Santa’s Skincare Present to Mrs Claus

Santa’s Skincare Present to Mrs Claus

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas and happy Holidays from Santa to one and all!

Now, you might be a bit confused to receive a letter from Santa. Usually it goes the other way around! But I really wanted to send a little note of thanks to my friends at TruSkin for giving a hand to me and my elves.

You see, I had something of a problem this year. While the elves were busy crafting presents for all the nice children - and adults, of course - around the world, I was sitting at my desk wondering what on Earth I could get for Mrs Claus.

Imagine that. Santa couldn’t come up with a present for someone!

But one day, I heard Mrs Claus tell some of the elves that the biting cold we have here at the North Pole was being especially hard on her skin this year. And that’s when it hit me! I would get a special skincare product, made especially for her.

So, I rushed to Google for the best skincare products around (that’s right, we have computers at the North Pole these days too!). That’s how I found out about TruSkin! Without delay, I sent them a letter asking for help to make the perfect present for Mrs Claus.


Wishlist for Wonderful Ingredients

I heard back from TruSkin right away. In their reply, they said they were honored that Santa himself had asked them for help, and that they would be more than happy to help make a special present for Mrs Claus.

However, to make something truly special, the good folks at TruSkin asked me to give them a hand in return. They were about to make a whole new product, just for Mrs Claus, and for that they would need help getting some ingredients.

I’m not one to turn down a wishlist, so of course I agreed! The things TruSkin was asking for weren’t something that I could find just laying around in my workshop, so it looked like Santa had to go on a little trip.

It was not quite Christmas yet, so taking off in my sleigh wouldn’t have been quite appropriate, don’t you think? That’s why I instead climbed into Santa’s very own helicopter with my trusty elf pilot!

The Perfect Serum For Mrs Claus

The first item on TruSkin’s wishlist was called niacinamide. It’s a high-performing antioxidant that reduces redness, irritation, and sun damage - among other skin issues - while also improving hydration and elasticity. In other words, it was the perfect cure for Mrs Claus’ chapped winter skin!

The second ingredient was organic aloe that helps moisturize and soothe skin that’s been dried out by North Pole’s arctic temperatures. Finally, to top it all off, TruSkin wished for some avocado oil to provide powerful hydration and combat signs of aging - not that I think Mrs Claus needs to worry about that.

It took me a bit of traveling, but a lot of people around the world were more than ready to help Santa out! Soon enough, I was on my way to TruSkin’s skincare workshop.

Their technicians got to work right away, and I must say, they’re just as hardworking as Santa’s elves. It didn’t take them long to complete Mrs Claus’ special present - the brand new TruSkin Niacinamide Serum!

Now, the elves take care of all the chemistry at my workshop, so the exact formulations of the serum went a bit over my head. But TruSkin assured me that the nutrient-dense Niacinamide Serum is gentler than other vitamin-based skin serums, which will work great with Mrs Claus’ sensitive skin.

The serum is also specifically formulated to minimize pores, which helps reduce oiliness. All in all, it will support skin elasticity and give Mrs Claus a strong, resilient skin that will resist the North Pole’s weather.

And as a cherry on top of it all, TruSkin packed the bottle in a pretty new gift bag. Now isn’t that nice!

Santa’s Favorite Skincare Products

While I was waiting for TruSkin’s folks to work their magic on Mrs Claus’ serum, I got to looking around their workshop. Flying around in my sleigh on Christmas eve does take its toll even on Santa’s face, so I asked if there was something they could recommend for me.

And of course there was! My first issue was that my sleigh is open-topped, so my face is fully exposed to all the soot and pollution up in the air, not to mention the… Well, shall call it “reindeer exhaust”.

To help clean my face after my sleigh-ride, TruSkin recommended their Charcoal Face Wash. I must admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, since I do regularly get covered in coal soot when going through chimneys.

But just one try of the face wash and I could see that TruSkin knew what they were talking about! The activated coconut charcoal - together with the organic aloe that also went into Mrs Claus’ serum - left my face clearer and cleaner than it had been in ages.

My second problem was the windburn I get on my sleigh that leaves my face dry and wrinkled. TruSkin had an answer for this too - their Hyaluronic Acid Serum.

And sure enough, this innovative formulation has made Santa’s skin hydrated and plump, and looking a good bit younger! With just a few weeks of regular use, my face no longer has the wind and sun damage that was bothering me.

I finally asked for something that would return the rosy glow to Santa’s cheeks that everybody seems to love so much. That’s when TruSkin brought me the Vitamin C Moisturizer.

I must say, I’ve been very happy with this lotion. It’s packed with plant-based nutrients that work to keep my face hydrated and fresh, and return a healthy redness to my cheeks - at least to what you can see from under my beard!

Back to the Pole

And so, with Mrs Claus’ present neatly wrapped and my own skincare products bagged, I returned back to Santa’s workshop at the North Pole. This just goes to show that when you need help with something, it’s best to turn to professionals - even if you’re Santa!

Since I got back, I’ve been looking into getting my workshop expanded with the same kind of facilities I visited at TruSkin. Mrs Claus keeps asking why I’m so interested in skincare all of a sudden, but I tell her the whole project was the elves’ idea, based on some letters they’d read with me.

I’d love to give Mrs Claus her present already, but that’d be unfair towards everyone else on my nice list. She’ll have to wait until Christmas, just like everybody, but I’m sure she’ll be more than happy with her present!

But, I think I now hear the elves calling for me, so it’s time for Santa to get back to work. 

I know you’re all on the nice list, so I will see you soon! Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Best regards,


Merry Christmas from Santa and TruSkin
