase inflammation in your body. And anything you can do to avoid inflammation is a very good thing.

    5. Invest In Some Butt-Kickin' Retinol

    Not only is it seen as the gold-standard in anti-aging, but retinol can have a huge impact on acne-prone skin. Retinoids have been proven to speed up cell turnover to help regulate sebum production and keep your pores clean and clear. They’re often the first port of call for the treatment of hormonal acne at the doctor’s office.

    Prescription retinoids, however, can be pretty harsh on your skin – especially if it’s super sensitive – and some people simply don’t get on with them. Think redness, irritation, dryness and flaky skin which, when coupled with breakouts, is so not the desired effect. This is why many people turn to retinol, which is kinder to the skin and much more highly tolerated by the skin.

    Try our powerful, but gentle Retinol Moisturizer or give Retinol Facial Serum a go which also contains vitamin E to aid healing. You could even layer them both, depending on your skin’s tolerance to retinol, of course. Just remember to patch test them first, then introduce them slowly into your routine – two or three times a week – building up to nightly use.

    What’s The Deal With Hormonal Acne?
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  • How To Make Your Skincare Go That Extra Mile
    Feel like your skincare routine isn’t quite cutting it? Here’s how to make it work harder… and better.

    An awesome skincare routine is all well and good, but if you’re not using your products properly, or applying them in the correct order, you’re never going to get the optimal results you deserve.

    Skincare is a fine art and, while it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to moisturize your face, knowing the finer details that help maximize a product’s potential can result in some major differences to the look, feel and health of your skin.

    Here’s how to kick-start your routine into doing the best job it can for your skin.

    Rule #1: Always Read Your Labels

    Are you guilty of buying a new product and using it right away without so much as glancing at the label? Big mistake. Sure, you might have spent the last 30 years cleansing your face with zero issues because, come on, how difficult can it be? But it’s worth bearing in mind that not all products are created equal. Some cleansers are formulated to be used without water, others are meant to be applied to damp skin and massaged into your skin for few minutes. And how do you know which is which if you've not read the fine print?

    Reading the instructions is super important and will help you get the most from each and every product in your routine. It’ll help guide you in terms of how often to apply as well as how much to apply. So do it. No arguments.

    Rule #2: Use Your Products In The Correct Order

    This is another one that might sound obvious, but gone are the days when skincare routines were basically cleanse, tone, moisturize… and you’re done. Now there are tinctures, oils, essences, serums, gels, lotions, and all sorts to get your head around. And if you apply them in the wrong order, then they might not work correctly. Money. Down. The. Drain.

    The general rule of thumb when it comes to layering skincare formulations is to cleanse and tone first (obvs) then work from your thinnest to your thickest product. The simple fact is that thinner products aren’t able to penetrate through the thicker stuff so you need to build up to the big guys. This means that after toning, you should apply your serum first, then your eye treatment, moisturizer, face oil and finally – in the mornings anyway – sunscreen. Of course, your specific regimen doesn’t need to include each and every one of these steps, but if it does, then this should be your order if you want to get the best results.

    Rule #3: Apply Your Treatments To Damp Skin

    To turn up the efficacy of your products, full throttle, always apply your first treatment product to moistened skin. This could be an exfoliating toner such as Ocean Minerals Super Toner or an antioxidant serum like our new Peptide Facial Serum. But whatever it is, try to apply it within the first minute of cleansing. The reason for this is that damp skin is more permeable than dry skin which makes it far more receptive to active ingredients like vitamin C, glycolic acid, MSM and peptides.

    Gently pat your skin with a clean towel after cleansing so just a small amount of water is left on the surface, then, using fingertips, apply your treatment product all over your face and neck. Simple, but super effective.

    This being said, there is one exception to the rule, and that’s to avoid doing this if you have skin that’s particularly sensitive to certain ingredients like retinol. Retinol is a potent (but awesome) little beast that can easily irritate sensitive skin. So if you apply it to damp skin you could exacerbate these irritations. Instead, apply it to dry skin, after patch testing first, and you'll likely get along with it way better.

    TruSkin Peptide Facial Serum

    Rule #4: Know That A Serum Is The Absolute Key For Targeting Skin Concerns

    Facial serums might not be absolutely essential for clean, moisturized skin but if you really care about your complexion and the rate at which it ages, facial serums are everything. The bare minimum skincare routine is, of course, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. But if you have concerns like acne, blocked pores, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin and the like, and you want to really target them with your skincare, you simply HAVE to include a serum (or two) in your daily routine.

    Serums are formulated differently to moisturizers and have a smaller molecular structure. This means they’re able to penetrate the surface of your skin quicker and deeper to hone in on your particular skin gripes. Getting really peeved by dull, patchy skin? Then a moisturizer is essential, for sure, but it will never give you the same results as an antioxidant treatment serum like our best-selling Vitamin C Facial Serum.

    Not sure where to start with choosing the right serum for your needs? Not a problem. Check out our helpful guide right here. And remember that important order: serum comes after cleansing and toning, and before moisturizing. Always.

    Rule #5: Understand The Importance Of An Awesome Nighttime Routine

    Your morning routine is great for waking up your skin, replacing lost moisture and preparing yourself for the day ahead, but overnight is when the real business happens so it’s vital to prepare your skin for eight hours’ worth of healing, regenerating and repairing time before you hit the sack.

    At night, blood flow to your skin increases, collagen production speeds up, cell turnover accelerates, free radicals get nixed by your body’s natural defense system and your skin’s barrier function works hard to restore itself. All good stuff, we think you’ll agree. But how can all this happen if your skin is covered in crud that’s built up on the surface during the day? Well, it can’t. Not properly, anyway. So you simply have to cleanse properly with a gentle but effective face wash before bed. We have three awesome cleansers to choose from depending on your skin type and needs – check them out here. Then, after cleansing, apply a collagen-boosting treatment serum like Retinol Facial Serum followed by Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to help seal in moisture.


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  • Your Summer Skincare Bucket List
    Because, sure, it's extremely important, but summer is not only about SPF, SPF and more SPF…

    When we talk of summer skincare, the first thing that always springs to mind is sunscreen. And rightly so. Protecting your skin from that fire ball in the great big sky is one of the most important things you can do for the health of not only your skin, but your entire body. The hard truth is that the sun is accountable for between 80 and 90 percent of external skin aging (ouch!). And not only does it break down important proteins in your skin (hello collagen and elastin), accelerating wrinkles and dark spots but, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, UV radiation is the number one cause of skin cancers. In fact, around 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to the sun.

    Scary stuff, right?

    Knowing how to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun is an important skincare lesson. Feel like you’re not quite on the ball? Well, we’re not going to go into it today because all you need to know is right here. Instead, we're here to talk about everything else involved in summer skincare because warm weather brings a whole slew of other challenges for your skin.

    Thankfully, there are many ways to up your summer skincare game to ensure your complexion stays looking fabulous all the way through fall…

    1. Level Up Your Cleansing Routine

    Why: Hot, steamy days mean one thing: sweat. You have between two and four million sweat glands all over your body, a large number of which are found on your forehead on cheeks. This means your cleansing game needs to be on point to ensure your pores are kept clean and clear.

    How: Gel or foam face washes that contain deep cleaning ingredients like activated charcoal, tea tree oil or salicylic acid are great for the summer months. We’re currently in love with our new Tea Tree Super Cleanser which is refreshing and leaves your skin super clean. Cleanse your face every morning and more importantly, every night (when you’ll be at your sweatiest!) using lukewarm, never hot water. And make sure you get right into your hairline as this area is particularly prone to breakouts in the summer.

    PS: Cleansing your body every evening is also super important if you’ve been slathered in sunscreen all day.

    2. Avoid Pore-Clogging Ingredients

    Why: While we’re on the topic of clogged pores, it’s not just sweat you need to worry about in the summer. Excess oils, dirt, debris, sunscreen and makeup can also get jammed in your pores, leading to breakouts on your face and body.

    How: Again, regular cleansing is key, but to help keep your pores clear in the first place, try to also use non-comedogenic products across your entire skincare routine.

    'Non-comedogenic’ is the term used for ingredients that are unlikely to block your pores. Rich butters and heavy oils, for example, are awesome for locking moisture into your skin and protecting your barrier function. But, they are not non-comedogenic. Far from it. Instead, look for lighter moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil and shea butter, as well as hydrating gems such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid. You’ll find all of these in our awesome Retinol Moisturizer. And yes, contrary to popular belief you CAN use retinol in the summer.

    3. Exfoliate (In Moderation)

    Why: Another way to keep summer breakouts at bay is to exfoliate more often than normal. Exfoliation increases cellular turnover and rids your skin of dead skin cells which are not something your pores want to deal with on top of everything else.

    How: Over-exfoliating your skin is never wise and it’s one of the biggest issues derms have to deal with. However, if you’re going to up your game, now’s the time to do it. Just tread carefully. Think two or three times a week rather than every day and switch out harsh scrubs containing skin-damaging fruit shells or nut pieces for a gentler product like Ocean Minerals Super Toner which contains naturally exfoliating glycolic acid.

    4. Make Friends With Antioxidants

    Why: The sun is one of the leading causes of free radicals in the skin. And as innocent as they sound, free radicals have zero redeeming qualities. They’re basically unstable molecules that damage your skin by trying to bind themselves to important proteins and DNA. This causes a process called oxidative stress which weakens collagen and elastin and ages you up in no time. The good news? Antioxidants to the rescue! These little skincare geniuses bind themselves to free radicals, preventing them from damaging all the good stuff in your skin.

    How: Antioxidants are awesome all year, but they’re especially important in the summer when you spend more time in the great outdoors. If you’re looking for the cream of the crop we recommend bringing out the big guns, namely vitamins C and E. This antioxidant double act not only reduces oxidative stress, but helps prevent dark spots, reduces the appearance of fine lines and works hard to boost collagen production. Apply just a few drops of Vitamin C Facial Serum every morning after cleansing and before moisturizing to get your daily quota.

    5. Don’t Stop Believin'... In Moisturizer

    Why: Moisturizing may feel counter-intuitive in the warmer months when your skin feels sweatier and oilier than normal. But here’s the thing, natural oils and sweat do not keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. In fact, the summer heat can dehydrate your skin which will make your skin produce even more oil than normal. And that’s what we call a vicious beauty circle. Thankfully, the solution is simple: continue to moisturize to hydrate your skin, promote cellular turnover and protect your skin's important barrier function.

    How: Choose lighter products that won’t clog your pores or make your skin feel heavy and sticky, and look out for moisturizers that are high on humectants. Humectants are ingredients like aloe, hyaluronic acid and glycerin which draw water to the surface of your skin to help keep it hydrated. Try Hyaluronic Facial Serum each night before bed, followed by Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to moisturize and recharge your skin while you sleep.

    Finally, of course, you should continue to apply a daily broad spectrum SPF30 to any exposed skin.

    But we hope that goes without saying by now...



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