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True Radical Honesty From Our Community

  • The Importance Of A Consistent Skincare Routine
    No matter your skin type or concerns a consistent routine is the only way to maintain the fabulous skin you deserve.

    We may live in a world of filtered, unrealistic Instagram photos but, here at TruSkin, we’re all about enhancing your REAL skin. Sure you might hate your greasy t-zone, dark spots, crow’s feet or frown lines but the truth is, these small (and we stress ‘small’) imperfections do not define you and don’t need to be hidden behind. You are so much more than the odd wrinkle or chin pimple. You are awesome, and that’s something to be celebrated.

    Now don’t start rolling your eyes in a ‘that’s easier said than done’ fashion – hear us out because we have our own skin woes to bear, too. The thing is, we’ve learned over the years that you may not have the skin you had 10 years ago and this understanding is the first and most important step to being happy in your skin. Instead of reminiscing about your plump teenage skin, it’s all about working with what you have right now.

    But how do you successfully do that? Well, we truly believe that looking after your skin with a consistent skincare routine is the absolute foundation for an awesome complexion. What does a consistent routine mean? Thankfully it doesn’t mean standing over your vanity for hours on end applying an infinite cocktail of products day and night.

    In fact, a solid, effective skincare routine requires just six products...

    1. Cleanser

    Cleansing your skin is often thought of as kind of a must, but not really that important in the grand scheme of things. Big mistake. If you don’t get rid of all that debris, you might as well throw the rest of your products away because they won’t work to the best of their abilities if they have all those surface nasties to get through.

    We believe there are three important things to remember when cleansing your skin. 1. Choose formulations that aren’t loaded with chemicals and are free of irritating ingredients like sulfates, parabens, silicones and PEGs because these can upset your skin’s important barrier function and exacerbate dryness, dehydration, redness and breakouts. No matter your skin type, gentle is always the way to go. Try Vitamin C Brightening Cleanser which is perfect for daily cleansing.

    2. Use only room temperature water. Anything too hot will also compromise your barrier function and have the same disastrous results. And 3. Take your time as you cleanse. Splashing your face, throwing a bit of cleanser at your skin and immediately rinsing it away is not going to do a great job. Instead, use your fingers and hands to massage your skin for a good couple of minutes to stimulate blood flow (hello radiant skin) and encourage lymphatic drainage (ditto!).

    2. Toner

    Hate the thought of drying out your skin with toner? Well, get that entire idea out of your head right now, because these days facial toners are so much more than alcohol-fueled lotions designed to suck all the life out of your skin. They’re actually an important step in your routine and, depending on your skin type, the benefits of a facial toner are endless. They can be saviors if you’re looking to balance, hydrate, calm or soothe your skin. And then some…

    Our Ocean Mineral Super Toner, for example, floods your skin with skin-boosting treats like glycolic acid, vitamin C, MSM and botanical extracts. Even better news: simply spritz it on your skin after cleansing and this entire step is done and dusted in a matter of seconds.

    3. Serum

    Straight after toning comes your treatment serum. Serum should always be applied before eye cream and moisturizer because it’s lighter in consistency so needs cleaner, bare skin in order to do its job properly. Apply moisturizer first and it literally stands no chance of penetrating your skin.

    Another fact for you: serum is a vital part of anyone’s skincare routine. How so? Because its small, molecular structure means it can deliver active ingredients to your skin way quicker and deeper than regular moisturizer.

    If you’re not sure where to start with serum, don’t sweat it: we have an incredible collections of facial serums to suit every skin type. Looking for a gentle, antioxidant serum that won’t irritate your sensitive skin? Then our Niacinamide Facial Serum is right up your alley. Searching for an awesome all-round anti-ager to boost your flailing collagen supplies? Then look no further than our new Peptide Facial Serum. Whatever your needs, we’ve totally got your back. Just remember to only apply a couple of drops to your face and neck, and gently smooth or press it into your skin for the best results. Oh, and don’t forget to patch test first – serums are pretty potent so you should always make sure any new one is compatible with your skin before using it on the reg.

    4. Eye Treatment

    After allowing your serum to settle for a minute or so, apply an eye treatment. The skin around your eyes is notoriously dry and fragile making it very susceptible to the slings and arrows of everyday life – ie: sun damage, environmental pollution, stress and lack of sleep. Face moisturizer, however, can be a little heavy for this area, so stick with an eye treatment that’s been specifically created to treat the delicate skin around your eyes.

    The golden rule when applying eye cream is that less is more – just a pea-sized amount will take care of both eyes easily. And don’t be too heavy-handed as you apply it. A great trick is to use your ring fingers to dab it around your eyes. This automatically forces you to use a lighter touch.

    We have two equally awesome eye treatments: Peptide Eye Gel and Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream, so take your pick. You can't go wrong with either!

    5. Moisturizer

    Water makes up around 64 percent of healthy skin so it’s vital you help your skin stay hydrated 24/7. And moisturizer is the best/only way to do this. Serums are fabulous, for sure, but they don’t contain the slightly richer emollient ingredients that seal hydration into your skin and help reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

    Look for kind-to-skin formulations that contain a combination of ingredients to both hydrate your skin (aloe vera, glycerin and hyaluronic acid) and lock in moisture (shea butter, jojoba oil and friends). Try Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer for the morning and Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream before bed.

    At night, moisturizer should be the final step in your routine, but in the morning there’s one final step to come. And it’s a VERY IMPORTANT one…

    6. Sun Protection

    Last, but by no means least, is sunscreen. Yes, applying SPF can seem like a chore but rain, shine, blue skies or gray, sunscreen is non-negotiable every day of the year. The facts are, it’s the most important (and effective) anti-aging product you could ever use and it can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by up to 50 percent.

    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, you should choose a broad-spectrum formulation that offers a protection of at least SPF 15 (preferably 30), and you must apply around a nickel-sized amount to your face every morning. Sounds like a bore? Then try our brand new SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen which is lightweight, easy to apply and bursting with skin goodies like vitamin C, aloe vera, vegan marine collagen and the king of sun protection, zinc oxide.

    Now For The Hard Bit…

    Once you’ve got all this down, the important thing is to stick with your chosen routine – morning AND night. Too tired to wash your face before bed? Tough. Can't be bothered to apply sunscreen in the morning? Unlucky. The bottom line is that if you want to enjoy your best skin for as long as possible, you have to keep at it.



    Hyaluronic Acid
    The Importance Of A Consistent Skincare Routine
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  • Why You MUST Apply Sunscreen All Year Round
    Oh sunscreen: you’ve got to love it for its valiant effort in the war against wrinkles. But, actually wearing it on a daily basis? Kind of annoying, right? Well, not any more. Say hello to one of the latest additions to the TruSkin family, SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C.

    Facial serums are awesome for fighting off environmental nasties and targeting all manner of skin concerns. Toners are also fabulous for treating your skin and preparing it for moisturizer. But in terms of non-negotiable essentials, the big three are, without a doubt, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. After all, without a daily ritual of keeping your skin clean, moisturized and protected, you may as well not bother with the rest.

    Now, all this chat isn’t meant to make you throw away your much-loved skin allies. Far from it. Serums, eye creams, toners and oils are extremely powerful tools for flooding your skin with hydration, antioxidants, peptides and nutrients. What we’re trying to stress, however, is the importance of the skincare fundamentals.

    And sunscreen is one of, if not THE most important of those fundamentals.

    The Importance Of Daily Sunscreen

    Speak to any beauty editor, dermatologist or skin expert and they will undoubtedly agree on one thing: daily, broad-spectrum sunscreen is crucial if you care about maintaining healthy skin. It’s the most important way to ward off the signs of premature aging (beware dark spots, lines and wrinkles), but not only that; according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, regular use of SPF 15 can reduce your risk of developing certain skin cancers by as much as 50 percent.

    And it’s not just when you’re lounging on the beach or picnicking in the park that sunscreen is important. In fact, you should really be wearing it on exposed skin every day of the year. Dramatic? Not even. The sun is present even when it’s cold outside because sunshine is about light, not just heat. So, while you might not feel the sun beating down on your skin on cold, cloudy days, it’s still there doing its thing. If it wasn’t? Well, frankly, it would be nighttime. UVB rays (the ones that burn your skin) are strongest in the summer, for sure, but they can still burn your skin if you’re not careful. What’s more, those equally-as-treacherous UVA rays (that ones that are responsible for deeper skin aging) are constant all year – rain or shine, blue skies or clouds. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, up to 80 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate right through clouds.

    Mic. Drop.

    Your New BFF In The Fight Against Sun Damage

    No matter how many times we talk about the damaging effects of the sun, it’s clear that applying sunscreen every day can seem like a real chore for many. We’ve heard all the excuses in the book, from ‘sunscreen makes my skin breakout,’ to ‘I don’t have time for yet another step in my morning routine.’ Well, we hear you. And this is why we decided to launch our very own SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen to help deal with the damaging effects of the sun while being a product you might actually want to use.

    Stacked with skin-protecting ingredients like our favorite free-radical-busting antioxidant, vitamin C, along with vegan marine collagen to enhance elasticity and moisturization, and aloe vera juice to soothe and shield the skin, SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen can be used on top of moisturizer or instead of – your choice. If your skin is super-dry, you’ll love it as an addition to your Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer, but many customers say they use it instead of moisturizer, applying it after their favorite hydrating serum to lock in moisture and protect their skin. So, that extra step you didn't want to deal with? Done.

    The Secret Sauce

    Recently awarded one of the Absolute Best New Sunscreens for 2022 by Stylecaster, the secret to SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen’s success is its smart non-nano zinc oxide formulation. Bear with us for a minute while we explain the science.

    As you probably know, there are two main kinds of sunscreens available: chemical and mineral. Chemical sunscreens use chemical ingredients (dur!) like octisalate and oxybenzone to absorb UV radiation and help protect your skin from the sun. The problem with these are that they can be irritating for acne-prone or sensitive skin. Plus, the FDA is still unsure as to their safety and effectiveness. That’s what we call a major red flag, right there.

    Mineral sunscreens, on the other hand, contain, yes you guessed it, minerals like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide which instantly block the sun’s rays. These naturally protect your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation and are very well tolerated by all skin types. The only downside to mineral sunscreens? They’ve traditionally felt thick and sticky to apply and often leave a white residue on the skin. Many mineral sunscreens use nano-sized zinc oxide because its tiny size means it’s less whitening on the skin. The only problem there is, is that certain studies indicate that nano particles have the potential to negatively affect the environment, causing harm to marine life.

    As you know, we’re not down with that. At all. Which is why we worked out a way to formulate non-nano zinc oxide into our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen. A non-whitening, lightweight cream that won’t leave your skin feeling heavy or weighed down. It's also cruelty-free, vegan friendly and reef-safe, which makes it the perfect addition to anyone’s morning routine.

    Fast becoming a TruSkin fan favorite, now you have NO excuses not to protect your skin from sun damage every day of the year.

    Literally none.


    Why You MUST Apply Sunscreen All Year Round
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  • Everything You Need To Know About UV Protection
    If you're an SPF-all-year kind of person, hats off to you. But if you're not quite there yet, hopefully we can change that by filling you in on the dangers of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

    If only the sun made your skin as happy as your heart. But as delightful as it is to feel the warm rays of sunshine on your skin, the perils of what’s going on just below the surface are simply not worth it.
    The truth is, as far as your skin is concerned, the sun is the enemy. If you suffer with dermatitis or rosacea, you’ll be well aware of how heat from infrared radiation can irritate and inflame your skin. And don’t even get us started on prickly heat which occurs when blocked pores trap sweat under your skin, causing blisters and bumps that itch and burn like crazy.

    No fun at all.

    But the sun isn’t solely about heat. For where there is sun there is also sunlight. And along with sunlight, comes ultraviolet (UV) radiation – the biggest cause of premature skin aging and skin cancer. Let us explain…

    What Is UV Radiation? The Science Bit

    The sun is split into many forms of energy called the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of the electromagnetic spectrum is invisible to the naked eye and thankfully the earth’s atmosphere protects us from exposure to a lot of the harmful stuff.

    But even the light that does reach the earth, which falls mainly in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum, has its pros and cons. Infrared radiation creates heat, visible light encompasses everything you see and ultraviolet radiation? Well, other than providing your body with vitamin D which, granted, plays an important role in bone and muscle health, its effects are mainly bad. And they all concern your skin.

    But first, it’s important to understand the difference between the three types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC. Bear with us for few more science facts and then we’ll move on: promise.

    The Difference Between UVA, B and C

    UV radiation is split into three types of rays with various wavelengths. UVA rays have the longest wavelength and are able to penetrate right through the atmosphere. UVB rays have slightly shorter wavelengths which means that some get absorbed by the ozone layer, but most work their way through. And then you have UVC rays which are the shortest of the lot and are completely absorbed by the atmosphere. Phew.

    This makes your main concerns UVA and UVB rays.

    Due to their longer wavelength, UVA rays penetrate right through clouds and windows which means two things. 1. They’re present all year round, and 2. They can still get you, even when you’re inside. Their wavelength also allows them to penetrate deeper below your skin’s surface into the dermis where they can have disastrous effects, producing skin-damaging free radicals, upsetting collagen and elastin production, indirectly harming DNA and accelerating the visible signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging and discoloration.

    UVB rays, with their shorter wavelength, are often filtered by clouds and only penetrate the outer layers of your skin. But this doesn’t mean they’re any less damaging. Far from it. In fact UVB rays are responsible for causing redness, sunburns and directly damaging DNA. They’re also thought to be the root cause of most skin cancers.

    Protecting your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation, therefore, is super important. In fact, it could not be more important.

    How To Protect Your Skin From UV Damage: Your Sun-Safe Checklist

    1. Make Sunscreen Your Top Priority

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sunscreen is one of the most important ways to shield your skin from damaging UVA and UVB radiation. But it’s not enough to grab any old formulation, slap it on your skin and hope for the best. You must also ensure these important details are always top of mind…

    • Understand Your SPF: Sunscreens must have an SPF (sun protection factor) which denotes how well they block out UVB radiation. SPF 15 blocks around 93 percent with anything above that adding just a small amount of extra coverage. It's generally agreed, however, that SPF 30 is the sweet spot because most of us don’t apply enough product! But remember, SPF only speaks to UVB protection, not UVA. This means you must always look for formulations that are labelled ‘broad-spectrum’ to ensure you have sufficient protection from both. Good news: Our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen checks both boxes.  

    • Don’t Scrimp: Speaking of your application, to help you get the protection that’s promised on the bottle, you should apply a good two tablespoons to your body and a nickel-sized amount for your face. And if you’re in the sun for longer periods of time? Then make sure you reapply every two hours at the very least.
    • Know That Waterproof Sunscreen DOES NOT EXIST: According to the FDA there is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen because they're always going to eventually wash off. Sunscreen can be water-resistant for 80 minutes at best, so check your product before hanging around in a pool for hours.
    • Go Mineral, All The Way: The FDA currently deems just two sunscreen ingredients as safe and effective – zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are mineral sunscreens that sit on your skin and reflect UV radiation before it has a chance to do damage. This is why our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen has been formulated with non-nano zinc oxide. Because it’s the best!

    2. Cover-Up & Embrace Shade

    Broad-brimmed hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, pants and maxi skirts are great for providing protection from UV radiation so try to cover-up whenever you can and especially during the midday sun. UV radiation is at its strongest between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun’s rays have less distance to cover.

    Also, make the shade your BFF. Good shade from dense trees, walls, large rocks or an umbrella can protect your skin from around 15 percent of UV light. And that’s not to be sniffed at.

    3. Avoid Tanning Beds Like The Plague

    The sun isn’t the only source of UV radiation. Tanning beds use fluorescent lightbulbs that emit a huge amount of UVA radiation, with a little UVB thrown in for good measure. What’s more, studies show that this type of artificial UV radiation can be up to three times more intense than natural sunlight.

    Add to this the fact that most people don’t apply sunscreen before jumping on a tanning bed and this whole sorry affair is asking for trouble.

    Say NO to tanning beds. End of.

    4. Love Your Vitamins

    Exposure to the sun causes free radicals which, as you know, love to ruin your skin, destroying important proteins, breaking down collagen and elastin and making your skin age up lightning fast.

    Thankfully, antioxidants are to free radicals what Batman is to the Joker. A total killjoy. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E neutralize free radicals to limit their damage and help keep your skin strong, supple and resilient. We combine these two free radical-fighting powerhouses in our Vitamin C Facial Serum which makes this a great morning treatment to apply underneath your moisturizer and sunscreen to amp up your protection game.

    5. Check Your Skin

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will develop melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, in their lives. What’s more, the majority of these cases can be attributed to UV exposure. We repeat: protect, protect, protect...

    It’s also vital to regularly examine your skin and specifically your moles. When caught early, skin cancer has a 98 percent cure rate, so if you notice anything that looks suspicious you should immediately get it checked out by a skin specialist or doctor. Not sure what a suspicious mole looks like? The Skin Cancer Foundation has a great guide here to help you detect the warning signs.



    Everything You Need To Know About UV Protection
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  • Your Summer Skincare Bucket List
    Because, sure, it's extremely important, but summer is not only about SPF, SPF and more SPF…

    When we talk of summer skincare, the first thing that always springs to mind is sunscreen. And rightly so. Protecting your skin from that fire ball in the great big sky is one of the most important things you can do for the health of not only your skin, but your entire body. The hard truth is that the sun is accountable for between 80 and 90 percent of external skin aging (ouch!). And not only does it break down important proteins in your skin (hello collagen and elastin), accelerating wrinkles and dark spots but, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, UV radiation is the number one cause of skin cancers. In fact, around 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to the sun.

    Scary stuff, right?

    Knowing how to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun is an important skincare lesson. Feel like you’re not quite on the ball? Well, we’re not going to go into it today because all you need to know is right here. Instead, we're here to talk about everything else involved in summer skincare because warm weather brings a whole slew of other challenges for your skin.

    Thankfully, there are many ways to up your summer skincare game to ensure your complexion stays looking fabulous all the way through fall…

    1. Level Up Your Cleansing Routine

    Why: Hot, steamy days mean one thing: sweat. You have between two and four million sweat glands all over your body, a large number of which are found on your forehead on cheeks. This means your cleansing game needs to be on point to ensure your pores are kept clean and clear.

    How: Gel or foam face washes that contain deep cleaning ingredients like activated charcoal, tea tree oil or salicylic acid are great for the summer months. We’re currently in love with our new Tea Tree Super Cleanser which is refreshing and leaves your skin super clean. Cleanse your face every morning and more importantly, every night (when you’ll be at your sweatiest!) using lukewarm, never hot water. And make sure you get right into your hairline as this area is particularly prone to breakouts in the summer.

    PS: Cleansing your body every evening is also super important if you’ve been slathered in sunscreen all day.

    2. Avoid Pore-Clogging Ingredients

    Why: While we’re on the topic of clogged pores, it’s not just sweat you need to worry about in the summer. Excess oils, dirt, debris, sunscreen and makeup can also get jammed in your pores, leading to breakouts on your face and body.

    How: Again, regular cleansing is key, but to help keep your pores clear in the first place, try to also use non-comedogenic products across your entire skincare routine.

    'Non-comedogenic’ is the term used for ingredients that are unlikely to block your pores. Rich butters and heavy oils, for example, are awesome for locking moisture into your skin and protecting your barrier function. But, they are not non-comedogenic. Far from it. Instead, look for lighter moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil and shea butter, as well as hydrating gems such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid. You’ll find all of these in our awesome Retinol Moisturizer. And yes, contrary to popular belief you CAN use retinol in the summer.

    3. Exfoliate (In Moderation)

    Why: Another way to keep summer breakouts at bay is to exfoliate more often than normal. Exfoliation increases cellular turnover and rids your skin of dead skin cells which are not something your pores want to deal with on top of everything else.

    How: Over-exfoliating your skin is never wise and it’s one of the biggest issues derms have to deal with. However, if you’re going to up your game, now’s the time to do it. Just tread carefully. Think two or three times a week rather than every day and switch out harsh scrubs containing skin-damaging fruit shells or nut pieces for a gentler product like Ocean Minerals Super Toner which contains naturally exfoliating glycolic acid.

    4. Make Friends With Antioxidants

    Why: The sun is one of the leading causes of free radicals in the skin. And as innocent as they sound, free radicals have zero redeeming qualities. They’re basically unstable molecules that damage your skin by trying to bind themselves to important proteins and DNA. This causes a process called oxidative stress which weakens collagen and elastin and ages you up in no time. The good news? Antioxidants to the rescue! These little skincare geniuses bind themselves to free radicals, preventing them from damaging all the good stuff in your skin.

    How: Antioxidants are awesome all year, but they’re especially important in the summer when you spend more time in the great outdoors. If you’re looking for the cream of the crop we recommend bringing out the big guns, namely vitamins C and E. This antioxidant double act not only reduces oxidative stress, but helps prevent dark spots, reduces the appearance of fine lines and works hard to boost collagen production. Apply just a few drops of Vitamin C Facial Serum every morning after cleansing and before moisturizing to get your daily quota.

    5. Don’t Stop Believin'... In Moisturizer

    Why: Moisturizing may feel counter-intuitive in the warmer months when your skin feels sweatier and oilier than normal. But here’s the thing, natural oils and sweat do not keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. In fact, the summer heat can dehydrate your skin which will make your skin produce even more oil than normal. And that’s what we call a vicious beauty circle. Thankfully, the solution is simple: continue to moisturize to hydrate your skin, promote cellular turnover and protect your skin's important barrier function.

    How: Choose lighter products that won’t clog your pores or make your skin feel heavy and sticky, and look out for moisturizers that are high on humectants. Humectants are ingredients like aloe, hyaluronic acid and glycerin which draw water to the surface of your skin to help keep it hydrated. Try Hyaluronic Facial Serum each night before bed, followed by Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream to moisturize and recharge your skin while you sleep.

    Finally, of course, you should continue to apply a daily broad spectrum SPF30 to any exposed skin.

    But we hope that goes without saying by now...



    Your Summer Skincare Bucket List
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  • Sun Protection 101: How To Keep Your Skin Safe In The Sun
    Don’t be fooled by that gorgeous ball of fire in the sky. Sure, it makes you feel instantly happier and healthier. But word up, it’s hell on your skin.

    The sun and your skin have a real love-hate relationship. On the surface, the sun makes your skin feel warm and glowing. But there’s a much darker side of the sun – if you’ll pardon the paradox.

    The center of our entire solar system and the closest star to the Earth, the sun is a veritable fire ball of hot, glowing gases. Without it, we would not survive. However, as important as the sun’s rays are for fueling life as we know it, they’re also responsible for a massive amount of damage to your skin (as well as your eyes, health and immune system but that’s whole different story for another day).

    Of course you know you need to protect your skin from the sun. But do you really understand why and, be honest, do you actually do it on the reg? Well, here are ten important facts about sun protection that will hopefully nudge you to get ahead of the sun damage game. Because, frankly, it’s no game at all…

    1. Sun damage is all about UV radiation.

    Sunlight is split into various forms of energy. It’s called the electromagnetic spectrum if you want to get technical, and it includes ultraviolet (UV) radiation, among others. UV is not the stuff you see (that’s called visible light), nor does it create heat (that’s infrared), however, it’s extremely powerful and the absolute devil when it comes to the health of your skin. It generates premature aging (think dark spots, wrinkles, sagging and leathery skin) and is believed to be one of the biggest causes of skin cancer.

    2. Then there are your ABCs.

    UV radiation is split into three different types: UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC rays are the shortest and, thanks to the ozone, don’t reach the Earth’s surface or your skin. So, you really just need to be concerned about the As and the Bs.

    UVA rays have the longest wavelength and account for around 95 percent of all UV radiation that gets through the ozone. Because of their longer length, UVA rays are able to penetrate through clouds and even glass, which means that a) they hit your skin all year round and b) they can even get you if you’re inside, sat next to a window. UVA rays go deep into your skin where they produce free radicals, break down collagen and elastin and age you up in no time.

    UVB rays, on the other hand, are slightly shorter in wavelength and penetrate only the uppermost layers of your skin. They’re still bad news, though, damaging the cells at a surface level, and causing redness and sunburn.

    Confused as to how to possibly remember all this? Simple: think UVA for aging and UVB for burning. Both, consequently, play their part in damaging DNA and causing skin cancer.

    3. UVA is present ALL YEAR ROUND.

    While UVB rays are more prevalent in summer, and especially during the middle of the day when the sun is at its peak, UVA rays stay pretty constant all year long. Experts agree that even on gloomy days, around 80 percent of the sun’s UVA rays still pass right through those clouds. This means that your risk of UVA skin damage never really goes away.

    4. Newsflash: SPF only protects you from UVB radiation.

    The SPF rating you see on your sunscreen is a great idea of how much protection it offers you from sun damage. But it really only concerns UVB radiation and burning, not UVA and its consequent effects on premature aging. So, how can you ensure you get the full monty? Well, the most important phrase you need to know and look out for is ‘broad spectrum'.

    Broad spectrum means that a formulation has been tested to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays – aka, a broad spectrum of radiation. This was historically a very gray area but in 2011, the FDA issued a new ruling for sunscreen labels which meant that in order for a product to be labeled ‘broad spectrum’ it had to offer UVA protection that was proportional to its UVB protection. This means a higher SPF equates to higher UVA protection as well as higher UVB protection, which makes it much easier for you to know what you're buying into. 

    5. Group hugs for mineral sunscreens which block both UVA & UVB radiation.

    Ingredients in sunscreens can be split into two categories: chemical and mineral. Chemical ingredients like oxybenone and octinoxate have been under great scrutiny recently and are continually being studied for their potential negative effects on the environment and your health. In fact, no chemical sunscreens are currently proposed to be safe and effective by the FDA. The only two are mineral ingredients: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

    Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide form a physical, protective barrier on your skin which reflects the sun’s rays away from the surface. They provide instant protection from the sun and not only that, but they protect your skin from both UVA and UVB radiation. Chemical sunscreen ingredients can’t always boast such abilities, which is why our SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen has been formulated with non-nano zinc oxide – in our opinion, it’s the ultimate defense against sun damage.

    6. 30 is the magic number.

    When it comes to the best SPF, most experts agree that 15 is as low as you should go. SPF 15 blocks out roughly 93 percent of the sun’s UV rays when applied thoroughly and generously – we’ll come to that in a bit.

    As you get higher than SPF 15, your levels of protection increase minimally, but significantly. We believe SPF 30 is the sweet spot (especially when it comes to the fragile skin on your face), because this blocks around 97 percent of UV radiation.

    7. In the case of sunscreen application, more is always more.

    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, most people don’t apply enough sunscreen, which means the level of protection promised on your bottle isn’t what you’ll get. Big mistake. To protect your skin the way it deserves, apply about a nickel-sized amount to your face and a good two tablespoons for the rest of your body – if it’s not hidden underneath clothes, of course.

    8. Sunscreen should be the final step in your routine.

    It can be confusing to know when to apply all the products in your skincare routine, but sunscreen must always be last. This way, it won’t interfere with or block out the ingredients in your moisturizer, but will sit nicely on top to block out the stuff it’s supposed to – in other words, the sun.

    9. The longer you’re in the sun, the more often you need to reapply.

    Most sunscreen labels tell you to reapply at least every two hours; more often if you’re swimming, sweating, sunbathing etc. This is super important because the harder your sunscreen has to work, the quicker it will lose its powers.

    But what about for everyday use when you’re either sitting at your desk, or just going about your normal life? Do you really need to cleanse your face and reapply your facial SPF every two hours in these instances? In all honesty, this is up to you and a little bit of common sense. If you’re picnicking in the park all day long, then yes, you should definitely reapply regularly. But if you’re working inside, away from a window and only going outside to grab some lunch or a coffee then your sun exposure will be limited, so a generous morning application should do the job.

    10. Sunscreen is awesome… but it’s not the be-all and end-all.

    The best way to protect your skin from sun damage, aging and skin cancer is to go for a multi-pronged approach that shields you from all angles. Our top sun safety rules are:

    • Stay out of the midday sun and search out the shade as much as possible – especially on scorching hot days.
    • Wear sun-protective, long-sleeved clothing as well as cute sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.
    • Invest in some UV protective film to fix to the windows around your house. This is especially important if you sit at a desk all day and your desk happens to face a window.
    • Apply an SPF 30 sunscreen to all exposed areas of your skin every morning. Our new SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen is ideal because it’s light enough for everyday use, yet packs a real punch to protect your skin from UVA and UVB radiation.
    • Double up your sun-battling skincare regimen by including antioxidants like vitamin C in your morning routine. Vitamin C not only helps mop up skin-damaging free radicals, but it’s also been proven to help maximize the powers of your sunscreen, giving you added protection. Our sunscreen includes its own shot of vitamin C but you can up the ante by applying Vitamin C Serum every morning after cleansing and before moisturizing.
      Sun Protection 101: How To Keep Your Skin Safe In The Sun
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