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True Radical Honesty From Our Community

  • The TruSkin Guide To Radiant Skin (Yes, Even In Winter)
    Winter’s a cruddy time for your skin, so if you’re feeling pretty bummed about your dull complexion, it’s time to get your glow on.

    Glowing skin is very much ‘in’ right now. It’s always of huge importance if you ask us, but it seems that natural radiance, rather than full-on makeup, is a major beauty prediction for the new year. 'Prove it,' we hear you shout. Sure. The Pinterest Predicts annual report was recently released and guess what topped the list for upcoming beauty trends for 2021? Yes, ‘effortlessly chic,’ radiant skin  aptly being coined Skinimalism. This is all thanks to a massive increase in Pinterest searches for terms like ‘glowing skin how to get naturally,’ ‘face yoga exercises’ and ‘natural everyday makeup’ which shows that maybe (just maybe) the years of facial contouring and graphic brows might be coming to an end.

    All hail real, glowing skin. Yay. Gotta love that.

    The problem with this trend, however, is that skin radiance doesn’t always come easy – especially when cold temperatures and low humidity are totally working against you. Yes, natural skin means you can say goodbye to hours of makeup application, but if you want to allow your skin to really shine through, you’d better start looking after it. So, if you’re craving ways to enhance the complexion nature gave you, here are some trusted tricks for ditching winter dullness and amping up your dewy skin game.

    Work Out Your Skin

    Facial massage is one of the simplest and most important things you can do to boost radiance as it instantly improves circulation and encourages the removal of waste and toxins through a process called lymphatic drainage. And the best time to do it? While cleansing your skin in the morning (two birds and all that). Here’s how:

    1. First, wash your hands, then wet your skin with lukewarm (never hot) water.

    2. Squeeze your favorite cleanser into the palm of your hand, then smooth it all over your face and neck.

    3. Place your fingers in the middle of your forehead, spreading them from your eyebrows up your forehead. Work your fingers out towards your hairline a few times, pressing the skin gently.

    4. Next, place your fingers over the center of your nose and work them out along your cheeks, rubbing the cleanser into your skin in large circles. Do this a few times, then continue with the same motion over your chin and jawline.

    5. Finish by smoothing your fingertips up your neck a few times, then rinse thoroughly and gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

    Another great way to give your skin a bit of a morning workout is to try your hand at facial yoga. And excellent news: not only will a committed routine of morning exercises boost circulation and add radiance to your skin, but it’ll help strengthen facial muscles to reduce sagging and make your skin look firmer and more youthful in the long-term.

    One of our favorite facial yoga exercises (mainly because it’s so easy!) is to pout then smile repeatedly as fast as you can and for as long as you can stand it. Just do it in private, yes? You don’t want to scare the neighbors.

    Get Your Vitamin C

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that, here at TruSkin HQ, we think vitamin C is the absolute cat’s whiskers as a skincare ingredient. A clinically-proven antioxidant, vitamin C is well-known for helping prevent accumulated skin damage by neutralizing attacks from environmental and lifestyle nasties. Think sun, pollution and cigarette smoke that love to do a real number on your skin, causing everything from fine lines and wrinkles to dullness and discoloration.

    Vitamin C is also mildly exfoliating, so when you apply it topically and regularly, it works to effectively reboot collagen and elastin production to help strengthen, firm and smooth your complexion. Couple all this with its ability to help reverse UV-related skin damage and it’s a big fat ciao to uneven skin tone and dark spots. Boom.

    The thing is, not all topical vitamin Cs are created equal. This means you could see it listed on your skincare label in many forms including l-ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate and sodium ascorbyl phosphate. We use sodium ascorbyl phosphate – or SAP as we like to call it – in our popular vitamin C products because it’s a) stable, b) less irritating and c) very effective. Literally everything we want in a skincare ingredient, right there.

    TruSkin Vitamin C Serum

    Try A Professional Chemical Peel

    For an extra high-powered boost of radiance, treating your complexion to a professional chemical peel is a great shout.

    Chemical peels work by using potent (but safe) skin acids to injure the top layers of your skin which makes them fall off – taking any dead, dull skin cells and unwanted dark patches with them. The first three to five days following a chemical peel procedure aren’t pretty because your skin literally does flake and peel away, but after a week your skin will be visibly smoother, clearer and your glow factor will have gone through the roof. Trust us, we’ve been there.  

    Ask your skincare expert about medical-grade peels that contain hard-working, glow-inducing ingredients such as salicylic, trichloroacetic or glycolic acids as these are particularly effective for fading discolorations and brightening an uneven skin tone. We love truly professional chemical peels from medical-grade skincare companies like SkinMedica or PCA Skin as these have been proven to offer results and can often eliminate new discoloration issues in just one session. If you have older, deeper pigmentation issues, however, a series of three or four appointments is usually recommended, followed by maintenance treatments on a less regular basis.

    Use Makeup To Enhance (Not Hide Behind)

    Embracing the Skinimalism trend is all about making your skin look lit from within, but that’s not to say you should dismiss those extra finishing touches. Makeup, after all, is a great way to enhance your natural glow, so if you’ve already nailed your radiance-boosting skincare routine, invest in a brightening primer to apply after your skincare and before (or even instead of) makeup. A great primer will help blur fine lines, smooth pores and add instant radiance without looking like you’re caked in makeup.

    If you’re in the market for a natural-looking base, we suggest choosing a mineral, powder foundation that you can buff and swirl over your skin, rather than a cream or liquid-based formulation. How so? Because creams and liquids are often more tricky to keep light and streak-free.

    And for a little extra red-carpet glow? Try a subtly shimmering highlighter. But we mean subtle shimmer, people  – full-on glitter is never cool. Apply this to the parts of your face that naturally catch the light such as your cheekbones and brow bones and keep it as natural-looking as possible by going for warmer, golden shades if you have olive or dark skin, and pinker tones if you’re pale.








    The TruSkin Guide To Radiant Skin (Yes, Even In Winter)
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  • The Truth About Your Pesky Pores
    Pores are super important, but if yours are way too big for their britches they can really kill that ‘flawless complexion’ vibe you’re trying to give off. The good news is, with the right skincare tricks, you can significantly improve any enlarged pore situation.

    Your skin is your body’s largest organ. According to the National Geographic Society, an average adult’s skin weighs in at around 8 pounds, measures a grand total of 22 square feet and without this vital protective barrier? Well, you’d literally cease to exist. Your skin is continually battling pollution, controlling your body temperature, fighting infection and protecting your body from injuries. And that’s just the start of it.

    It’s no wonder then, that your skin is the cause of so many concerns. From dryness and itching, through to acne, fine lines, wrinkles and annoying dark spots that seem to creep up on you literally overnight, skin has a lot to contend with. Not least of which are pesky, enlarged pores.

    Enlarged pores might not be up there with more serious skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, but if you’re a sufferer you’ll know just how annoying they can be.

    But first, let's have a look at what they are and why you need them.

    What Are Pores?

    Pores are tiny openings in your skin’s surface that allow microscopic particles to pass in and out. The human body has two types of pores: ones that produce sebum and others than produce sweat. Let’s stick a pin in the sweat-producers for now and concentrate on the ones that produce sebum (AKA oil) because these are the ones that get clogged and can ruin your notions of a smooth complexion.

    Oil-producing pores are the openings found at the top of your hair follicles and sebaceous glands where they release sebum at a surface level to help naturally moisturize and soften the skin. Sounds important, right? Well, yes, it is. The problem, however, starts when your sebaceous glands get over-excited and produce way too much sebum than your skin really needs. This excess can cause blockages (more on that later) which stretches your pores and leads to breakouts. Sigh.

    While your pore size is determined by genetics and you can neither shrink them (sorry about that) nor make them physically grow, many factors come into play where their general appearance is concerned. And yes, the following will sound super familiar because they’re everything in life that your skin truly hates – namely aging, sun damage and other lifestyle and environmental nasties such as a poor diet, lack of sleep and pollution. All of these contribute to enlarged-looking pores by breaking down collagen and compromising the strength, firmness and suppleness of your skin.

    But all is not lost because, thankfully, you can take steps to keep your pores looking as trim as the day they were born. OK, that might be pushing it, but you know what we mean…

    Herein, our five favorite tricks for climbing the ladder to pore perfection.

    1. Make Good Cleansing Choices

    Keeping your skin clean is one of the most important steps for maintaining good pore health. How so? Because oil loves to bind itself to bacteria, dirt and makeup, so if you let excess sebum sit around on the surface of your skin your pores end up stretching to make room for all of that extra debris. This is seriously bad news for the appearance of your complexion and can raise total havoc for acne-prone skin.

    That being said, over-cleansing your skin with a routine that’s packed with chemicals is never a good idea, either. It’ll do nothing but compromise your skin’s natural protective barrier and dry out your complexion. Yes, it may strip away all those oils in the short-term, but in the long-term it’ll simply make your sebaceous glands think your skin needs more oil, so they'll continue to produce more and more of it. Vicious circle.

    Instead of stripping your skin of every last inch of oil, choose gentle, effective cleansing products that harness the power of ingredients like tea tree oil, coconut charcoal and kaolin. Wash your face in lukewarm, never hot water, and use a light massaging technique to thoroughly cleanse without over-stimulating your pores.

    TruSkin Charcoal Face Wash and Vitamin C Cleansers

    2. Don’t Dismiss Toner

    Potent, alcohol-laced toners that promise to rid you of oily skin forever often just suck all the life out of it. So one word: avoid. Gentle, balancing treatments, however, that are formulated to help unclog your pores and prevent breakouts should never be written off.

    Our Daily Super Toner, for example, contains one of the best ingredients for cleaning and exfoliating your skin, glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that works by loosening the ‘glue’ that binds dead skin cells together and holds them to the surface of your skin. Dead skin cells that hang around for too long spell disaster for your pores, so gently sloughing them off is key for avoiding any excess flakes that block your pores and cause inevitable breakouts.

    Keep your eyes peeled for toners and products containing salicylic acid as well. Salicyclic acid is another great choice for keeping your skin clean and clear while boosting cell turnover at the same time. It can be a little drying, however, so make sure it’s either blended with lightweight moisturizing ingredients, or follow with a non pore-clogging moisturizer…

    3. Never Forget To Moisturize

    Adding more moisture to an already-oily complexion might seem foolhardy, but it’s actually vital for balancing your skin and stopping your sebaceous glands from filling up your pores with even more excess oil. Obviously heavy oils, waxes and butters are out of the question, but a light moisturizing routine will work wonders for the health of your pores and skin.

    Awesome ingredients to look out for are ceramides, glycerin and one of our favorites, hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a super lightweight but powerful humectant that draws water into your skin like a sponge. It’s clever and very effective – especially for oily complexions, enlarged pores and acne-prone skin.

    TruSkin Retinol Moisturizer and Vitamin C Moisturizer

    4. Choose Non-Comedogenic Makeup

    Your skincare isn’t the only part of your routine that might need a little adjustment if your pores are giving you real grief. In fact, pore-clogging makeup can be just as much to blame.

    Most liquid foundations, for example, contain a whole bunch of oils that pores loathe. Creamy concealers, blushers and bronzers can also have a similar effect, so our advice? Stick with mineral, powder formulations and look for the term non-comedogenic on the label of all your cosmetics. Non-comedogenic means a product and its ingredients have been formulated and tested to reduce its risk of clogging your pores. It doesn’t mean it hands-down won’t clog your pores, but it’s less likely to.

    We’ll take that.

    5. Be Super Sun Savvy

    As you all know, overexposure to the sun breaks down collagen in your skin and is a killer for fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging. Well, the damage does not stop there as it also causes the walls of your pores to lose elasticity, sag and appear much bigger as a result.

    To combat UV damage, apply an antioxidant serum every morning (we love vitamin C), then after moisturizing, finish with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Just remember, as with your makeup, choose sun protection that’s oil-free and non-comedogenic to avoid any chances of clogging your perfectly protected pores.







    The Truth About Your Pesky Pores
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  • 5 Ways To Help Anti-Age Your Skin (No Needles Required)
    Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could turn back the clocks and retain the skin you had in 2005? Well, sadly we live in the real world and time machines just aren’t an option. However, with some effective skincare and a few tweaks to your lifestyle habits you can definitely delay the visible signs of aging.

    Wrinkles, dark spots, dullness and sagging skin are four of the most common signs of aging skin. And while the likes of Botox, dermal fillers and microneedling are extremely effective ways to reduce these concerns and nail younger-looking skin, needles aren’t everyone’s jam. But skincare is. Granted, you’ll never get the same dramatic results from skincare that you would from aesthetic treatments at the doctor’s office but that’s OK, because we know some of you don’t even want such dramatic results. Just to soften those fine lines, add radiance and fade discoloration would be nice, right?

    Done. Here’s how.

    1. Wear Sunscreen ALL YEAR ROUND

    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation around 90 percent of all external skin damage is caused by the sun. Scary, huh? And the main culprits? UVA and UVB radiation. UVA radiation is the real skin ager as it penetrates deep into the skin where it breaks down and damages vital proteins such as collagen and elastin. UVA can also increase your risk of developing melanoma skin cancer which is nasty business. Meanwhile, UVB is the one that tans and burns your skin while potentially increasing your chances of developing non-melanoma skin cancers like basal and squamous cell carcinomas.

    All in all, there may be no better feeling than the sun on your skin, but it's seriously bad news so we cannot stress enough the importance of year-round sun protection. We like to think you’re savvy enough to slap it on every day during the summer months when that big ball of fire in the sky is a constant reminder to look after your skin. But fess up, are you as vigilant in the winter when the days are cold and miserable? Thought not.

    The thing is, the sun can be just as intense on cold days as it is in summertime. Yes, clouds work to partially block the sun’s damaging rays, but according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), up to 80 percent of UV radiation can still penetrate your skin on cloudy days. And that’s a lot. 

    Most derms will agree that your best defense against aging is to wear sunscreen every day. And not just any sunscreen. Stick with a formulation that’s broad-spectrum (this means it offers protect from UVA and UVB), never go lower than SPF 30, apply it vigilantly and you’ll be golden. Oh, and don’t scrimp when you apply. You’ll need a dime-size amount for your face and another one for your neck, chest and hands if these are going to be exposed.

    2. Get On The Retinol Train

    After sunscreen, a retinol product is arguably the second most important weapon you can have in your skincare arsenal. Especially if you’re in the market for an ageless complexion and, well, who isn’t?

    Retinol is an active form of vitamin A that gets converted into retinoic acid by the skin. Here, it works to fight environmental damage, increase collagen production and stimulate cell turnover. It’s one of the most researched ingredients in skincare and is a huge favorite with dermatologists, skin experts and beauty editors alike for its powers to thicken, firm and brighten the skin. In fact, studies have shown that regular use of retinol offers a significant improvement in fine lines after just 12 weeks of use.

    Full disclosure: retinol is a potent, active ingredient so it requires a lot of respect. Always do a patch test before applying then introduce it slowly into your routine. Retinol is best applied at night to reduce dryness and redness from exposure to the sun, so start by applying a low concentration such as 0.5 or 1 percent every third night to clean skin before bed. As your skin acclimates, you can up your application to every other night, then after a few weeks, if your skin is tolerating it well, move to every night. If you start to experience redness or peeling, go back to twice a week, or try layering your favorite moisturizer on top.  

    TruSkin Retinol Serum

    3. Fight Free Radical Damage With Antioxidants

    After years of abuse from the environment, it’s no wonder the skin you had in your teens is not what it used to be. Overexposure to light, heat and pollution produces free radicals which work like demons to damage everything from DNA to collagen and elastin.

    One of the most effective ways to battle the effects of environmental skin damage such as dark spots and wrinkles is to add an antioxidant serum into your daily routine. Antioxidants fight free radicals by diverting their attention away from damaging the good stuff in your skin. And they work. Boy do they work. Super effective antioxidants include vitamins C, E and B3 (niacinamide) – all of which you’ll find in our fabulous serums. Again, just make sure you patch test any new product before getting too slap happy with it.

    Also, don’t forget to include as many antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to help your skin and body fight free radicals from the inside. We’re talking berries, kale, spinach, asparagus, carrots, beans and (let’s have a round of applause for…) dark chocolate.

    4. Stop Eating All That Sugar

    OK, so you know that sugar’s the actual devil when it comes to dental health and your weight, right? Well, it’s also a real contender for skin enemy of the year. And here’s why: it ages your skin like crazy through a process called glycation.

    Glycation is a natural process in which sugar in your bloodstream attaches itself to collagen and elastin to produce free radicals called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs which is a clever acronym in itself, don’t you think? These nasty little AGEs cause your collagen and elastin to become weak, stiff and rigid which ends up manifesting itself in dullness, sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. Before you put every ounce of the glycation blame on sugar, however, it’s worth nothing that glycation is a fact of life and always happening within your skin as you age thanks to hormones, sun damage and the other usual suspects. It’s just that a high sugar diet unnecessarily speeds up this process and prematurely ages you up with little to no warning.

    The obvious answer is to avoid refined white sugar and simple carbs, but don’t forget the more hidden sweet stuff like high-fructose corn syrup which is often used to sweeten soda, bread, breakfast cereals and salad dressings. Corn syrup is quite possibly the worst of the lot.

    5. Look After Your Eyes

    Never forget, the skin around your eyes is way thinner, drier and more fragile than the rest of your face which means it’s one of the first areas to show signs of aging such as fine lines (crow’s feet), puffiness and dark circles.

    To be honest, crow’s feet are kind of inevitable, but this doesn’t mean you should admit defeat and let nature take its course because there are many way to slow down this particular aging journey. How so? Stop squinting at your computer (maybe an eye test is in order?), wear sunglasses as much as possible, get more sleep (preferably on your back) and up your skincare game with a targeted, moisturizing eye cream that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, green tea, ceramides, peptides and antioxidants – yes, those again.

    TruSkin Eye Cream

    One last thing: remember to apply your eye cream with as little force as possible – rubbing it in too heavily will do nothing but drag and damage the skin. Instead, use your ring fingers to tap it gently around the orbital bone and then let it sink in on its own.
    Who needs Botox, anyway?







    5 Ways To Help Anti-Age Your Skin (No Needles Required)
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  • How To Up Your Skin’s Barrier Function Game
    If you have sensitive skin, your best defense isn’t to overload it with a gazillion products in an attempt to ‘cure’ your sensitivities. Instead, it’s all about going back to basics to strengthen and care for your skin’s barrier function.

    It's a fact, the uppermost layer of your skin really gets put through the mill. From constant cleansing through to the daily grind of heat, cold, sun, wind, pollution and central heating (need we go on?), its job to protect and defend your body comes under so much stress it’s a wonder it copes.

    But that’s the thing: oftentimes, it doesn’t. And this is when problems like inflammation and flare-ups set in.

    So, let’s have a look at the skin barrier to see what we can do to keep it at its very best, shall we?

    What Exactly Is The Skin Barrier?

    Your skin consists of three main layers. At the lowest level is the hypodermis (also known as subcutaneous tissue) which keeps your skin attached to your bones and muscle, supplies it with blood, and pads and insulates your body. Next, you’ll find the dermis which is where you’ll find your hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels and connective tissues. And at the very top is the protective layer, the epidermis, which serves primarily as a barrier to things like water, pollution, infection and damage.

    The epidermis is split into many more layers but the uppermost layer is the one we’re concerned about here: the stratum corneum. Why? Because when we talk about your skin’s barrier function, the stratum corneum is where it all happens.

    The stratum corneum is your body’s first line of defense and it works super hard to protect you from the environment and everything it throws at you. It’s kind of like a brick wall, built from around 20 layers of cells – although this is different for everyone and varies in certain areas of the body. These layers are made primarily of keratin, held in place by lipids such as ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. Together with your skin’s NMF (natural moisturizing factor) these work to keep the skin soft, supple, healthy and moisturized.

    What Happens When Your Barrier Function Is Compromised?

    Simple: if your stratum corneum is thin and/or weakened it won’t work as efficiently as it should to retain moisture and block out irritants. Cue dryness, dehydration and sensitivities such as itching, inflammation, redness, rashes and so on. And that's not all. Skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea are also thought to be exacerbated or even triggered by an impaired skin barrier.

    But why do some people have a weaker barrier function than others? Well, everyone’s skin composition is different (hello genetics), but there are a few factors to take into consideration when determining how strong and healthy your personal barrier function is. For starters, pale skin generally has a thinner stratum corneum than darker skin types which means its barrier doesn’t function as well and it’s more prone to irritation. Oh, and guess what? Your skin barrier weakens as you age, so while your skin might have been super strong and resilient in your 20s, by the time you hit your 30s this might no longer be the case. Aging. Ruthless.

    5 Ways To A Better Skin Barrier Function

    The good news is there are plenty of ways to care for your barrier function, strengthen your skin and therefore reduce sensitivities. Here are five simple ways to do all of the above.

    1. Ditch The Harsh Cleansers

    One of the worst things you can do for your skin’s barrier is to strip away all of its natural oils when washing your face. Be kind as you cleanse by using lukewarm, never hot water and choose your ingredients wisely. Surfactants like sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) are often used in cleansers because they’re very good at cleaning the skin. But we think they’re a little too effective and this can end up leaving your barrier dry and compromised. This is why sulfates get a big no from us. Instead, look for gentler surfactants in your cleansers like disodium laureth sulfosuccinate and disodium 2-sulfolaurate. We use these in our cleansers as they’re known to be much kinder and way more skin-friendly than SLS and SLES. 

    TruSkin Charcoal and Vitamin C Cleansers

    2. Don’t Over-Exfoliate

    As with the downsides of over-zealous cleansing, exfoliating your skin too much or too often can also damage your poor old stratum corneum. Skin cells have a life cycle of around 28 days in which time they form, mature and shed. This cycle often becomes sluggish and needs a little kick up the butt with things like exfoliation and chemical peels, but if you go too crazy you can end up causing more harm than good.

    If you’re a fan of chemical peels, ask your derm to recommend the best frequency plan for your skin type and when it comes to at-home exfoliation? Replace super harsh scrubs that contain damaging particles like ground nut shells with gentle chemical exfoliators like lactic acid.

    3. Embrace Antioxidants

    Environmental stressors such as pollution and sun exposure are massive threats to the skin’s barrier function which is why we truly believe that protecting your skin is just as important as treating it well. Make sure you wear a daily, broad-spectrum sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or above and never underestimate the powers of a good antioxidant serum to help counteract the damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E and niacinamide are great options because they help repair barrier function and are tolerable by most skin types.

    TruSkin Serums

    4. Boost Your NMF With The Right Ingredients

    Your skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF) is a clever and very efficient way for your skin to keep itself naturally hydrated and healthy – but as you get older and subject it to the daily grinds of life, it needs help with some choice moisturizing ingredients.

    Most derms and skin experts will tell you that ceramides are some of the most important ingredients for helping to up your NMF and restore your skin’s barrier. Ceramides are lipids that hold everything together in the stratum corneum but they’re greatly reduced by aging and environmental damage, so it totally figures that adding extras into your skincare routine will be beneficial in the long-term.

    Similarly, humectants like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe and urea are great ways to draw water into the skin, while emollient or occlusive ingredients like jojoba oil and colloidal oatmeal will seal it all in to help your barrier heal and repair itself.

    5. Eat Well, Sleep Well & Try Not To Stress

    This may be easier said than done but leading a healthier lifestyle in which you keep stress to a minimum, get eight hours of sleep and eat a balanced diet will go a long way in protecting and repairing your skin’s barrier from the inside out. Stress and lack of sleep have both been proven to weaken the skin’s barrier by slowing down its healing process, so do everything you can to be more zen and get your zzzs on a regular basis. This is important stuff, OK?

    When it comes to what you eat, avoid refined carbs and sugars which are the devil and introduce more healthy fats such as omega-3 into your diet. Omega-3 is vital for a top dollar barrier function, so up your quota by eating more fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.

    Finally, if your skin is causing you real concerns, it probably needs more help than you can offer it at home, so never hesitate to seek advice from a skincare professional. It may be that you’ve become intolerant to a certain ingredient in a product or become allergic to a specific type of food. And these are not things you can easily diagnose at home. Trust us, we've been there... 






    How To Up Your Skin’s Barrier Function Game
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  • What To Do About Dry, Winter Skin
    Winter officially begins on Monday, December 21, so it’s time to switch up your skincare routine and say goodbye to chapped, winter skin.

    Whether you love winter or hate it, one thing’s for sure, the cold, harsh weather coupled with the inevitable cranking up of indoor heating can make your complexion totally freak out. So, if you want to keep your skin calm, nourished and radiant rather than dry, red and itchy, here are ten ways to get your skin through the cold snap relatively unscathed.

    1. Say No To Harsh Cleansing

    Three words pretty much epitomize our skincare mantra for the winter months: gently does it. And this is never more important than when it comes to cleansing. In summer, it’s super tempting to want to zealously rid your face of all that sweat, oil and sunscreen, but you should never cleanse your face like your life depended on it – and especially not in the winter.

    Cleansers that are laden with harsh chemicals like sulfates, fragrance, additives and unnecessary alcohol can strip your skin of its natural oils which is extremely drying on your complexion. And that’s never good when cold temps, low outdoor humidity and dry indoor heating are already doing a great job of that on their own. Even if your skin is super oily, stick with gentle formulations that contain skin-loving ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, vitamin E or oatmeal. The same rules apply if you’re a toner fan – go gentle all the way, baby.

    2. Limit Hot Baths & Showers

    Soaking in a hot bath on a cold Sunday night surrounded by your favorite winter-spiced candles and a nice glass of pinot? Bliss. But not, for your skin. You know how your fingers and toes sometimes look all crinkly after too long in a hot bath? Well, this is all down to moisture being drawn out from your skin which causes surface dehydration. Eek. Hot water basically strips away the protective lipid layer from your skin’s barrier which means all those lovely fats and proteins – which are vital for keeping your skin healthy – are able to escape.

    Sure, bathing and showering can both be effective ways to help put moisture back into your skin, but only if you use lukewarm, rather than scorching hot water and limit bath time to 10-15 minutes. Then, after bathing make sure you apply plenty of moisturizer to seal water into your skin. According to the National Eczema Association it’s vital to apply moisturizer within three minutes of bathing to avoid your skin becoming even drier.

    3. Don’t Forget Some Light Exfoliation

    To give dull, sluggish winter skin a kick up the butt, a little gentle exfoliation is exactly what the skin doctor ordered. But again, we mean gentle with a capital ‘g’ because too much scrubbing will further impair your barrier function and exacerbate dryness and inflammation.

    Two or three times a week, swap out your regular cleanser for one containing a small percentage of urea or exfoliating AHAs such as lactic or glycolic acid. Lactic acid is one of our favorite chemical exfoliators because it helps remove surface skin cell buildup without causing too much irritation.

    As well as adding some much-needed radiance to your wintry complexion, gentle exfoliation also means moisturizers don’t have to fight with dead skin cells in order to effectively penetrate your skin. Win win.

    4. Layer Up

    Just like your winter wardrobe, a first-class skincare routine is all about layering. And what better way to layer up dry, thirsty skin than with a moisturizing serum?

    Serums are potent, fast-absorbing treatments that have a much smaller molecular makeup than creams and lotions. This means they're able to penetrate deeper and faster into your skin for amazing results. In winter, look to gentle moisturizing serums with antioxidant protection like our HA Serum which contains the mighty hyaluronic acid combined with aloe vera, vitamin E, jojoba oil and green tea. Always apply your chosen serum to clean, dry skin then follow with moisturizer.

    5. Switch To A Heavier Moisturizer

    Sticking with the same moisturizer all year long might work for some, but for many their trusted summer lotion just doesn’t pack enough of a punch when the cold weather sets in. If this sounds familiar, step it up with a heavier cream rather than a gel or lotion, and check your labels for clinically proven emollient or occlusive ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil and squalane. These will help create a barrier on the surface of your skin to help prevent moisture loss and protect it from environmental nasties.

    6. Be Smart With Your Accessories

    Face masks aren’t going away for a while, but the constant rubbing of fabric against your skin not only causes maskne, but can seriously exacerbate dry skin conditions around your cheeks and jawline. Scarves, gaiters and high-collar coats can also cause similar itchiness and irritation to the skin on your chin and neck if you’re not careful. But it’s a pretty simple fix. Just make sure you choose natural, breathable fabrics and frequently wash anything that regularly sits close to the skin on your face.

    7. Eat More Fats

    No, not donuts and cheese ­– come on, you know better than that. When we say eat more fats, we’re obviously talking about good fats like omegas-3 and -6 that have been shown to help improve dry skin and which you’ll find in oily fish, olive oil, eggs, seeds, nuts and avocados. BTW, avocados are also rich in vitamin E which is a double bonus for the skin. Meanwhile, research has shown that flax seeds, and in particular flaxseed oil is particularly effective at improving skin barrier function, making it super beneficial for dry, sensitive skin. Avo and flax seed oil toast, anyone?

    Also, avoid too much caffeine and alcohol as these both cause dehydration which will just undo all that hard work.

    8. Look After Your Lips

    If, like, us, you love a good lip balm you probably don’t need telling how important it is to avoid chapped lips (cheilitis for all you fancy folk) – especially in winter.

    So, why do your lips suffer more than the skin on the rest of your face? Because the skin on your lips is thin, delicate and lacks sebaceous glands to keep it naturally moisturized. That’s why a hydrating balm is imperative. To best moisturize chapped lips, skip drying ingredients like menthol and camphor and swap them out for soothing ingredients such as green tea, cucumber, aloe vera and honey.

    Also, STOP LICKING YOUR LIPS. Lip licking leaves saliva on the skin which evaporates into the atmosphere and strips away any excess moisture. Saliva also contains digestive enzymes like amylase and maltase, warn experts at Healthline. Over time, these enzymes can wear down the skin and make your lips more vulnerable to dryness. Sad times.

    9. Invest In A Humidifer

    As we’ve mentioned before, dry air = dry skin so if you really want to help reduce the amount of moisture that evaporates from your skin in low humidity, treat yourself to an at-home humidifier. Humidifiers increase moisture levels in your home by emitting water vapor or steam to counteract the drying air. Depending on where you live this might not be needed all year long, but most people's home humidity levels drop to as low as 15 percent in the winter, which is way lower than HVAC’s recommended 30-50 percent.

    To really benefit your skin, place a humidifer in your bedroom as this is the room in which you spend most of your time (sleeping, obvs).

    10. Keep Up With Sunscreen

    Snow is a devil for reflecting the sun’s damaging rays right back onto your skin where it can burn it, dry it out and age you up like nobody’s business. But even if you’re not in snowy climes, the sun is still right there behind the clouds just waiting to cause havoc on your poor old skin. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Simple slather up with a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen – all year round. End of discussion.







    What To Do About Dry, Winter Skin
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  • A Lesson In How To Apply Your Skincare Properly
    What you put on your skin is only the half of it. Turns out, the way in which you apply your skincare products is just as important.

    Finding your skincare products’ sweet spots can be a real art form. Does slathering your face in oceans of moisturizer somehow make it more effective? Or is less always more? Then you have your application technique to think about. Should you be ‘pressing’ serum into your skin or massaging it in with your fingers?

    Yeah, yeah, we know that's a lot to think about. But you've got this. Because, while for some people it’s a miracle they even remember to take their makeup off before bed, we know you’re way more skincare savvy than that. After all, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.

    So, just how much of your products should you be applying? And is there a right and a wrong way to apply them? Here’s what we know about five of the most important steps in your skincare routine…

    How To: Cleanse

    This first step in your skincare routine is the best time to massage your skin to help boost circulation and ensure a thorough cleanse. Do this using the pads of your fingers – but remember, keep long nails well away from your delicate complexion to avoid scratching and damaging your skin.

    Wash your hands first, then wet your skin with lukewarm (never hot) water. Squeeze cleanser into the palm of your hand, then apply it all over your face and neck before working it in with your fingers. Press your fingers along the brow area and up your forehead a few times, then work from the center of your nose and out along your cheeks towards the hairline, rubbing the cleanser into your skin in large circles. Do this a few times, then continue with the same motion over your chin and jawline. To finish, smooth your fingertips up your neck, then rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

    How Much Cleanser Should You Use? A dime-sized amount should be plenty to effectively cleanse both your face and neck.

    How To: Apply Serum

    Serums are undoubtedly our favorite players in the skincare world because they pack a real punch and, is it just us or do they not feel really amazing to apply? Like they instantly work on contact or some such skincare wizardry?...

    Serums require a delicate touch so, whereas cleansing is the time for working out your skin using light massage, this step is the complete opposite. Apply a little serum onto the base of your thumb (as below) or the palm of one hand, then work it between your fingertips and use the pads of your fingers to pat it evenly over your face. By all means, smooth it gently all over your face and neck for an even coverage but then leave it alone, allowing the serum to absorb into your skin without too much rubbing or massaging.

    How Much Serum Should You Use? Serums are pumped with potent, active ingredients so less is definitely more. Go for a pea-sized amount (unless instructed otherwise) to create a thin, even layer over your skin.

    Vitamin C Serum

    How To: Apply Eye Cream

    The skin around your eyes is thinner, drier and way more fragile than the rest of your face so, again, being heavy handed with your eye cream is a major no-no. Instead, pump a little onto the tip of one of your ring fingers, then press both your ring fingers gently together to distribute it evenly between them. Next, dab the cream around your eyes, working in gentle tapping motions to evenly apply the product around your orbital bone. Using your ring fingers rather than your forefingers helps you maintain a delicate touch and reduces any risk of dragging your skin.

    How Much Eye Cream Should You Use? Overloading the skin around your eyes can cause problems like puffiness, so stick with a pea-sized amount, shared between both eyes.

    How To: Moisturize

    Once any serums, treatments and eye creams have settled, it’s time to moisturize. The best way to apply moisturizer is by applying light pressure to massage it all over your face and neck. Work a little between the palms of your hands and fingers, then put your hands in a prayer position and place them over your nose before smoothing your hands out and up towards your hairline. Repeat this a few times to ensure an even layer, then do the same over your forehead and finally your chin and jawline. 

    How Much Moisturizer Should You Use? Stick with a quarter-sized amount of moisturizer for your whole face – whatever your skin type. If your skin is super dry and you feel like this isn’t enough, chances are you don't need more product, you simply need a different formulation. Time to switch up your moisturizer, people.

    How To: Apply Facial Sunscreen

    Apply your sunscreen exactly as you would your moisturizer – easy. Just make sure it’s the final step in your morning skincare routine.

    How Much Sunscreen Should You Use? This is where you can afford to be more generous because you want nothing less than an even layer of sun protection all over your face. Similar to your moisturizer, a quarter-sized amount should be sufficient, but if you’re planning to be outside all day, make sure you apply a little more than that.

    One Last Tip Before We Go. If you’ve been a bit handsy and poured out way too much serum or moisturizer, don't be tempted to slap it all on your face and hope for the best. Instead, smooth it over your neck and décolletage or even over the tops of your hands. Sharing the skincare love is way better than overloading your face.






    Skincare Guide
    A Lesson In How To Apply Your Skincare Properly
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